Roberto Urbani | Red in the woods

Roberto Urbani | Red in the woods
tyson, my little boxer/pit mix that recently turned a year old !!
This is Hank, while I was at work he decided that he was not a fan of my dog shaming calendar. He is…
Manfred by racoonrampage
KiwiDog • Jack Russell Terrier & Beagle Mix • Young • Female • MediumPet Rescue North Inc. Jacksonville, FL
SeegerDog • Yellow Labrador Retriever & Shar Pei Mix • Senior • Male • LargeCompAnimals Elkton, MD
RangerDog • Cattle Dog Mix • Young • Male • MediumEmily’s Friends Farmington, CT
CocoDog • Rottweiler • Young • Female • MediumPawsCo Adoptions Denver, CO
JackDog • Schnauzer & Poodle Mix • Senior • Male • SmallVintage Dog Rescue Littleton, CO
Gregg AllmanDog • Shepherd & German Shepherd Dog Mix • Young • Male • LargeThe Real Bark Los Angeles, CA
My handsome boy, Charlie Bear! I rescued him 4 years ago after he was witnessed being thrown out of a moving car on a busy street. I couldn’t ask for a more loving and perfect dog. ❤️ – Erika Lara
Pretty sure Maddy is a cat.
@perfectprincesspitbull on Instagram My Adorable baby
This is Polkan Leopold, my five year old Prague Ratter; shot by Gary Yao – Marta
Let’s see some awesome name suggestions, guys!
DINAHDog • Irish Wolfhound Mix • Young • Female • LargeVet Adoptions Metairie, LA
JiggyDog • Pit Bull Terrier • Adult • Male • LargeFriends To The Forlorn Pitbull Rescue Inc. Dallas, GA
Ocean • Pit Bull Terrier • Adult • Female • Medium Lucy • Labrador Retriever • Adult • Female • Large Kacy – adopted • Rottweiler • Adult • Male • Large Winter • Retriever & Terrier • Adult •…
hadissima: The second shooting for my Sheltie calendar is done! I’m so excited about this project! 😀
Alena Laini Artamonova | dreaming of the Alps
Mojo just can’t stop destroying the mail, even getting told off just makes him wag his tail – this…
Gracie is my beautiful 9 year old Golden Retriever. She smiles all the time and will give you little otter kisses in the tip of your nose when you’re sad, or when you’re happy. – @aliens-and-rec
I stole a whole bag of treats while my parents were out and then couldn’t stop farting all…
My Hachi bear
Ludmila Bartošíková | Diesel
Carlos Quintero | “I Love the Outdoors”
Yuzu | ゆず
Naeim Karimi | A cold day at the beach
Robert McRae | Blossom
mattjudit | 2
It’s apparently my fault.. Everything within Miss Twiggy’s reach is fair gameView On WordPress
Amber Bailey | Skagit Valley Tulip Festival
I can’t stay out of the trash so now I rock my bling with pride.View On WordPress
I eat Lego min-figs and poop smiley faces. – SheamusView On WordPress
This is Asher, my beagle/spaniel mix. He’ll be 2 in July. His favorite things include barking at squirrels, playing with toys, and sleeping (obviously). He’s my sweet boy and my favorite goober.
This is Hiro, he is my 7 year old tall hound baby. -Val @tentacularlyyours
Tatiana Isaeva-Kashtanova | Belyash
Brian Buckler | Mr Tucker
Ольга Козина
Julie Saraceno | Zeke
Hi my names Cleo and I just love to annoy my dog sitter so much! I make sure to wake her up at 3am…
Halina Hermanson | Zumba 2
I swam after ducks for 45 min… ’til mom and dad had to swim to the middle of the pond to get me… we…
dbgibbons | Olga the Pug
I like to eat toilet paperView On WordPress
Luna :by Martyna Ożóg
My happy Bella!!!
My two year old Olde English Bulldogge Charlie and my seven year old Black Lab Boone. Great pair of buddies!
Ellie Burgin
Dinah Lorraine | Frieda
Claude La Wolf | Wolf of my heart
Muffin and Mia. 3,5 years and 2,5 months old.
JJ playing outside. – @angelogiomateo #puppy #toronto #cockapoo
Floey by racoonrampage
Meet my charming pal whiskey!
Ben Beckett | Reggie Leys
Brian Speight | Oliver
Zlatan D | Dog
Heather Balmain | Mollypoppins
Akshay Aghera | Sibling Story
Vill. | the moment when I was thinking about this moment.
Bought my son a brand new baseball helmet. Didn’t even take it out of the Modell’s bag yet. Came…
Ginger: “I ate this hoodie”. Cappy: “I watched”.View On WordPress
My handsome boy, Bravo. Husky short Boxer mix. 8 weeks old
This is sweet Kylo! Kylo is 9 weeks old. He is husky/Pitt. (He looks like a German Shepherd though!) He’s an amazing little guy with a big heart, and he’s been by my side since I adopted him. He hates…
Manfred :by Martyna Ożóg
Joris Delrue | My best friend
Genoveva Putz | Moya
Olga Ovcharenko | ***
Анна Тюрина | Border Collie Vic
No mom, Please Don’t Shame me! …I promise it won’t happen again.
mario forcherio | pastore svizzero
Honorary Firefighter I made Mummy get up at 4AM to change the battery on the smoke detector because I was scared of the beeping.
This is Leo my 2yr old chow lab mix
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. So, I ate a whole bar of soap. Cash, the golden furry child shown…
This is Emma, a 10y/o Newfoundland who loves visiting nursing homes as much as lounging in the grass on a chilly morning
This is Ryu, our 8.5-month-old border collie. He loves to run around and cuddle! We’re training him to be a therapy dog for the elderly in nursing homes, children’s hospitals, and maybe even veterans/military personnel. He loves to lick your…
This is Diesel. Black lab, 9 years young. Favorite day of the week is Tongue Out Tuesday.
Laura Timmins | Kuki
Marie Charouzová | Bernese Mountain Dog
Happy April Fools everyone! As it is a tradition here on dogshaming, we love to shame things that…
Rauf Kerimov | There once was a dog
I wait until 2am when you get up to pee and then, from the darkness, squeak “Hi! I’m Henry! Let’s go…
Graziano Notarangelo | – The clouds –
I went on a 4,000 mile road trip without incident. I died going to the grocery store.View On…
[picture of a carefully framed map of Skyrim from the video game Skyrim] I get to live above the…
I put this shoe rack together one afternoon, and the second I put shoes on it it collapsed. A+…
It’s Charrrrllliieeeee! He’s my blind Pitt!
Hazel on her 4th birthday!
Aleksandra Kielreuter | step out of the line
Jannes Bollen | Scott
Miriam Sterzel | Nakoa & Ceron
Jagoda Matejczuk | Summer memories
Lisa Violini | proud bear
Damiano Clauser | Crazy Raoul
My name is Harper Lu and my only regret is that the plate was too far back on the counter and all I…
Maverick and Miles are best buddies! Editor’s note: I know there’s no sign, but…
This is Bentley, he’s almost 6 and I love him
Easter was a Blast!Angus ate 2 dozen confetti eggs before the guests arrived. He has absolutely no…