Hachi enjoying Loyola Beach ⛅ @jessiewiththegoodhair

Hachi enjoying Loyola Beach ⛅ @jessiewiththegoodhair
Harvey Dent! My red nose pitbull and great dane mix. ♡♡♡
muttdogs: Why so judgemental, Kylo?
achoirofcritters: Evie! From October, back when we, y’know, actually had daylight. :’)
bandizoi: For the source of glory uncovers his face,And the brightness o’erflows unbounded space;– Song of the Stars, William Cullen Bryant
My baby Chevy is ready for Christmas
Ate Something I Shouldn’t I ate gravel and made messes in the house. Had to get x-rays at the vet only to be told I’m just gassy.
bobahund: Bobas mam!!
Nicol Urbanová | Smile please
Patricio Fuentes | sisters, Dalmatian puppies
here are some more dalmatians to join in on the fun! left to right: pepper, thor (the dobie mix!), annie (my pupper), and dottie! I covered dottie’s collar bc it has her phone number displayed on it. all four dogs…
oosawa kouji
Tim Zaenkert | Dalmatian – Panorama
Yep! Check out Dog FAQ #11
Bathroom Blunder I just bought a brand new mega pack of toilet paper and I only left her alone for a second.
Mishka on his mamas bed. (Husky/ Australian Shepard mix) 5 y/o
This is Percy. The sweetest boy
This is Ebbo and he’s 7 and I’ve helped to raise him since the day he was born. He was the only one in his litter so he can be a bit grumpy towards other pups, but we always get…
That’s a good question. I would check first with your state and city to see what their laws are. Then check with your landlord, if you rent, and/or your insurance company if you own a home. Make sure you provide…
my Australian Shepard, Rusty. he’s a very good model.
Gord Rufh | Bandit and Hero
onebrightflash: Crispy Nen.
This is Blossom. My 12 year old full breed beagle.
This is Shawnee, the prettiest boy in town.
this is julio and he’s the most beautiful man in the world. we don’t know what he is, just that he is incredibly handsome– @romulus
My rescue staffy/whippet mix Meg
Corgi tails are only docked to prevent tail injuries when they are herding cattle. If you plan to use your corgi as a herding dog, then yes you should to prevent injury. If your corgi will only be herding lady…
This is Walter! My one and a half year old baby lounging around
carlasentme: Here’s my new puppy, Cookie Dough! I just adopted him yesterday and he’s 6.5 weeks old. The shelter said he’s an Amstaff mix, which seems right considering he looks too small to just be an Amstaff. He’s doing so…
Right; someone mentioned that it isn’t that they age differently, it’s that their bodies cannot last as long.
I wouldn’t say bully; He is beefy, but beefy doesn’t always mean bully. He doesn’t have a blockhead or a square snoot. Someone else said pit mix, and I have to highly disagree and gently remind you, in a non-rude…
The dog who saved me. Eli ❤️
What happens when I rub his belly for 5 mins straight. #chihuahua #papillon #handsome
This is Tillie, she hurt her paw as a pup which is why she holds it up like that
My new son Albus
My handsome Sam on Halloween this year. Photo cred to my sister.
materandcallie: Mater and Callie in the turkey hat!!
This is Doc, 8 months old! He’s embarrassed about his haircut, but still handsome!
This is my dog Silas. He’s taking a break from a long run in our local park’s creek. Such a handsome guy!
tinybigpaws: the best
Obedience Tear-aining I tore up all of my obedience training lessons… -Petra
This is Molly and she loves being the center of attention
so vicious after the groomers (actually just yawning)
This is my baby Tokyo, he is some kind of shepherd mix. What breeds do you think he might be?
This is Tinsel and she likes to cuddle with me while I’m in bed
hadissima: Meet the Tycancy Shelties!
Feelin’ Flossy “I had string from a chew toy in teeth and used the carpet as floss” Our new 6 moth old Great Pyrenees/German Shepherd puppy didn’t think the 100+ toys were acceptable and decided to sample the carpet while…
Reaper- a Shiba Inu/Rottweiler mix
This is my lovely Dog, called Toby. – impreza70 (Marc Christ)
guidedogintraining: she’s cute i guess
This is Mitchell the mini schnauzer. He’s the sweetest dog when he’s not being the complete opposite. -anon
This is axel, my little anatolian Shepherd pup!!
