Levi had never dug in the back yard until the kitten showed up. They seem to get along but I think…
It Wasn’t Crockett’s Fault
It wasn’t Crockett’s faultMy husband recently shamed our dog when in fact it was he who…
I like turtles
Rupert keeps finding turtles in our yard and bringing them to the house, all hidden inside their…

This is my boyfriend’s dog, Sunshine. She enjoys hiking…
This is my boyfriend’s dog, Sunshine. She enjoys hiking and rolling over for belly scratches

Olive the Leonberger pup
Olive the Leonberger pup

Angel (Pomeranian)
Angel (Pomeranian)

Stephen Philpot | Happy cockapoo
Stephen Philpot | Happy cockapoo

Delpro photographie | Ascension
Delpro photographie | Ascension

Ronaldo Cassa | Blue eyes dog
Ronaldo Cassa | Blue eyes dog


Alexandra Robins | Eevee
Alexandra Robins | Eevee
Groomer Humor
One dog got so nervous at the groomer that she pooped on the floor, and the other lifted his leg on…
Potty Please?
Miss Maddie Mae, our miniature pig, thinks she is very clever… she knows that when she goes potty…
I going to look at retired racing Greyhounds tomorrow to pick out one to adopt! I’m so excited!
Congratulations!!! That is so exciting 🙂 What a lucky dog!

ollietherottweiler: Dobby wants a sock
ollietherottweiler: Dobby wants a sock
Masters of Bad Timing
These lovely ladies thought it would be funny to have projectile diarrhea all over my place at…

Hurley: the handsome, happy dog. 6 year old English Springer…
Hurley: the handsome, happy dog. 6 year old English Springer spaniel!

Tupoe, Golden retriever
Tupoe, Golden retriever

Roxy, Rottweiler/Husky 2 years old.
Roxy, Rottweiler/Husky 2 years old.
I want to meet ALL THE DOG BREEDS. Life’s too short to not cuddle absolutely all the dogs
I’d love to answer all of you with pictures, but I’m up to 40 messages and I think that’s enough spam for tonight!! This is an appropriate ask to end the subject 🙂 I think we can all agree on…

Tianhang Zhang | Corgi
Tianhang Zhang | Corgi

sebastian holthöfer | Mjjammm
sebastian holthöfer | Mjjammm

Mark Herreid | Dog Agility Trial
Mark Herreid | Dog Agility Trial
Conference Call of Nature
I poop every time Mommy is on a conference call. Every. Single. Time.View On WordPress

Kaja Kramek | Wiosenny poranek
Kaja Kramek | Wiosenny poranek
Aren’t you Glad the Carpet is Already Orange?
I stole raw carrots off my mom’s plate them vomited the on the living room carpet! I love carrots, I…

Meet our 8 week old cockapoo Yogi. This little bear has proven…
Meet our 8 week old cockapoo Yogi. This little bear has proven to liven up to his namesake. @emmvstheworld
Rug Test Quality Control
Benny decided to start snapping out the piles for our brand new Pottery Barn rug. It took him under…

Penny(3 yrs) and Jack(6 months), my Shetland sheepdogs. Follow…
Penny(3 yrs) and Jack(6 months), my Shetland sheepdogs. Follow them on Instagram! @pennyandjack

Jan Decoster | Emmet
Jan Decoster | Emmet

Agnete Tillemann | Flower girl!
Agnete Tillemann | Flower girl!

Fabio Janin | Axel
Fabio Janin | Axel

Maria Bell | Dog
Maria Bell | Dog

Tadas Jucys | Dog taking a shower
Tadas Jucys | Dog taking a shower

Aleksandra Partyka | Love
Aleksandra Partyka | Love

K. Mráčková | www.mrackova.com
K. Mráčková | www.mrackova.com

Genoveva Putz | Spring
Genoveva Putz | Spring
It’s hip to be Golden
I left the house in such a rush today I forgot to get my sunglasses… Look like somebody else decided…

Fresh from the garden
Fresh from the garden

May’s 17, and illness means she won’t be with us long. She’s…
May’s 17, and illness means she won’t be with us long. She’s still a sweet and handsome Cocker.

yuki shindome
yuki shindome

Olga Ovcharenko | ***
Olga Ovcharenko | ***

Beautiful Person Award!! once you are given this award, you are supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. if you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ♥
Anonymous said to handsomedogs: on the topic of muzzles – i work at a pet store where people bring…
Anonymous said to handsomedogs: on the topic of muzzles – i work at a pet store where people bring their dogs in all the time, and before working here, i didnt like the thought of muzzles, but after seeing and talking…
We are VERY Picky, Unless it’s cat Poop
Even though we BEG for it, if the banana is not quite the right ripeness, we spit it out and walk…

Michael Wüsten | emotions
Michael Wüsten | emotions
A Dirty Trick for Some Good, Clean Fun
Sign reads, ” I love being squirted by the hose, buy when momma won’t play with me willingly, I…
Feline Fine Now
My 10 yr old Bengal, Boo Boo, decided the litter box was too far away and pooped in my shower….

Ana Mano | Ariel
Ana Mano | Ariel

This is Pearl, my black lab/husky mix, back when she was a teeny…
This is Pearl, my black lab/husky mix, back when she was a teeny nugget!

