Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Molle. 9 years old, ~ 11kg,…

Guess the breed(s)

This is Molle. 9 years old, ~ 11kg, ~35cm.
He was the biggest of his litter, and the most curly one. He started getting grey when he was around 2 years old and I have to give him a proper haircut every 3-4 months or it gets all tangled. He’s very energetic and carefree, likes to chase cats and rabbits if given the chance, a bit reserved toward strangers, and not very cuddly. He’s not a lapdog, he prefers to lie next to you instead of on you. His favourite thing is digging in my bed and sofa. A few years ago he had to have major surgery to remove some urinary stones, which I was told is a pretty common thing for breeds like him. He’s alright now though!