These are my two puppers, Jayne and Zeke! Jayne was a Newfie who passed away not too long ago and we miss her lots – the house is quiet without her big barks. Zeke is part Aussie Shepard part we…
Flo, a cute maltese from Chile~ [But sometimes is a mess]
Flo, a cute maltese from Chile~ [But sometimes is a mess]
This is frankie! She’s a 3 year old long haired dachshund and…
This is frankie! She’s a 3 year old long haired dachshund and she has a pretty smile
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Titan is 20 inches tall…
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Titan is 20 inches tall at the shoulder and 39lbs. She has a white tail tip that you can’t really see because of the snow. She is anxious, smart, and energetic. She’s always ready to play…
This is my dog Ren We got her from a neighbor who was going to…
This is my dog Ren We got her from a neighbor who was going to college this summer. She’s still young, and has a lot of energy, and she wasn’t really trained at all when we got her, but she’s…
“Boots is handsome, and he knows it. ~ Liz” – Taylor
“Boots is handsome, and he knows it. ~ Liz” – Taylor
Watch Out Below! “Mom took me for a run. I pooped on the…
Watch Out Below! “Mom took me for a run. I pooped on the bridge and tried to kick it off into traffic below before she could pick it up.”
Miss Foxee. – Taylor
Miss Foxee. – Taylor
Navy. – Taylor
Navy. – Taylor
Here is my beautiful pup Ruby! She’s a Golden Retriever/angel…
Here is my beautiful pup Ruby! She’s a Golden Retriever/angel from heaven. @imintoomanyfandomstocount
My families crazy, sweet, loving pups. Penelope, a dachshund mix…
My families crazy, sweet, loving pups. Penelope, a dachshund mix (we’re not sure with what exactly), and Cooper, a shih tzu. I love getting to see them. 🙂

Lil Happy Buster!
Lil Happy Buster!
Here’s a video of my pupper Rosie chasing a hose – Katie Parker…
Here’s a video of my pupper Rosie chasing a hose – Katie Parker :)))
My dog is one of those shedding dogs where the hair doesn’t come off gradually, but rather it gathers at the butt and comes off in huge clumps every now and then. This would be easier to clean if she didn’t eat these clumps the second they fall off. She loves the taste of her own hair, and it’s disgusting. Should I be worried? Her poop now is so full of hair that it resembles the concrete of old houses. How do I stop it?
As funny as it may be, I would keep her consistently groomed and the house swept. Hair is certainly something that can cause an obstruction in large quantities. As you’ve witnessed yourself, it doesn’t digest.
This is Miss Bailey. I am curious as to what others might think…
This is Miss Bailey. I am curious as to what others might think her breed is. She’s a rescue and I do not know. She’s very hyper and loves people and other dogs. She likes to chase birds. She’s not…
Can we still submit for the spring dog contest
Nope, the entry period was last week. But there will be another contest next month.
Buddy ! – Taylor
Buddy ! – Taylor
My sister’s doggo Charlie is always in a good mood. @diemeng
My sister’s doggo Charlie is always in a good mood. @diemeng
Stray dogs united# The whippet- Blanca came in 2 our lives, but…
Stray dogs united# The whippet- Blanca came in 2 our lives, but as u can see there’s only a tiny bit of blanc about her, so we called her “Plankje” wich means board in Dutch. Delago – Mix shepherd wolfhound…
This is Lucy! She’s a Dorkie (Dachshund/Yorkie mix) and is..six…
This is Lucy! She’s a Dorkie (Dachshund/Yorkie mix) and is..six years old I believe. A tiny bit overweight for her size but that’s because she’s spoiled. 😛 We love her lots ^^