My girl karma. She makes me feel better when I feel sad, and is…
My girl karma. She makes me feel better when I feel sad, and is scared of her own farts.

Nuelle Flipse | Falling leaves…
Nuelle Flipse | Falling leaves…

Szandra Szűcs
Szandra Szűcs

Kari Lehtomaa | Puppy
Kari Lehtomaa | Puppy

Yo Galgo | Tzatziki
Yo Galgo | Tzatziki

DSproduction | Dobbi and the flowers
DSproduction | Dobbi and the flowers

Claude La Wolf | Nine Lives One Man Show
Claude La Wolf | Nine Lives One Man Show
No Wei-man!
I came home one day from class to discover my nine year old Weimaraner had some how reached up the…
I got Into a Sticky Situation
Cleo loves to get these things on her… Such a job to get them off!View On WordPress

This is Winnie, a half husky, quarter box/Labrador retriever…
This is Winnie, a half husky, quarter box/Labrador retriever mix. She can be found on Instagram @huskymixandfriends
The Pug With the Mug
My name is Benito, I want all my mommy’s attention to myself so I peed on her laptop. Now my mommy…
Oh so Corny!
Our dog Ripley smells of Corn nuts, Doritos, and sometimes Premium Plus crackers no matter how often…

Baby King, now 9 months! Then and now
Baby King, now 9 months! Then and now

Archie, he is a 9 month old Pug X Jack Russell :))
Archie, he is a 9 month old Pug X Jack Russell :))

This is Maverick (2yo Labrador). He will swim in just about…
This is Maverick (2yo Labrador). He will swim in just about anything. It was the only time he didn’t catch the bone first go.

My beach buddy and best adventure pal – Gordon!
My beach buddy and best adventure pal – Gordon!

Luna :by racoonrampage
Luna :by racoonrampage

Susann Jihlawez | too sweet
Susann Jihlawez | too sweet

Agata Łapińska | Little big
Agata Łapińska | Little big

Tomino Contofalsky | Water dog
Tomino Contofalsky | Water dog

Lera Gobalko
Lera Gobalko

Lucy the beagle loves adventure!
Lucy the beagle loves adventure!
Dante’s Infernal Renovation
I had left the house without saying goodbye and Dante thought I was still in the room and needed to…


Elisabeth Abramova | Weimaraner portrait
Elisabeth Abramova | Weimaraner portrait

Jean-noel Kern | un mouton 2
Jean-noel Kern | un mouton 2

Mehmet Öztürk | Thé Dog
Mehmet Öztürk | Thé Dog

Aleksandra Partyka | Betii
Aleksandra Partyka | Betii

Jody O’Brien | April Snow
Jody O’Brien | April Snow

Haron Haghuis | Baraat
Haron Haghuis | Baraat
BRB: Buying Stock in Victoria’s Secret
I’m pretty sure that replacement panties make up a significant portion of Victoria’s Secrets annual…
Pascal the Persnickety Pomeranian Proves Problematic
My name is Pascal and my mom picked me up from the groomer few minutes ago.. I just went to the…
I Wasn’t Feeling the Disney Magic
M-I see you left your ears on the floor!View On WordPress

Luca the Japanese spitz is an absolute treasure and sweetheart
Luca the Japanese spitz is an absolute treasure and sweetheart

Little Terrier by racoonrampage
Little Terrier by racoonrampage

Jorge Císcar | Campanera
Jorge Císcar | Campanera

Alicja-Photo | Ygritte the Beauceron
Alicja-Photo | Ygritte the Beauceron

Zigmunds Stalbergs | dog at the beach
Zigmunds Stalbergs | dog at the beach

Kaja Kramek | Sopel
Kaja Kramek | Sopel

Our Yorkie/Chihuahua/Mini Dachshund/Shit Zu Mutt who we love so…
Our Yorkie/Chihuahua/Mini Dachshund/Shit Zu Mutt who we love so much! He is the sweetest, most well behaved dog that I have ever met. He makes every day better with his silly antics and there is never a day that we…
A True Dog Shaming Confession
I hate to admit this but sometimes I snuggle with the cat.View On WordPress

This is Charlie “Pookie”. I’m the only girl he…
This is Charlie “Pookie”. I’m the only girl he likes, his mom haha!

Peanut; family dog, mamas boy, and my 4 legged best friend. He’s…
Peanut; family dog, mamas boy, and my 4 legged best friend. He’s a 2 year old dapple coat wire hair Mini-Dachshund 🙂

I love his blue eyes!!! He’s amy 8 week old pit…
I love his blue eyes!!! He’s amy 8 week old pit mix. -Anonymous

Meet Reuben! 11 week old English Bulldog. The most…
Meet Reuben! 11 week old English Bulldog. The most personalty-packed creature we’ve ever had. You can follow on Instagram @Reubenthebulldog or Melnotte.zenfolio.com.

Lisa Mughrasi
Lisa Mughrasi

i’d like to thank this blog for doing gods work

Hélène Chd | Energy
Hélène Chd | Energy

Aleksandra Górecka | Muffin
Aleksandra Górecka | Muffin
I Like the Finer Things in Life, Clearly
I like to empty Mommy’s garbage pail all over the floor and spread out it’s contents. Then I sit and…