Rusty is a bit lazy

Rusty is a bit lazy
This is Turbo. He is a blue Merle mini Australian shepherd. He just had surgery but that doesn’t stop him from smiling. You can follow him on Instagram at bossyaussieturbo- Danielle
handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Riley, she’s 13 years old, 16 pounds, and about 12″ at the shoulder. She’s very loud and affectionate, when she was younger she used to be VERY mischievous and loved to wander. She’s dog…
Few more pictures of beautiful miss Emmy today in the high-energy group. – Taylor
This is my sweet girl Zorra. We believe she was a German Shepard/ Golden Retriever cross. She passed away December 7, 2016 at 13 years old but she was the most wonderful companion you ever met! She loved to go…
This isn’t my dog (or anyone’s dog for that matter); it lives on my campus and runs away when people get too close.
This is Pariswhat
This is Sherlock! My energetic and adorable 2 year old plott hound. He loves exploring new places and letting his nose lead the way. When he isn’t soaking up rays he loves to cuddle on the couch and watch movies.❤️
claire, shiba-puggle mix. she’s the sweetest dog in the world. she loves the outdoors and watching movies with me.
This is ziggy, my handsome Bull Mastiff Boxer mix, he loves tennis balls almost as much as he love cuddles.
this is my two year old corgi named korra aka the light of my life.
This is Xander, a Pitbull mix and rescue dog. He turned 8 in February and is one of the best dogs I’ve ever known.
Burrito and Tuxedo! (Housemates) – Taylor
Sweater Weather Langdon is 4 month old Beagle puppy who loves to chew! Silly me to think he was just sitting nicely on my sweater before work in the morning. I was in such a rush that I put it…
Juno: The three stages of smelling a flower.
This is cooper, 3 years old, Newfoundland mix. My favorite pair of brown eyes. He grows his own Mohawk.
This is my boy Dexter. He’s a Boxer x American Staffordshire Terrier.
Just wanted to share my beautiful idiots with you. Don’t know what their breeds are but my (formerly) white dog Timber looks a lot like a Greenland dog, and Lia is likely a rottie cross of some kind.
This is Ralph and Scooby, Ralph is a rescue Staffie Pitt cross and Scooby is a deaf blind old jack Russel, both are lovely and friendly dogs who love walks and playing,
Pip was chilling in front of the fireplace. The cozy days are here! You can follow him on Tumblr at pipthejumper !
What a Weenie I had to leave for five weeks to take care of my parents in Arizona. Norah wasn’t happy with my absence and decided too pee on every pillow on our bed. She’s lucky to ever see the…
This is my puppy Nala. We got her at the shelter October of last year. Her papers say she’s about a year old and a Chihuahua mix. Anybody know what else she could be mixed with? 🙂 She hates the…
Wolfy, 14 and Spock 10. Lost both of them in the same year, Wolfy (Siberian husky) to bone cancer and Spock to a broken heart at the loss of his companion. I miss them everyday but they had great full…
This is Gatsby. I adopted him almost a year ago from a rescue that found him and his mother and three siblings, which he looks nothing like. We have zero clue what he could be, but he is my little…
This is my boosa baby, Milo. He was half German Shepard+half golden retriever, all gentle giant. He passed away two years ago, but I still love him and I don’t go a day without thinking about his silly smile. He…
handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) These are our pups, Turkey and Burger! They’re both huge fans of chasing anything that moves along with hogging the entire bed at night. They’re ~26″ at the shoulder and 75 lbs. These handsomedogs are a…
This is Lou our 2 and a half year old chocolate lab. He loves pretending to play fetch until he has 3 tennis balls in his mouth and snuggling across the entire bed~ @golden-nerd-squad
This is Nala. Fierceful k9 pupper. Hates baths. She’s a cat inside a dogs body. Loves sleeping on everything and everyone. Doesn’t know person space. Sits on her butt. She’s a shelter pupper who’s breed is not yet known. Chihuahua…
Yarn Bomb I decided that if the new Malabrigo yarn is shaped like a ball, it must be for me! (and destroyed it!!!)
The Jackalope has the most beautiful eyes. (ignore the mess in the background)
This is Sadie. She’s a American Staffordshire Terrier…maybe? She wandered into my life two years ago and she’s the best!