My baby boy, Stuart. He’s a chihuahua and 3 lbs of spunk!
My baby boy, Stuart. He’s a chihuahua and 3 lbs of spunk!
This is Charlie, he’s a five month old labrador and he’s the…
This is Charlie, he’s a five month old labrador and he’s the absolute cutest little fellow!
Clyde. – Taylor
Clyde. – Taylor
Bella doodle. – Taylor
Bella doodle. – Taylor
Do my dogs know that I’m not trying to them?? Like when I get the eye goobies out or that I didn’t mean to step on a paw or tail???
Frankly, I wouldn’t say so. Dogs don’t really understand intentions or accidents. If you hurt them, they aren’t going to think that it wasn’t on purpose. But if anything, it would just create avoidance behaviors. For example: if you always…
This is Jerry Bear or Jer for short. He is a 9 month old Cairn…
This is Jerry Bear or Jer for short. He is a 9 month old Cairn Terrier who loves the snow~ Vicki Leclerc
This is Lou, he’s 4 years old and his breed is a mystery!…
This is Lou, he’s 4 years old and his breed is a mystery! I bought him from a homeless man on the street in Miami when he was a tiny pup. He overcame distemper and a terrible case of phenomena,…
My handsome girl Nala after ripping it up on the trails today….
My handsome girl Nala after ripping it up on the trails today. No idea what mix she is, if anybody thinks they know please leave it in the comments!
This is Skye, one year old german shepherd lab mix…
This is Skye, one year old german shepherd lab mix @bigearedbitch
My baby
My baby
Chubbs being the angel she is
Chubbs being the angel she is
Whats your opinion on shock collars? I’m personally against them but my room mate has started using them on his dog, he hasnt really tried any other method of training he just bought a shock collar, and now his dog who used to be happy and energetic is acting very lethargic and anxious now. He is being trained by a guy who trains dogs for the police and the army and this is what he recommended…
Shock collars are on the extreme end of positive punishment. They are intended to inflict pain to discourage a behavior. Just like any training tool, they can be used poorly. Using shock collar training without any clear direction will certainly…
This is Bella She’s 6 years 5 months old She’s about…
This is Bella She’s 6 years 5 months old She’s about 5 pounds maybe 4 She’s a purebred teacup poodle She’s pretty calm and VERY protective she loves people but HATES other dogs~Gail
Jasper and Tobin. They look very comfy :-) They have their own…
Jasper and Tobin. They look very comfy 🙂 They have their own instagram if you want to follow and see cute photos! @2doods1nude
here is an evolution of Leia’s growth when compared to my 9 year…
here is an evolution of Leia’s growth when compared to my 9 year old westie, Joy. Leia is 1 year old today, a husky/akita mix!
These are my two babies, Bubba and Forrest. They’re both…
These are my two babies, Bubba and Forrest. They’re both miniature schnauzers and they are the loves of my life. Bubba is 11 years old and Forrest is 5 months old. They bring me so much joy so hopefully they…
This is Sherlock, we don’t know what he is but he is a good boy….
This is Sherlock, we don’t know what he is but he is a good boy. He just turned 13 this year!
This is Frankie! He’s 7 years old and has been described by our…
This is Frankie! He’s 7 years old and has been described by our vet as “a purebred mix of several fine breeds” (including pit bull, German shepherd, and chihuahua, among others). He’s a sweet lil boy who loves walks, attention,…
Majestic Lulubelle.
Majestic Lulubelle.
It was Oakley’s first day of daycare… and the pictures tell you…
It was Oakley’s first day of daycare… and the pictures tell you how it went. – Taylor
Here’s my jerk dog, Penny. She’s cute sometimes. (Full blood…
Here’s my jerk dog, Penny. She’s cute sometimes. (Full blood Dachshund, 2 years old)
This is Basil, 4 month old terrier mix rescue. He’s the best…
This is Basil, 4 month old terrier mix rescue. He’s the best behaved most chill puppy of all time. So smart and I’m in love ❤️
Jouet the Poodle, Newman, and King. – Taylor
Jouet the Poodle, Newman, and King. – Taylor
Miss Tiponi was tuckered out by the end of her Monday @ Annie’s….
Miss Tiponi was tuckered out by the end of her Monday @ Annie’s. – Taylor

this is Nova, a 7 yr malamute mix, he’s a gentle giant❤️
this is Nova, a 7 yr malamute mix, he’s a gentle giant❤️
simplyventuring:classic potter face
simplyventuring: classic potter face
I met this pretty lady (her name is Sasha) outside the bakery…
I met this pretty lady (her name is Sasha) outside the bakery this morning!
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Kayden. 5 years old….
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Kayden. 5 years old. 62lbs. Heights 25″. Personality: High prey-drive, high energy, loves exploring, very smart, and loves people. We personally seen both his mother and father! Kayden is another super cool mix! He is mixed…
Bentley with a flower crown
Bentley with a flower crown
bigpointyears: “You’re getting a WHAT?”
bigpointyears: “You’re getting a WHAT?”
agent-fluff-agent-wrinkle: Here’s a way old picture of punk…
agent-fluff-agent-wrinkle: Here’s a way old picture of punk squashing wildflowers. Enjoy.
Hobbes. Every bit as smart as he looks. Border collie mix.
Hobbes. Every bit as smart as he looks. Border collie mix.
Finn is so handsome! – Taylor (Taken by Liz)
Finn is so handsome! – Taylor (Taken by Liz)

This is Beau, my 15 week old sheltie pup!
This is Beau, my 15 week old sheltie pup!

