This is my 8 year old Jack Russell called Jack (original I know) and he likes food

This is my 8 year old Jack Russell called Jack (original I know) and he likes food
Hi, my name is Kenny. I am a 3 year old dachshund mix. I love to go in the back yard and roll in the…
I could not resist: in this shot my old honey , Jury, is so funny!
my sweet pup Bitty, dachshund/pit mix – @princekaiju
This is Kelby- a lab corgi mutt. She loves to sleep and she has short little legs.
my roommate’s dog, Iggy Pup. he was found roaming the streets of West Texas. no clue what kind of mutt he is.
The first picture of all five of my kids
I submitted pictures before, Abby, the 10 year old girl that brings so much joy to my crazy life❤️ | @shewille
tinybigpaws: hello
This our Ginger the American Pitbull Terrier, and the sweetest rescue you’ll ever meet! – Nurseliz1988
Here’s my handsome Humphrey, 11 years old and always ready to give a high-five
My girls, Pepper Pig (front) and Connie-J.
Kayden is practicing his model poses, check him out on Instagram here!
pant pant – ig: @huskyandbuddies
Here is a picture of our 5 year old Goldendoodle, Chloe at Rosie’s Dog Beach in Long Beach, CA. She loves the beach and can spend hours playing in the water, which is fine with us…a happy doodle is a…
Luigi Panico | 2.5 months old and already an Italian greyhound!
Justin MacDonald | Dachshunds in the Green Grass on facebook: Here you go, let your dog obsession invade your personal life.
My nature girl Kaeda! -@twobarklessdogs Follow her and her brother Apollo at 🙂
This is Baxter; a blind, ex shelter dog 🙂 – the-moon-gave-us-silence
This is Kayden, check him out on his Instagram here to see all his adventures!
Joanna Dembowska | Mimi 🙂
Jasmin Hummer | Wilderness
просто тол | husky
Jeremy Woundy | Lyla the German Shorthaired Pointer enjoying a cool down after a long hike up Mt. Liberty NH
Romain Astie | Stare
Noncho Ivanov | Leo and the crocus
Pierre, 6 month old Chihuahua mix. 🙂
We ate the nose off of a rubber ducky. (That wasn’t a dog toy)View On WordPress
Stella, our little mutt, taking a break on top of a cliff during a backpacking trip. Though she be but little, she is fierce.
My handsome heeler. He’s never far from my side.
Delilah- 7-month-old Greater Swiss Mountain Dog mix
huskyhuddle: Tropical Storm Colin brought us some beautiful sunsets and knee deep puddles for Balto and I to enjoy.
This is my boy, Winston Churchill. He’s an English Bulldog/Mastiff mix.
Anonymous said to handsomedogs: I have a doberman that’s just under two years old. He has a phobia of having his nails clipped, and has ever since we got him as a puppy. He’s fine with you touching or playing…
This is Dodson and he’s really cool.
This is my 5 year old chihuahua, Luna. She’s a deer head/apple head mix. She’s 4lbs of adventure & cuddles❤️
Liberty just got back from the vet… Not good news :(View On WordPress
Ramona the frenchie being happy. @finkelcerdo
this is Julia, a life-changer and best decision ever 😉 adopt don’t shop!
Yoko :by Martyna Ożóg
My baby Darla is 4 years old this summer. She’s definitely a mutt but I have no clue what. I usually say she’s a boxer/grey hound mix because a breed test said boxer (and golden retriever?) but she’s naturally very…
Of course working with a trainer is #1, but dogs work best with positive association. How can you make the steps rewarding? When a dog is fearful, unfortunately things have to go slow. Rushing a fearful dog will only cause…
Gold :by Martyna Ożóg
this is Bow, my Aussie 🙂 she’s doing her leave it, wait trick for me!
Agnes Medusa, our rescue dog. We think she’s some kind of pit mix.
Washington Prince, our Yorkshire Terrier.
