This is Ella, she’s a mutt 🙂

This is Ella, she’s a mutt 🙂
This is Elliott (my German Shepherd/Golden Retriever) and I love him
This is Bowser! He loves loves loves getting his stomach rubbed and naps. Walks are also one of the best things that can happen, according to him! -Holly
boo radley, my lhasa/shihtzu mix! 3 years old and getting handsomer by the day ❤️
vajski2: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tempurafriedhappiness: noodle-dragon: tempurafriedhappiness: oregonforestdog: tempurafriedhappiness: If you’ve been thinking about taking advantage of my photo editing service, now would be a rly good time to do so. $10 per photo via PayPal, raw and jpeg accepted. If you have a…
Arthur our family dog, despite him looking awfully clean in these photos he is usually a shade of brown from rolling in anything disgusting he can find!
This is George. He’s a six year old Chocolate Labrador (6 months old in the first pic). He likes the ocean, tennis balls, and his morning snuggles (9am sharp everyday).
Her name is Yoda and this is how she prefers to be petted.
This is Pablo, my 2 year old toy fox terrier mix rescue! He likes to go to the dog park and sleep under the bed covers. follow him on insta @pablo_tft
New friends! (there’s two) Not as cute, but easier to take care of! However.. I’m pretty sure they were doing something inappropriate…
English Bull Terriers are not a good first time dog. Unfortunately they are hard to train! Temperament-wise they are great family dogs, fun and active, they just need to be socialized early to be dog friendly. Pure whites are prone…
Paulina, a dog we’ve given a foster home to, until she finds her ‘forever people’ 🙂 – ukenceto
This is Sunny, a 9 month old whippet/staffy mix. She’s quite naughty and her favourite things are doggy daycare, cooked sweet potatoes and ripping soft toys to shreds (that rabbit did not last long after this photo). 😀
Gaia Fae. AKC German Shepherd Dog @thejessening
Scout, the German Shorthaired Pointer.
This is my handsome boy Toby! He’s a 2 month old yellow lab and he’s stolen my heart! – Marissa (@silva-vivida)
Leeloo loves rocking her hiking harness on our state park trips, even more so now that she’s become comfortable being in and around water. Still just a pup but she was far and away the biggest of all the dogs…
This is Cannon! That neon orange really is his color. – @wannabe-davis
This is Murphy, my one year oéd Transylvanian Hound. You can follow his adventures on Instagram: murph_the_hound. ~
I saw someone submit an ask about an Akita as a first-time big dog, so I thought I would pop in with a picture of my baby and a little tidbit of advice for potential Akita owners. This is Yokai…
This is the newest addition to our family! Her name is Sushi and she is a 4 month old Neapolitan Mastiff. The second picture is her with her big brother Riddick who is a 4 year old Cane Corso. -submitted…
My handsome/beautiful best friends. Greta is my first mixed breed and first female. I love her more than words can describe. She and I possess a bond like no other. Buster is my big loving rescue friend. Found him being…
My 7 month old German shepherd, Prince Zuko, and adopted Burmese street dog, Roxy.
This is my dog Marla she is a staffy/lab mix and she is so goofy, she frequently runs into walls (she’s ok though). Also she laughs like a hyena instead of barking and it’s really weird. My mom has had…
This handsome goof is Jason. He’s a Rhodesian Ridgeback-Shepherd mix, a rescue from a kill shelter in Virginia, and the best bratty little brother anyone could ask for.
They’re so handsome when they’re tired. Pancho (front) is a corgi/golden retriever. Romeo (back) is a yorkie/schnauzer.
This is Archie, he loves long walks on the beach and rolling in poop.
Snoozy Bella! My beautiful 3 year old black Lab ❤️
Jake is a five yr old GSD/Border Collie/unknown mix. He loves going places! ~ @jakemyboy
!!!! Zalee. (for once HD taken with my pentax)
This is Ollie! He’s a 1 and ½ year old Brittany Spaniel x Bulldog that loves to cuddle, sleep, and cause trouble at the dog park. We got him from a friend’s family whose dog had a litter of 15!…
My handsome Flynn, who I adopted about a month ago from Greyhound Pets of America.
I eat toilet paper straight from the roll! (And I’m not sorry)View On WordPress
This is my greyhound, Wrap, a retired racer, currently enjoying the good life as the lankiest couch potato around. Hobbies include sleeping with his tongue hanging out, shadowing me around the house, and chasing flies and other winged insects. He’s…
My handsome almost 9 year old boy! Buddha is half pit half chow chow!
My rescue golden, Jed, who just got all shaved down for the summer!
This is Sampson Swanson Hotchner Rossi Lecter Walker McFarland Dion and he is the love of my life
winter in july. australia. Zalee
This is Joubi, an 11 year old shih tzu mix. I rescued him when he was 4 months old and he’s been sleeping on my pillows ever since. -kevinflynnsmcp
Wet, stubby, little paws of Oscar. Out at our backyard on a Melbourne’s winter morning. – @pompomspitz
honey the 7 year old shar pei lab mix
This is Izzy!!! She is a long haired chihuahua mixed with another breed we don’t know but we love her!!! She loves ear scratches and sleeping with her body splayed out. – Ella
My handsome boy, Rock’o
The problem with saying dogs and wolves are cousins, is that implies that they are close. My mom’s sister’s daughter is my cousin. She is the same age as me. Dogs separated from the gray wolf’s ancestor over 35,000 years…
Lucy got onto the kitchen counter and ate all of my son’s hand decorated graduation cookiesView On…
We found Emma abandoned on the side of hiway in her kennel.Left with no food or water.She’s adopted us and is a loving member of our family.
