handsomedogs: Do you have a DOG? Do you know your dog’s BREED without question? (i.e.; purebred, know the parents, DNA test. NOT what the shelter or someone guessed please) Then you get to stump everyone in Guess the Breed! Simply…
This is my new puppy Honour! He is gonna grow up to be a guide…
This is my new puppy Honour! He is gonna grow up to be a guide dog for the blind!
isathebordercollie: I see the world in your eyes
isathebordercollie: I see the world in your eyes

Walker :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram | flickr
Walker :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram | flickr

Sisters :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram | flickr
Sisters :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram | flickr
justmydogs: Here are the best photos i’ll ever take of George
justmydogs: Here are the best photos i’ll ever take of George
Capernicus the mountain dog
Capernicus the mountain dog
This is Kili! He just dug a hole. You can follow him…
This is Kili! He just dug a hole. You can follow him on instagram, where he goes by _kilisen :3 – @stuckypancakes
These are my boys Charlie (black) and Smokey (grey)!
These are my boys Charlie (black) and Smokey (grey)!

Queen :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram | flickr
Queen :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram | flickr
I’m moving cross country and my dog and I are in for an extremely long car ride. She’s never been great in the car, very excited/anxious and moving around a lot even when strapped in, and I’m really nervous about how she’ll react to a change in her routine since we’re likely going to be driving through the night and staying in a hotel. Any tips on how to make the journey more bearable for the both of us?
Hey! First off, you should ask your vet for sedatives to keep your dog calm during the trip. They might prescribe Benadryl, or Gravol, or something else to make your dog sleepy, or they might prescribe an anti-anxiety or something…
My mom got an English Bulldog puppy two weeks ago, is it a common thing for them to lick things a lot? She especially likes to like my and my brother’s legs.
Yeah, it’s pretty common! Puppies learn by putting their mouths on things, and if she learned she can get attention by licking people, that’s probably reinforcing the behaviour. You could consistently ignore her or redirect her when she starts licking,…
Hello! My dog, who I’ve submitted a photo on here before of, Georgie the shih tzu terrier mix, has been having issues. Lately, every single time he goes outside to do business, he doesn’t get far before he goes into these bad fits of inward sneezing. It’s been going on for probably close to a week now. Also, every time we say it’s "time to go outside!" he never comes to the door immediately like he used to. When we do coax him outside, he starts the fit and makes his way back inside (1/2)
Without having gone to the bathroom. Even when inside, he’ll have inward sneezing fits. After that stops, his whole body will quiver for a few moments. It happens several times a day, inside and out. He has and has had…
This is Ottis, he’s a big sweet old guy who loves laying on the…
This is Ottis, he’s a big sweet old guy who loves laying on the carpet and digging holes. He’s a newfoundland mix, possibly with mastiff from what I’m told.
This is Harvey, as in Harvey Dent aka Two Face. She (yes, she)…
This is Harvey, as in Harvey Dent aka Two Face. She (yes, she) is a tiny 12 week old English Setter puppy. She is seriously so sweet and cute. I can’t wait to make her into the best hiking buddy!
This is Robbie Dog. She was the best, living as long as she…
This is Robbie Dog. She was the best, living as long as she could, until she was 19 years old. Just recently, we had to let her go. She was kind of judgmental and she huffed a lot when you…

Boerboel Kiarra by Roman Smalko
Boerboel Kiarra by Roman Smalko

Bella by Ajaree
Bella by Ajaree

Yeah I like it here by R Pavingstone
Yeah I like it here by R Pavingstone

Mikka by Elj McIlveen
Mikka by Elj McIlveen

Karelian bear dog by PoerriCat
Karelian bear dog by PoerriCat

Augi @ Long Beach by R Pavingstone
Augi @ Long Beach by R Pavingstone
Sara Vikman
Sara Vikman
Landon Spradling
Landon Spradling

