This is Tristan. He’s a knight.

This is Tristan. He’s a knight.
Dead-bolting Straight for the Exit I learned how to unlock and open the kitchen door in sub zero weather. My mom installed a deadbolt lock. She said if I open the door now I get to join the circus. Bacchus.
Mazie bird watching on the hammock
Apparently our 8 month old doberman gets bored easily. I was in the shower for 10 minutes and came…
My Spoo Ja’far and my Belgians Dui, Turner and Voodoo.
“They brought another one home… I am unimpressed.” Our seven year old Corgi, Bella, had always…
This is Iggy. He’s a Border Terrier, and the love of my life. He doesn’t enjoy having his picture taken, but sometimes he just looks so majestic that I can’t resist. – @mhhhhhhh
mastiff german shepherd mix || Indie♡
This is Xena she’s a 3 year old border collie and loves the snow a lot, don’t know what I’d do without her
Daria Kusch | just polly
Tomáš Dančo | Brave puppy
Then and now My precious yellow lab, Mollie She will be two on March first
Beigel, Yorkshire Terrier & Chihuahua mix, 7yrs. (@thedailybeigel on Instagram for more!)
This is Major, My dog, My brother, My friend
Piccolina by racoonrampage
Admir Idrizi | Dog
Judith Vrugt | Olly
Andreas Hüttner | Leni
Khayal Sadig | Berty the Puppy
Last night I raided the laundry hamper and ate 5 pairs of Laura’s underwear, 3 pairs of her shorts,…
Deacon ❤
This is Booker, my majestic GSD. He lives to play catch. @riverfortune
Olga Phoenix | Portrait of Maremma or Abruzzese patrol dog on the snow
Marina Reiter | Luke
Kanawha | Stray dog
Alison Williams | First Time
My dog Mitch Hedberg constantly (accidentally?) pees on his own leg and then stops to lick it off….
Kobe: Today while mom and dad were at work I stole 4 pieces of raw chicken from the sink and ate…
My handsome Lurcher Shay
Studfinder Pepper must have gotten bored and wanted to try out some DIY work around my brand new house.
handsomedogs: We haven’t had a giveaway in almost a year! And instead of just waiting until our 5 year anniversary, I’m making this a Valentine’s day giveaway. Because I can. To participate, you must be willing to provide your shipping…
Bonney the Golden Retriever, unfazed by 38°F ocean water temperatures, thoroughly enjoying a day at the beach. -@thisusernameisunclaimed
Anna Averianova | go!
Jaclyn Tanemura | Myrrah @myrrahthescotch
Vaja | Noola
Mathias Schneider | No Paparazzi!
I ruined my mommy’s garden pots so I could chase the dog next-door. And took the fence out too.View…
Catherine Rudbeskya | sayur
(Chip’s a Lab-Catahoula mix 1 year old) One brand new passport: reduced to shreds (and post digested…
” I rang the bell just like mom taught me, but no one came… I had to leave a puddle by the door, and…
Biscuits is our king. She is 4 months old and 10 pounds of terror.
Hi I’m Kooper! I’m a 6 year old miniature dachshund who loves snuggling, playing fetch, and chicken!
Francine lookin for some squirrel friends ~~ Samoyed, 2 years old, Illinois
My black mouth cur mix puppy, Arrow. She’s my best friend ❤️
Here is Gracie! She’s an 8 year-old terrier mix. – @MsAliviaMarie
Luna, the six month old Rhodesian Ridgeback!!
My new parents were out enjoying the day running errands….I did NOT want to go back to the shelter,…
Penny is ready for game day!
“I bit off more than I could chew of the cat and I am not sorry.” Our dachshund Charlie Brown chased…
This is my beautiful girl who passed away at 16 just before Christmas, she was one of the sweetest and intelligent dogs I’ve ever known.
This is Jazz, she’s 10 years old and loves pre-packaged cheese slices.
