Rianne Hazeleger | Two best friends

Rianne Hazeleger | Two best friends
maxandmaeby: Those eyes belong in the sky.
Melissa Keizer | Bubba the Cocker Spaniel Puppy
shelterlove: If you are looking to adopt, there are pets in need in Maryland! A shelter is forced to close its doors; Pets will be euthanized if not adopted by the end of June. Click for news article Click for…
This is Tyrone and he is very handsome
Fritter the Husky/Golden Mix Ben the Lab/Pit Mix Trooper the Jack Russell Terrier Ruby the Beagle Maverick the Black Lab Duke the German Shepherd/Rottweiler Mix Nova the Siberian Husky Jude the Boxer Maple the Chocolate Lab Punky the Norwegian Elkhound…
Luna, 1 year old. Golden retriever / husky mix
This is Rio, my 14 year old best friend/yellow Labrador. He was bred to be a hunting dog but loves naps and cuddling instead. – @socalming
This is Nahla. The sweetest pit bull mix that we adopted.
Raksha is now 8 weeks old! German shepherd
Elli here joined my life a little over two years ago. He is made of legs, and a superb poser. – Fox
This is Carri, she is a German Shepherd who is 3 years old!
My one-year-old Shih-tzu Neptune! -Trinity Wolff
This is Ruby. She is always in my lap and pretty happy about it.
“I woke the baby because I got stuck under the couch while rescuing my dearly beloved tennis ball…
My two gorgeous beagles, Bugle (left) and Bella (right). They turn 11 this year but don’t act a day over 4!
Miss Luna, the Husky/Lab mix
This is Gizmo, he is my 8 year old bullmastiff. He enjoys his sweaters especially In the cold Canadian winters.
Got a light?
This is my pup! His name is Tucker and he’s a Clumber spaniel. Sometimes I think he loves me almost more than I love him, which might be impossible.
My one year old Greater Swiss Mountain dog, Moses 🙂
Wagon Rides with Clyde!
This is my cousin’s dog, Sam. He has a bad habit of licking himself raw and has to wear this cone to…
I obsessively lick the pedals on Mommy’s piano, even when she is playing. This is The Stig the Cairn…
While I was throwing a pool party, for my birthday, Sweet Pea decided to dig through my friend…
This is Carlisle, one of the happiest boys you’ll ever meet! @duffster
This is my best friend in the whole world! Odin, is a newly 2 year old Havaneese puppy! He’s the glue that holds me together in times of ultimate distress and chaos. He’s so smart, likes to dance on his…
Look roxy you’re on tumblr!
Coco makes a lot of goofy faces in pictures but looks very regal in person – @sassh0le
mackinley: My pretty darling, Maddy.
This is my 8 year old Rottweiler/Doberman mix Kida. The picture was taken on her birthday last year. We ended up rescuing her from the neighbors. She was my neighbors brother’s dog until she accidentally stepped on a chihuahua puppy.…
I ate holes through my mom’s underwear. She discovered them while folding laundry.View On WordPress
I stole piece of bread from my human sister’s hand. I was so ashamed I crawled under the deck…
kirrascudderphoto: Baron5/8/16
Well she is French After all… She’s stained with the wine now. It’s her scarlet letter.
Someone is not that happy about the cone thing. (Fry, 2, rescued brown weimaraner/short haired pointer)
This was my sweet girl, Lady. I recently had to put her down because she was diagnosed with leukemia and was quickly losing the ability to walk. She was my first dog and we spent 10 amazing years together. She…
Kalli enjoying the park!
This is Brisket, my 4 year old mystery rescue! We think he might be a Feist mix, but who knows. – @phoebe-nalaar
Marcy, 1.5 yr old min schnzr or scottie mix. Marcy_Miraculous @ Instagram
This is Houdini, my adorable Jack Russel Terrier. Dini, as well like to call her, is super fun to be around with her larger than life personality, and she has a sweet tooth for bananas.
lunaofthenorthwind: A plant lover
This is Ralph! He’s a saluki puppy who loves chasing his tail! ~@PirickiliSaluh
#sorrynotsorry: handsomedogs: handsomedogs: handsomedogs: handsomedogs: LIMITED TIME OFFER! I got my creative vibe going on tonight. This shirt/hoodie/sticker is available until May 16th! I hope you like it! 7 days left! 5 DAYS LEFT Happy Saturday! Only 2 days left…
Daisy is a one year old terrier mix at the time of this photo. She was adopted from the Houston Humane Society and is a natural princess – saraishelafs
Beverly doesn’t appreciate when you have to do homework
My spoiled rotten Yorkie, Jasper Travis.
This was my big GSD boy last Halloween! He got mad when we tried to take his bandanna off!
Jasper, my friend’s gorgeous miniature schnauzer. He’s the happiest chappy you could hope to meet and adores tummy rubs.
Oggie, five years old, Chihuahua min pin mix.