Beagle puppy by Alex Farmer
Beagle puppy by Alex Farmer

Gentle by Armin Volkmann
Gentle by Armin Volkmann

Happy to be here by Amy
Happy to be here by Amy
Hi! I wanted to ask if there are any rules for the guess the breed thing? For example a minimum of breeds mixed or something like that:) I’m here on my phone and couldnt find any infos.
The general handsomedog population doesn’t like to guess on a dog with more than 3 or 4 breeds. It just gets too difficult and unrealistic. Handsomedogs.com/guessthebreed

La Cloche by James Peltzer
La Cloche by James Peltzer

Look Forward by Nikol Gershman
Look Forward by Nikol Gershman
vilescorpio:we caught the sunrise
vilescorpio: we caught the sunrise
This is Rocky! He’s an 11-year-old border collie/labrador/golden…
This is Rocky! He’s an 11-year-old border collie/labrador/golden retriever mix and the sweetest boy in the whole world. He loves getting scratched behind the ears and oh my God does he love to swim! Rocky comes from a dog shelter…
I just adopted this handsome little burrito, and will be…
I just adopted this handsome little burrito, and will be bringing him home as soon as he’s fixed. The shelter says he’s a mix of Shar Pei and hound, but I’ve no idea how accurate that is. I’m naming him…
we got a new chair and mister was the first to sit in it
we got a new chair and mister was the first to sit in it
1000WordPhotography Vegas | Funny Face
1000WordPhotography Vegas | Funny Face
Artur Komorowski | Dog portrait
Artur Komorowski | Dog portrait
Anastasia Chernykh | Jora
Anastasia Chernykh | Jora
Anastasia Filonova | Dog
Anastasia Filonova | Dog
Thanabodee Sitticshoke | Dog
Thanabodee Sitticshoke | Dog
Ruff Translation Gunther (ˈgo͝ontər): German for I poop behind…
Ruff Translation Gunther (ˈgo͝ontər): German for I poop behind couches
theoandluna: This is the life
theoandluna: This is the life
herebelife: Hello. We are but poor starving dogees. May we have…
herebelife: Hello. We are but poor starving dogees. May we have some food?
Marina Reiter | Black Double
Marina Reiter | Black Double
Ben Robson | Puggy Puppy
Ben Robson | Puggy Puppy
Dan Riis | Bella Riis – Lhasa Apso
Dan Riis | Bella Riis – Lhasa Apso
Pip Spicer | Peek-a-boo!
Pip Spicer | Peek-a-boo!
Ralf Bitzer | Kraftvoll
Ralf Bitzer | Kraftvoll
Hi, so my puppy is really gassy. She’s been like this only for a couple days, she doesn’t have a pushed in face and her brother doesn’t have this problem. They both enjoy getting into the cat food so could that be the issue? We’ve been feeding her Iam’s puppy chow for large breeds but she prefers the cat’s food and doesn’t eat it much. Also, thanks for all the cute dog pictures, they just make my day!
Hi there, cat food is much higher in protein than dog food and can cause digestive upset or even pancreatitis if eaten long term. I wouldn’t let your puppy eat it at all, cat food should be kept up out…
Hey everybody, my county’s animal services is taking part in the…
Hey everybody, my county’s animal services is taking part in the “Clear the Shelters 2017” event. Our shelters are no-kill (with the exception of humane euthanasia) which results in us constantly operating beyond our capacity. With partaking in this event…
African’t Stop me! Ellie’s papa had bought her a…
African’t Stop me! Ellie’s papa had bought her a nice gift from his holidays in South Africa. It took only two days for destructo dog to tear it apart. Don’t let that head tilt fool you! Sign reads: “This is…
This is Petey. We rescued him about four years ago. He loves…
This is Petey. We rescued him about four years ago. He loves going to Tim Hortons for timbits and eats them right out of the bag. He also loves being mischievous, and being cuddly. We aren’t quite sure what type…
Elke Vogelsang | The one who was fed after midnight
Elke Vogelsang | The one who was fed after midnight
Jordi Clave | Cute dog being caressed
Jordi Clave | Cute dog being caressed
Ihor Livinskyi | Serious beagle
Ihor Livinskyi | Serious beagle

Krummi jumps by Per Jensen
Krummi jumps by Per Jensen

Pontus by Ulf Bodin
Pontus by Ulf Bodin
Book Lover In a moment of spectacular irony, I destroyed the…
Book Lover In a moment of spectacular irony, I destroyed the dogshaming book.