This is Casey! He’s my 4 year old whippet. – @exitingempires
streetdogmillionaires: Aang is an exquisite little prince. (And also an Indian pariah, from the same rescue organization as Priya!) @doginprogress
Ralf Kleemann | Dante, Longhaired Whippet/Sighthound
Esme Rose | Hi there!
Tobias Targosz | My little friend playing in the snow
sheeruun | @exigethewhippet
This is Robbie the Belgium shepherd.
Magnums always ready to Play! Follow him on instagram: PassionForPits
Update on Fern the collie heeler. She’s grown a bit!
My floppy-eared cutie, Addileigh. Three years old and forever a puppy.
finahundar: Noola puppy pictures
Daydreaming about tennis balls and snacks is what my four-legged friend Harli does best!! @ghoulishly
springerdays: what band is this
my baby Blue ❤️
Boomer, my 12 year old Labradoodle.
This is Chase! He’s a 2 year old Red Merle Australian Shepherd with two different color eyes, and beautiful markings. He’s the most handsome dog I’ve ever seen. 🙂 -@dropdeadkenz
This is Dallas, he is a purebred Greater Swiss Mountain Dog who loves to dress up for fancy occasions. -@theawesomecarchidi
Aging like a fine wine mom
Sometimes Theo the basenji thinks he’s too good for you
My lab/golden/bernese/shepherd mix Jetta loves to stick her tongue out whenever you pet her!
This is Laika. She’s a small (fun-sized) Samoyed and she LOVES car rides!
I chewed up a bottle of blue nail polish on my mom’s new Pottery Barn comforter. My poop was blue…
naturaldog: soft gremlin emerges from the bush to tell you and that you’re doing alright
Dylan, 7 years, England
This is Theo (3 ½ mos) and she’s learning how to use a harness.
Chekov the borzoi Uou can follow him and his greyhound brother here :
My sweet 6 yr old German Shepard/Rottweiler mix. She is the best hiking partner I could have ever asked for.
Mika 1 years old German Shepard/Rottweiler
Oliver loves playing with toys that are bigger than him
My name is Lily and I am an unrepentant doughnut thief!View On WordPress
Cody Bear Man
Weasley Granger : Two year old Bichon Frise : From Smalltown Illinois. Play time in the grass!
This is koda he’s a precious pit mix
Eyeliner always on point ✔✔✔
Bruno 🙂 a boxer from Maryville, Tennessee
Hugo 05/06/2016
this is Sally with some dandelions! shes the best
This is Boeddha (Buddha), he is a one year old shih tzu/pomeranian mix. He absolutely loves being outside and playing with other dogs. Isn’t he just adorable? | @windy
My name is Kendrick. I like to eat cat poo I find in the backyard and then throw it up on the…
Banjoli ready for the day on the farm before I am. @florentine-and-rafters
Athena, giant baby. @movn
My skinny lab/pit mix Charlie and my yorkiepoo Bailey love to take midday naps together -@pawstothewall
My pretty golden retriever/springer spaniel, Solid, 8 years old
Piper, the 1 year old Boxer.
This is Bumble Bee the Basset Hound dressed appropriately. @modjohnlock
realitytokeep replied to your photo “these two are my heart dogs. on the left is Soap, my Sheltie and on…” the sheltie looks like a border?? Shelties can be bi-colored! Here is another example of a bi-colored sheltie. They tend…
We had to take Nicholas to the emergency vet for an allergic reaction that made his whole face swell…
this is cadence, my beautiful black lab! she’s getting older but she still loves to jump and play (though it wears her out quicker than it used to!)
This is my beautiful girl malú. She is a jack russell/toy fox terrier mix. She is my first dog and i love her so much!
This is Cheerio, my sister’s chihuahua/terrier mix. Cheeri was adopted from a shelter and struggling with aggression – but he could also be a sweet little gentleman at times, and from the moment my sister adopted him, he knew nothing…
Quinn the border terrier, age 6
This is Magnum! He has been my best friend for nearly 7 years and is always ready to Pose for A photo! -PassionForPitz