I adopted this 10 year old pup a few months ago and she’s lovely
This is Riddick the 4 year old Cane Corso. He doesn’t know how big he is nor does he care. If he fits, he sits, even if it’s on me, but how could I get mad or say no to…
This is Jake. He’s a 7 year old Lab mix, and in addition to being a handsome fellow, he is also a giant sweetheart.
This is my new brown husky puppy. I don’t think he likes his picture taken. – @diabolik-fazdragon
This is Benson, a dachshund/poodle/etc. mix who loves howling.
Life is ruff. This is my Chihuahua mix, Lola, thinking deep thoughts. @ottawamona
Our Boston Terrier boy. He’s still working on keeping those ears up. 12 weeks, 16 weeks, and now 20 weeks old!
Sexy Sid.
This is Hudson. I think he got fed up of watching me ride off on the Vespa and decided one night to…
This is Athena! She was 7 months old in this photo, and this was the face she made after we said “yep, she’s the one!” and then took her home from the shelter. She was listed as a Pitbull mix,…
Cash LOVES swimming when it’s sunny outside!
Agreed. Well, they have the Olde English Bulldogge which is a great alternative to the English Bulldog. But the problem is, for every Olde English advocate, you have that many more still wanting the English Bulldogs. There is an Olde…
Lafayette the dachshund after his first bath
Our rescue pup, Luna! She’s almost 4 and the most loving & open soul I’ve ever encountered. Her favorite things are belly rubs and sunbathing.
handsomedogs: Whenever I get the feeling we haven’t had a contest in a while, I am usually right. The rules: The photography must be yours! No submitting someone else’s image. Put “Photography Contest Entry” in the description. Otherwise it will…
We unplugged Mama’s iPhone from the charger, took it outside and somehow it ended up at the bottom…
Chloe and Hippie after digging for gophers – a pitbull and an american bulldog/shepherd mix, respectively – @roguescavenger
Bambi loves cat puke and cat poop. She apparently has supersonic hearing and heard the cat puking in…
“I shed. I’m not sorry. – Malik” Our shiba inu blows his coat 2-5 times a year. This is the 3rd pile…
This is Bane, my bros blue nose
My twin German Shepherd pups when they were three months old
Hurley, Golden Retriever/Australian Shepherd mix
This is Kodiak, my rescue mutt. He’s the most handsome man in all the land. – @mykeeperkodiak (IG)
you have my soft eyed boy, and you have my crazy eyed girl – @ayecc
cutest food thief to exist – @ayecc
her name is lola, she’s a Pomeranian and is 3 years old
marina, an almost 2 year old Great Pyrenees. she’s honestly drown so much she’s like a big fluffy polar bear now ☺️
Rooney he’s 7 years old and a west highland terrier ☺️
Molly, the sweetest 10 year-old golden doodle on the planet
My handsome pup, Pierre. He’s a mini Poodle. Here he is, watching from his perch on the couch.
Pack walk. Rooney, Kimura, George, Bentley, Bauer.
This is Max! He is a 4 year old golden retriever and loves sitting in fields with me enjoying the weather ! – @imsodonewithmyself
This is Tasha, a very tubby golden retriever with a smile that can brighten anyone’s day!!
Gracie Shetland Sheepdog
This is Peter. He was left in a dog park. He got neutered last week.
Here’s my beautiful border collie mix, Ivy. She’s fiercely loyal, and makes a distinct “womp” noise when she wants my attention. She’s ridiculously in tune to human emotion, as well- she always knows how to cheer me up. She’s been…
Tikaani the Siberian husky, 9 months old ♥
This is Churro. He’s a rescue mix from Baja California currently residing in Costa Mesa, California. He’s enjoys tearing the fuzz off of tennis balls and playing in the sprinklers. – Mike
my very precious boy, Goose! his sister, Scuba is with him in the shopping cart. they are 8 weeks old and loving life!
Claire, puggle-shiba mix
This little guy is Tiki. 13 year old Yorkie, missing half his teeth, and loves to be in the middle of everything
This is Moose, my 1 year old mini golden doodle. He’s like the child my mom and stepdad have together -@i-failed-you-french-fries
Sachi aka Boobie
This is Samson!! He was an adopted puppy from my local pound and he’s almost 3! We aren’t sure what breed he is, but we are sure he’s cute
This is my beautiful Dalmatian from Mexico, Princess. She is 7 years of age, but she still has the heart of a puppy and I love her with all my heart. Isn’t she gorgeous?
Francis after playing in a rainstorm -@paigelynne
This is Bella, my 8 month old rescue shih tzu. Before being re-homed, she had never been for a walk and was left alone for 12+ hours a day. Now she is my little sidekick and loves nothing more than chasing…
This is my cute doggy Lola she’s a Jack Russel mix and i love her
Scent of a Whoa-man… Diego was sprayed by a skunk then hopped in my husband’s truck and rubbed himself all over the front seat.