Our super playful, cuddly golden retriever chow mix we rescued named Stella!
My handsome dog buddy.
a happy jax
caninesandcomplaints: must stare at the ceiling
Curie is our family’s newest rescue! She’s very shy but incredibly sweet and sleeps in a tight little ball like this when she’s not busy getting as much love as she can possibly absorb! The rescue guessed that she’s some…
Cisco the Springer Spaniel!
Leash reactivity should be worked on with a trainer. Avoiding populated areas and always being aware of your surroundings in order to promptly change directions is a good start to avoid the problem, but you really need a trainer to…
Congrats, that is exciting! Give them extra cuddles for me 🙂 Thanks!
I had just stopped leaving Maddy in the kennel when I go to work, everyday there is a new mess to…
Photo by Valen Kester
Miniature dachshund
Sounds like you need to socialize your pup with others, first, before bringing a new dog home. Having play dates with other dogs will help you get to know your dog’s preferences. Every dog is different, some dogs hate puppies,…
Wesley loves his frisbee! Was lucky enough for him to sit still long enough to get this shot. Love him to peices. -whyyesispeakwhale
shelterlove: More rescue ambassadors! 🙂 A couple of beautiful Dobermans. How could anyone resist those beautiful, smiling faces?! Neither are for adoption as they already have loving homes. However, they attend events to encourage people to adopt!
this is Belle my 5 year old beagle mix who loves to play fetch and go swimming!
Kaos | 21/5/11 – 28/6/16 | Forever my brother and best friend
He hasn’t eaten a non-dog toy in two years. But apparently this sneaky boy thought I got the antenna…
This is my handsome baby boy Bradley Cooper – 10 weeks old
This is our little Black Friday baby. His name is Ghost and we got him on Black Friday in 2014. He is the sweetest, snuggliest, biggest lap dog you’ll ever meet. ❤️
This is our little Macchiato. He is a Corgi/minpin mix. (He is potty trained but his big brother was old and having accidents and we thought it was cute.) c
This is Sally, she passed away half a year ago, at the age of 16. she’s an irish setter mix
tinyeggs: I find a rare moment for a sleep, and then Dad jumps in with the camera! He said it was because I have been too busy having fun for photos, excuses, he’s the lazy one in this house!
Lola has her own built in turtleneck. – TGS[Her collar isn’t too tight, she just has like…a baggy neck? Her collar is actually a little too big! Anyone else have a chihuahua like that? ]
Winnie the boxer / lab / husky mix! Also with her friend Leon the boxer and Jack the sheltie
A video posted by Helena Havoc (@helenahavoc) on Mar 23, 2015 at 1:13pm PDT This is Nanook, a yellow lab puppy. He’s so sad after I made him get off the couch! – @ruintown
This is Murphy he’s a 6 month old bernese and one of my best friends
Our friend Joanne sent us a picture of her family dog, Katara. You’ll notice that she is has…
I thought I would share another photo of Charlie, she is actually so amazing.
Riley•1 year and 3 months old• Labrador Mix
This is Mitzy, she looks guilty but she hasn’t done anything wrong! She’s just camera shy 🙂
i met tully on the beach the other day and she loves the beach
Charlie, 18 month Czech German Shepherd. Follow charlieb.barkins on instagram and see more of him!
Big old toopid babies
Floey up :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram
Hawkeye my Shiba Inu
Trooper, my maltipoo and best friend
Hello, this is Smokey. His mother is an American Staffordshire terrier but his father is unknown, what do you think?
This is Honey, my Lab mix! She is a rescue dog and is the sweetest thing on earth -themorninglight516
Martingale collars help if dogs like to slip out of their collars. They’re just tightening flat collars, so again, you’re applying discomfort to the neck to discourage pulling. My dog wears a martingale, but he doesn’t pull. I like them…
one of the seven puppies my mom rescued this weekend. pp
this is Leia and she’s a 3 month old Husky/Akita mix! @mindofmmine
Loca Bear, the 2 year old Bassador, claiming her throne at Kingston Peak. @bl6ck
My collie Rori! She’s the light of my life!
This is my 12 year old Bichon Frise and Terrier mix named Muñeca (means doll). We’ve had her since she was 4 months old and she’s been my best friend since – Paulina
This is my 3 year old boy, Nic! This is him right after I rescued him and bought him his first collar =] He came from an abusive household and, as you can see in his picture, is pretty happy…
Daisy(dalmation), Festus(grey and white pitbill), Tinkerbell(Chain collar), Loki (shiba inu german shepherd), and Lilly(the runt of the family)
when you’re the best of friends… Zalee and Ozzie
My bloodhound babies. 10 week old Emmet and 11 year old Remus.
I eat holes in my bedding then poop cotton balls – love Meeko (The white in the grass is his poop…
Ikr?!? I typically don’t get many messages, there has been a wave of them lately.
johan bauwens
Good idea!
Krystyna Tokaruk | Somewhere in the woods