Smiling Dogs

Hi I’m the Golden Retriever puppy anon!! So the Breeder has been feeding them Victor Premium dog food? Would you say that’s a good brand to keep her on?

victor is a great brand and I’ve had success feeding it to my own dogs 🙂 If puppy is doing well on it and you’re happy with the price point there’s no reason to discontinue! You can add other foods…

We might be getting a Golden Retriever puppy soon!! I’ve been wondering what dog food would be best for her. Our vet says that the Purina ProPlan (Which our cats eat) is healthy but I keep seeing stuff about Purina being bad. So I’m a little confused there.

awesome!!! I do love goldens <3 I’d start by figuring out what your breeder/rescue is feeding, you wanna transfer puppy slowly if you decide to switch foods bc puppy tummies are sensitive. Make sure to have enough of the original…