Magic Merlin, two year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever and my best friend @flyinggfoxxx
Me and my polar bear Milo! @handsomedevilclub
This is Valkyrie, she’s 2 and a half, loves hugs and long walks in the woods.
This is my beloved Dixie. She’s a basenji-mix I rescued two years ago after my baby suddenly passed away. She is equal parts love and sass and makes my day 1000x better when I come home from work or school.…
Spoon Fed I ate my mom’s favourite wooden spoon.
This is Zoey Lynn. She’s a 10 ½ year old land seal who gets cold easily. She likes short walks to the car and car rides. Dislikes: squirrels, cats, and garbage that looks like cats that she can’t really see…
This is Koko. She enjoys eating and cat/chicken stalking. Our vet thinks maybe a puggle? What do you think?
My precious boy Kyou after making the biggest mess of his life
This is Archie and he is a beautiful butterfly that likes to destroy everything
This is Tallie! She’s a 10 year old golden who I love more than anything in the world! She loves going for walks while the little ones ride their bikes and she loves being cuddled, she’s the best dog any…
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) This is my dog Týra. She is about 8 years old although we’re not completely sure. She is around 30 kilograms in her dignified upper years (the vet says she should be 15 which i respectfully…
My best friend is such a good girl. Daisy, AKA Lil D, AKA Hamster girl, AKA love of my life.
This is opal and she’s a super cute puppy except for when she’s sleeping
Millie hit the hay after a day of play. – Taylor
Girl & Porter, the Golden Retriever- Taylor
this is Jacket, he’s jut about a year old and loves to run, play with his kitten brother, and destroy things. mostly beagle but probably also has other hound in him. – anonymous
This lovely lady is Skeeter. She is a mutt. Not sure her breed? I do know she has some poodle in her though
This is Rey. He’s some sort of pinscher/terrier mix, but he was adopted from a shelter so who knows. He’s almost 3 years old and loves chasing birds and squirrels and snuggling. When he is on his best behavior, he…
Fiore – Italian Greyhound
Want to see more of Kayden check out his Instagram here!
My baby Essie! Any ideas what breeds she might be? I was told half rhodesian ridgeback, mixed other half. She’s super lean and lanky, about 20kg and 50cm tall at the shoulders at 10 months, get’s pretty anxious and is…
My mom’s beautiful Aussie pup, Willow the “Bunnybutt” – @Susiron
I’ve seen lots of big puppers, Leonbergers, Pyrenees, Newfies.. but I think the biggest ever were two different great danes. I’m not sure which one was bigger, but they were both blue. Here was the first one: Then a more…
This is Sherlock! He’s a terrier mix that I rescued off the street 4 years ago. This picture of Sherlock is right before one of his performances as Toto in “The Wizard of Oz.” He was such a good boy!…
This is Odie. He is Border Collie/Terrier. He is the most formal and handsome of doofs. – @caitisemphatic
This is my handsome boy, Zero! His nickname is Bubbas. We were told he is a black lab and terrier mix by the people we got him from. He’s loves playing catch with the ball and is the sweetest snuggle…
This is Possum! She’s a 14 week old borzoi puppy. Her hobbies include sticking her nose in people’s ears, zoomies, and flipping over her food and water bowls and then laying in the mess. I love her.
The beautiful Achilles! (Yes, he can heel!) -Nia Nadj
Considering Cardigan & Pembroke Corgis are separate breeds, I think it would only make sense. American style Akitas originated from the original Akita Inus during WWII. There was an unfortunate wartime government order for all non-military dogs to be culled.…
This is Scotty. He is an old man but he has the heart of a pup. The shelter we adopted him from wasn’t sure exactly of what his mix was, but we suspect some terrier, jack russell, and chihuahua
My standard poodle, Vaden. He is such a regal dork and I love him way too much. – @switching-reins
Guess the Breed(s)(rules) this is buddha, he’s a little over 100lbs, 21″ tall, and 30″ from head to base of tail. he’s super playful, but very stubborn at times and he enjoys tracking old deer scent in the woods.
My baby, Reese. He is 8 months old. Mixed with quite a few different breeds…lab, German shepherd, Australian shepherd, and Boxer.