This is Kyra, a lovely and shy puppy who likes to play with cats…
This is Kyra, a lovely and shy puppy who likes to play with cats and cuddle with the older sheepdog at the farm, Leone. []

Taste Tests Prove “Store Brand” just as good as…
Taste Tests Prove “Store Brand” just as good as “Name Brand” I ate my own poop from backyard then burped in mommy’s face 🙁

this is penny, my little weenie. She’s turning five this…
this is penny, my little weenie. She’s turning five this year.

This is my dad’s dog Dexter! He’s very quiet and…
This is my dad’s dog Dexter! He’s very quiet and finicky and we have no idea what breeds he is! My dad thinks he’s probably a husky mix and I think he looks like an Australian Cattle Dog. What do…

Hi there, this is my dog Edelweiss. We call her Eda. I was told…
Hi there, this is my dog Edelweiss. We call her Eda. I was told she is a catahoula mix when I rescued her, but I am not so sure. What do you think? Thank you!

Handsomedogs’ Photography Contest X
handsomedogs: It is that time again!! This contest is open to all, regardless if you’re a Patreon supporter or not. However, if you are a Patreon supporter, our second prize this year is going to be your choice of apparel…

This is my wonderful dog, Cer (short for Cerveza). He is a Jack…
This is my wonderful dog, Cer (short for Cerveza). He is a Jack Russel Terrier and was a lovely puppy even in his old age. He passed very recently, just this Friday, at the age of 14-15, and I miss…

Could I dm you about my dog, who I’d like to submit for guess the breed? I want to make sure he is the breeds I think he is, and I could use some help on that with your eye.
Guess the breed is only for DNA tested or verified parentage dogs. The point is to have an answer at the end, and show that dogs aren’t always what they appear to be. If you are just guessing, you can…

This is Bellatrix surveying the land. @tinyservicedoglife
This is Bellatrix surveying the land. @tinyservicedoglife

This is my doggie, Saanu. In my language, Saanu means ‘little…
This is my doggie, Saanu. In my language, Saanu means ‘little one’. I’ve taken care of him since he was 2 weeks old. Not sure of his breed, so feel free to guess, if you want 🙂 His hobbies include…

No pressure, but GIVE ME ATTENTION I don’t care if my Mom…
No pressure, but GIVE ME ATTENTION I don’t care if my Mom is working…she should pet me or my nose presses keys in 5, 4, 3, 2…1!

This is Gracie. Sometimes we call her Franken-dog. Part…
This is Gracie. Sometimes we call her Franken-dog. Part chihuahua, part corgi, part papillon. Does not know how to wear pajamas correctly. Very sassy. Has pants of fur.

my sister’s new dog, phoenix!!!
my sister’s new dog, phoenix!!!

handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) Height:…
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) Height: 24 inches at shoulder Weight: 62lbs/28kg Personality: Loves to snuggle, loves to play, has lots of energy and really enjoys obedience, agility, and anything to keep her mind and body active. Has a strong…

timetravelerdog: She’s getting prettier every day, those white…
timetravelerdog: She’s getting prettier every day, those white hairs on her muzzle really fit her.

calliefield: I love using my expensive camera as a…
calliefield: I love using my expensive camera as a point-and-shoot.

In response to “what’s the biggest mess your dog has…
In response to “what’s the biggest mess your dog has made:” This is my Coonhound/American bulldog puppy, Dolly, when she was 6 months old. I would come home to messes like this on the porch almost every day. She loved…

Recycled Artwork “My mommy was in her studio making art,…
Recycled Artwork “My mommy was in her studio making art, so I decided to make some art out of ‘recycled’ materials.”

