Good gal Rocket (butter champion 2018) is 11yrs old and overweight at 11kg
Rocket loves car rides, adventures, sniffing, chasing flies, sunbaking, sleeping, cuddling, a good butt scratch, chasing balls, swimming and FOOD! She’s clever and mostly very well behaved except for her food stealing habit. Rocket is sensitive and will leave the room if you shout, or make a loud sound, or if it’s past her bedtime and you’re still playing loud music. 100% party pooper. She loves meeting other dogs but doesn’t like playing, likes her personal space (is a grump) and gets a bit sulky about sharing the attention.
Halfway hint: Rocket is a designer cross between 2 breeds (a toy and a hound)!
Rocket is a beagle / cavalier mix!
Thanks for playing and see you all the next time I remember to set up GTB!