Hello! My dog, who I’ve submitted a photo on here before of, Georgie the shih tzu terrier mix, has been having issues. Lately, every single time he goes outside to do business, he doesn’t get far before he goes into these bad fits of inward sneezing. It’s been going on for probably close to a week now. Also, every time we say it’s "time to go outside!" he never comes to the door immediately like he used to. When we do coax him outside, he starts the fit and makes his way back inside (1/2)

Without having gone to the bathroom. Even when inside, he’ll have inward sneezing fits. After that stops, his whole body will quiver for a few moments. It happens several times a day, inside and out. He has and has had more issues with inward sneezing than Gracie does or ever has, but it’s bad lately. My mom thinks it’s because the city’s been putting down bug spray for mosquitoes a street down from us, since it’s summer, but they have in year’s past and he’s never had this issue. Help? (2/2)

You’re probably right in that it’s allergies, but you should take your dog to the vet because it can be something much more serious. Other causes of sneezing fits in dogs can be:

Infections (i.e. sinus infection, pneumonia, colds, kennel cough)
Tumors (in the mouth or nose)
Foreign bodies (e.g. grass seeds)

Luckily the diagnoses for these are all pretty simple, but it’s worth checking out to keep your dog healthy. 

Good luck! -C