Hi there, cat food is much higher in protein than dog food and can cause digestive upset or even pancreatitis if eaten long term. I wouldn’t let your puppy eat it at all, cat food should be kept up out of reach. That may or may not be the leading cause of the gas, but it’s a good thing to rule out first. Thank you! Good luck with your puppy ☺️
Hi, so my puppy is really gassy. She’s been like this only for a couple days, she doesn’t have a pushed in face and her brother doesn’t have this problem. They both enjoy getting into the cat food so could that be the issue? We’ve been feeding her Iam’s puppy chow for large breeds but she prefers the cat’s food and doesn’t eat it much. Also, thanks for all the cute dog pictures, they just make my day!
- Hey everybody, my county’s animal services is taking part in the…
- Ralf Bitzer | Kraftvoll