I would only allow her off leash where it is acceptable. If it isn’t a dog beach, then she should be on a leash. If it is a dog beach, and she is being friendly, then she is fine. You…
My 2 year old mutt, Molly. The most energetic and happy pup I’ve ever had. We believe she is a cocker spaniel and Aussie mix but we’re not 100% sure
This is Shadow! He is a Lab/Chow mix with the fur and tail of a chow but the cute webbed toes of a lab. Shadow loves walks, tennis balls, and taking up more than his fair share of the bed.…
This is Rooster, my 7 month old black lab puppy. He’s going to be a guide dog when he grows up, and he loves playing in the lake, treats, and snuggling.
Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Sammy! He’s three years old, about 50 lbs. He’s super active, and super gentle, but very stubborn. He gets along with all dogs but doesn’t like to play with them until he’s known them a…
This is Maxine! We aren’t quite sure what mix she is, but we think mountain feist and some kind of herding dog. What do you think? She loves to chase deer 3x her size and cuddle up on the couch…
This is Gizmo. He is a 9 year old Bullmastiff. He is also my Emotional Support Animal.
My handsome dog nephew Zedd. @thisblogkillsfascists
This is Bowzer. A 10 year old Australian Shepherd who’s shy as can be.
This is my son, Otto. He’s a 5 yr poodle mix & one heck of a hunk! Loves junk food, hates fruits and veggies to his core, would beg for your lunch 10/10 times – @underdog-13
The Apple of my eye. Nala 7 y/o white GSD. Currently living with me in St. Kitts.
Bella the shitzu & Lily the shitzu – Taylor
Freya and Katie! – Taylor
Hi Clover! She’s our 4 year old who-knows-what mix ☺️
Clyde is a 9 month old “Cattle dog/ beagle mix” i feel like he looks like a German Shepard, opinions?
Submitting on behalf of my roommate @captaintightpantsss who has the most majestic and beautiful dog named Arlo.
This is Ollie, he is 4 years old and a toy poodle/bijon mix, he is the sweetest dog ever, he can tell when I am upset or anxious and he will come and cuddle with me, and he is a…
This is Rigby- he’s almost 4 years old, he’s a Papillion/Pomeranian mix, and he’s the best road trip co-pilot ever!
Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Tucker is a very smart boy and probably the best dog my family has had and ever will have. This is why my family got his DNA tested. He’s 11 years old now. He has a very…
This is Mira! I don’t think this girl has a mean bone in her body, she’s one of the sweetest and happiest dogs you’ll ever meet.
This is Mac! He seems to have no idea that he’s a small dog. He will attack any and all ankles, but we love him anyway.
This is Scribi he weights about 13 pounds he’s 5 years old we found him on the side of the street when he was about a year old not really sure what breed he is but I love him anyway…
special-agent-poodle: “[Dog]kind has legs so it can wander.” ― Roman Payne, The Wanderess
Menci, my friend’s 1 year old Dalmatian girl – csendes tumblr | instagram behance | vimeoredbubble shop
These are my puppys Lily(right) and Saska(left). They’d are sisters, they are German Shepherd/Husky.
Oliver just got his hair cut and he’s got his vacation bandana all ready to go! He’s a 7 year old shih-tzu poodle! – @fiba
Guess the breed(s)(rules) Winnie is a 4 year old female. She is 73 pounds, loves other dogs, loves to swim, eat, and sleep. She is very active, smart but stubborn. She loves to get into the garbage, can jump fences,…
Helping Unpack I got into my mom’s overnight bag and ate her clothes…I just threw up a thong
These are pictures of the live of my life who passed away almost two weeks ago. His name was Bitti, we think he was a Cocker Spaniel Beagle mix, he was 9 years old, and had a perpetual baby face.…
Champ, the Chihuahua/Beagle mix! He is 6 and a good boy!
This is sweet Hallie girl, and this is how she sleeps.
my grandparents’ year old maltipoo! she loves playing fetch and digging holes, and hates squirrels. the most well-behaved, loving dog in the world.
Bandit, a good and soft boy. He is a 10yo German Shepard/Chow mix who loves snow and likes to follow people around the house.
Height, weight, personality, the answer, and make sure you indicate that it is for the game as well. Idk how to do more than one image, everyone seems to be having issues with that. If you send them separately, I…