@thedognamedepic is a lab mix. She is very handsome, isn’t she? I’m usually good with breed guessing, but she looks like a Heinz 57.
Is this what it means to have “the runs”? His name is Blew. “I pooped in dad’s sneaker!”
Myy boyfriend’s mom’s dog, Nadia. She’s a lab with a frisbee problem. -@borkiedorkie
These are my two babies, Peaches is 1 year (dachshund) and Dixie is 4 (glen of imaal terrier!) They’re the best of friends literally copy each other 24/7.
odie the 120lb cotton ball of love
This is Johann Sebastian, and he loves to play in the snow! – thepupinapartment3.com
My dog Amber!! She wanted a treat in this picture. She was so happy when she got it.
buckskin-babies: Who? Me?!
Meet Frankie she is ¾ heeler ¼ mini aussie.
That’s Minimum Wage in Dog Dollars! Clyde (1 year old chocolate Labrador) helped himself to $15 dollars this morning and remains remorseless.
Wendy | First Birthday
Abbie Robinson | Mixed Breed
Anthony Helton | Shasta
Oleksiy Boyko | Dog looking up, sitting on grey grass on autumn day
Tina | A long way………
Tamara | Eyes
Puppy Qenai. instagram: qenai_koda
Pawsive Resistance Tucker is 9 months old and has developed the technique of playing dead whenever he doesn’t want to do something.
This is Beau (short for Beauregard), a border collie & something mix. He doesn’t know how to control his tongue. (There’s more Beau on his instagram @beausregards.)
This is my baby Emma. 11 going on 12, and she still wants me to pick her up and carry her around like a puppy.
Harley, 11 month Australian shepherd.
This is my Labrador Arthur. He’s a lovable idiot – queen-freya
Barley and Olive!
A v pretty girl 😮
This is Forrest. He is a super handsome mutt and we love him very much.
This is Bullet, he is 3 years old and loves posing for pictures!
tinybigpaws: heres a snow spinach for you all photo by @atomicbombastic, my edit!
pawsitivelypowerful: Took Natsu out on a solo walk, I really love his boy, he is just so full of life.
This is Archie!! He’s a fluffy burrito who loves to make friends!!!
krystalneedshelp: Baby boy
Larceny “Lars”; Rescued by his people. Best friend, all the snuggles, sweet potato and cranberry-brown rice flour treats he needs. Likes to woof at tree rats.
This is our 1 year old German Shepherd Bear. He’s so handsome.
this is Raven ! she’s a pit-mix and i’m not sure what she’s mixed with because she’s a rescue but no matter what she is i love her
This my Bishop, he’s a 6yr chihuahua/heeler mutt. Rescued a year ago, nobody wanted him cuz he is very shy and anxious and his eyes ‘make people uncomfortable’, but they’re my favourite and so is he!!
This is Yankee and he is 16. He is also a dad and he loves to eat.
Our pup, Boo, enjoying her new knit scarf in the yard!
Special fall hike with my birthday girl, Macy. Ten years old today! (@elvisglasses)
Dexter and Doogie
big guy Axel
Apchi and Queenie are fashionably late for Halloween.
This is Draco, my 5-year-old GSD. He won’t go to sleep unless someone holds his paw or his head is resting on someone’s hand.
We received a phone call from a random neighbour telling us our dog was out. “No no,” we said, “it’s…
Kit, our newest daycare pup, is a 1 year old Toy Australian Sheppard & the sweetest little girl!
Our daycare king, Cyrus, passed recently and we’re all heartbroken that he’s gone. He loved to howl with the sirens and sit right in front of the fan and feel his fur blow! We miss him terribly but know he’s…
deathshepherd: Left to right, Princess, Kiri and Senjo. Kiri is Senjo’s mother and already 10 years old. I’m sad to say that they have returned back home today. I had an awesome weekend with these precious Afghan Hounds. Photographed by…
This is my incredibly handsome Rottweiler, Kingsley. He’s purebred but seems to think he’s a Labrador because he loves nothing more than swimming and playing fetch into the lake with floaty toys
Ellie! She’s my best buddy!