Jagger Sprout, my friends boxer puppy
This was my first dog, Woody. He loved every person/animal he met so much that I’m beginning to think he was part shepherd and part Disney Princess. Also he was a pretty good accordion player.
When I had the flu, Broadway Joe Namath-Tanner was not very sympathetic.View On WordPress
My insatiable appetite for bananas caused me to break Mom’s favourite bowl. But the bananas were…
My 14-year-old “Old Fart” Pitbull Oreo. Old, but still cute.
zoey the jack russell terrier minature pincher, taking a selfie!!
Buttercup loves to take each and every toy out of her toy basket and spread them across the lawn,…
Bonney the Golden Retriever, taking a little post-walk nap.
Josie is dramatically sunbathing while reflecting upon life. (IG @ josiethechibeagle)
My family rescued Nutmeg when she was six months old. At one year, she was hit by a car and miraculously recovered after being in intensive care for a week. Now five years old, she enjoys napping in the sun…
Bentley–maltipoo who gets real excited when he’s doing his therapy work.
Daisy, our two year old bloodhound, watching deer in the front yard.
My miniature poodle Ruby wearing her new sombrero
My Bassett lil 🙂 it’s hard life
Handsome Hairless Babies 🙂
My GSD Xena at 10 months old.
Ollie the Dalmatian sitting on Lola the German Shorthaired Pointer for the football game.
This is Wilbur, a mini bull terrier who just turned 2! @biteydogs
Tap (left) and Bishop (right) are both pure Australian shepherds. Both are retired from confirmation showing but still go strong in agility. They’re sweet and fun loving boys who live to play fetch 😀
London Lab Bentley my 4 year old Yellow Lab rescue who was starved and abandoned has gained 20 pounds since I found him a few months ago.
Neighbour kids were picnicking out front, next door. Our four year old opened the garage and Scout…
“I really like playing in the rain (especially after my grandma showers me)” This is Magalí, and she…
I found the hidden stash of “nip” & now it’s all over the floor. I am not ashamed & stoned…
She gave up being contrite on her 13th birthday…View On WordPress
Lilly is nothing short of a ham sandwich.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad I can bring you joy during this rough time. Does anyone have good coping tips for anon?
My mom won’t let me kiss her because I love to eat bunny poop!View On WordPress
Frank, 15 months old, has made his Mom a general contractor with all the things he has destroyed in…
Baby Darwin!
This is Phoebe, she is a bull mastiff x great Dane
This beautiful girl’s name was Tilly. I looked after her while house sitting for a friend and she was the most amazingly gentle and loving dog you could imagine. Unfortunately due to medical reasons she had to be put down…
Monty, the eleven year old German Shorthaired Pointer
my peetie pie 🙂 biggest love bug, pit bull/great dane
Ollie loves treats, a bit too much. When no one was around he got into the Galactic Snaps and ate…
I went into my aunt’s sacred space and humped her meditation pillow. I have no regrets. Namaste.View…
I ate half a tub of petroleum jelly and now mom and dad have to clean up Vaseline farts.View On…
this is jack hes old but still very adventurous (hes handsome on the inside)
Great Dane/Pit
My mutt Bix says, “Here’s what I think of stupid newsletters that tell me what’s ‘risky to…
Griffy, my best friend in the world
This is Jäger, a 7 month old Labrador! – @bo0fs
We gate our dogs off in our mud room with puppy pads when we have to leave the house for extended…
Lean On Me I’m Atticus. Whenever my little sister sits on the floor, I must lean on her. No matter where or when.
Cor-geeking out I had a chance to bring home a unique prototype of the new pet gadget. I put it on the piano, but Audrey’s love for hardware is so big that she managed to pull it down and, well,…
: by racoonrampage
My Misty girl!
Every day feels like Spring with a Springer
Furniture Freeloader Bailey likes to sit on all the furniture every time we leave the house! We can tell where she’s been because we find dog hair in all of her lounging spots.