This is Jupiter, a sweet boy I wanted to adopt from our local…
This is Jupiter, a sweet boy I wanted to adopt from our local humane society. Someone else adopted him before I could, so I hope he has a good home now. The shelter guessed that he’s half Cane Corso, though…

When your arthritis keeps you from walking distances, but you…
When your arthritis keeps you from walking distances, but you still love long walks. (My 14 year old bff Sadie) -@errrrrrrica

These are my dogs, Scruffy and Jasper. Scruffy is the smaller…
These are my dogs, Scruffy and Jasper. Scruffy is the smaller one, often mistaken as Jasper’s Son even though Scruffy is almost 11 and Jasper is only 1.5 years old. Scruffy is a cocker spaniel/poodle mix and Jasper is a…

This is Moose. 1 year old rough coated tricolor collie. He loves…
This is Moose. 1 year old rough coated tricolor collie. He loves the snow! Lives in Chicago Illinois ❤❤

Olive likes to sit properly with her paws crossed
Olive likes to sit properly with her paws crossed

handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules)This is Costa!! He’s my…
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) This is Costa!! He’s my 1 year (and 4 month) old angel He’s 9kg in weight and a tiny 11.5 inches in height He’s a loving little pup who adores cuddling up on your lap or…

This is my puppy, Zander. He’s about 8 months old and is a…
This is my puppy, Zander. He’s about 8 months old and is a yellow (or ivory) lab. He loves sitting on laps that are too small for him and playing in the mud.

This is Basil! He’s a 4 y.o. chihuahua…something mix, no one’s…
This is Basil! He’s a 4 y.o. chihuahua…something mix, no one’s quite sure. He loves to sleep and complain. – @princekaiju

bectravels: My beautiful @baileydoodledaily @handsomedogs
bectravels: My beautiful @baileydoodledaily @handsomedogs

Hey Big Burper! I burp like a full grown man but demand to be…
Hey Big Burper! I burp like a full grown man but demand to be treated like a princess. And I have to burp in mom or dad’s face otherwise it didn’t count. I have no shame Love Mika

Duke (AKA Duuuuuuuuuuke, due to his hound howl, lol), and Duke…
Duke (AKA Duuuuuuuuuuke, due to his hound howl, lol), and Duke playing with Rufus and Annie. – Taylor

Bailey and Sam! – Taylor
Bailey and Sam! – Taylor

He loves pillows
He loves pillows

Meet Meatball! He loves to sleep under the blankets and snuggle…
Meet Meatball! He loves to sleep under the blankets and snuggle with his favorite humans! Also eat. He loves to eat.

All time good boy: Alfie
All time good boy: Alfie

Walter, Benny, Walter being goofy and Cody.
Walter, Benny, Walter being goofy and Cody.

My handsome boy Jonah the bullmastiff,two and a half yrs old…
My handsome boy Jonah the bullmastiff,two and a half yrs old now.

Hide and go Poop I like to play hide and go poop! -Suzy
Hide and go Poop I like to play hide and go poop! -Suzy

This is my handsome boy, Everett! He’s 12 weeks old and he loves…
This is my handsome boy, Everett! He’s 12 weeks old and he loves to chew on shoes.

Big fan of the blog so I thought I’d show off my own Handsome…
Big fan of the blog so I thought I’d show off my own Handsome Dog. This is Bear. He’s a German Shepard/Greyhound mix and about as energetic as you’d think that combo would be.

Sunshine and Lula, half sisters and big lap dogs.
Sunshine and Lula, half sisters and big lap dogs.

This is Wyatt, my 6 year old blue merle Border Collie, having…
This is Wyatt, my 6 year old blue merle Border Collie, having his post bath crazies! – Meg Cody

This is Jimmy! He is 3 years old, Blue Heeler and loves to play…
This is Jimmy! He is 3 years old, Blue Heeler and loves to play fetch and take naps!blue

This is Layla. She’s about 8 months old and we have no idea what…
This is Layla. She’s about 8 months old and we have no idea what breed she is. She is stubborn as an ox and wickedly intelligent, but also super loving and mushy when she wants to be. She’s an excellent…

handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Moxxi! She’s 2 ½…
handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Moxxi! She’s 2 ½ years old, weighs around 87 pounds, and is about 27 inches at the shoulder. She loves to wade in the water, go fetch balls but never bring them back, and…

Best friend ❤ Ash, all black German Shepherd Lab mix. Finn,…
Best friend ❤ Ash, all black German Shepherd Lab mix. Finn, Golden Retriever Shepherd mix maybe? Any ideas?

Murphy, the Transylvanian Hound (almost 2 years old) -…
Murphy, the Transylvanian Hound (almost 2 years old) – csendes tumblr | instagram behance | vimeoredbubble shop