Icelandic Sheepdog by KDP Pawtography
Icelandic Sheepdog by KDP Pawtography

Krummi enjoys the evening sun by Per Jensen
Krummi enjoys the evening sun by Per Jensen

Icelandic Sheepdog by Daniela Thalmann
Icelandic Sheepdog by Daniela Thalmann

Hvatur by Ástrós Traustadóttir
Hvatur by Ástrós Traustadóttir

handsomedogs: Handsomedogs’ Photography Contest XIIFINAL…
handsomedogs: Handsomedogs’ Photography Contest XIIFINAL ROUND Here are your finalists!! These are the top 10 doggos. Now you are voting for the overall winner of the contest. Remember, the theme this time around is Summer! The Patreon winner for this…

Thor, Icelandic Sheepdog by Dan Jorgensen
Thor, Icelandic Sheepdog by Dan Jorgensen
surefirephoto: Venture. Boulder’s premier canine photographer.
surefirephoto: Venture. Boulder’s premier canine photographer.

this is Sammy! he’s a very sweet blue heeler who went blind with…
this is Sammy! he’s a very sweet blue heeler who went blind with age. Sammy is a good boy who likes butt pats and long walks (even though he occasionally bumps into things)
Peanut Butthead! I figured out how to get peanut butter out of…
Peanut Butthead! I figured out how to get peanut butter out of the cabinet, hid the jar in my bed and then ate it sneakily when nobody was paying attention. – Levi
This is my sweet boy Max (or Moo Moo). He’s a 12 year old…
This is my sweet boy Max (or Moo Moo). He’s a 12 year old chihuahua/poodle mix that I’ve had since he was 7 weeks old. Other than eating and going for walks his favorite thing to do is play chase!!…
My little baby girl Greta.
My little baby girl Greta.
My pretty German shepherd Reese.
My pretty German shepherd Reese.

This is Bandit! He’s coming up 4 years old and he’s…
This is Bandit! He’s coming up 4 years old and he’s a very energetic Springer Spaniel.
Elke Vogelsang | Collie adorableness
Elke Vogelsang | Collie adorableness
Markus Stollnberger | Wonke winke
Markus Stollnberger | Wonke winke
For Hire: Underpaid Dishwasher Siri waits until I leave the…
For Hire: Underpaid Dishwasher Siri waits until I leave the room to scope the counter for food, her brother snitched on her, and my sight froze her.
Kerstin Wittich | Jaron
Kerstin Wittich | Jaron
This is my dog Raisin. He is about 4 ½ months old. We don’t know…
This is my dog Raisin. He is about 4 ½ months old. We don’t know what breed he is, but we’re guessing mostly pit bull. He likes the beach, but he’s a little scared of the water. – @iamramonadestroyerofworlds
Atticus the super American cavalier King Charles spaniel puppy!
Atticus the super American cavalier King Charles spaniel puppy!
armasthekooiker: A yawn
armasthekooiker: A yawn
charlie who loves to fall asleep on my stuff so i can’t clean is…
charlie who loves to fall asleep on my stuff so i can’t clean is here. she’s a pom with a Touch shiba
handsomedogs: Handsomedogs’ Photography Contest XII!Round 3 Here…
handsomedogs: Handsomedogs’ Photography Contest XII!Round 3 Here is round 3 for voting in handsomedogs’ photography contest. There will be 1 more round of voting to award the #1 winner! Remember, the theme this time around is Summer! The Patreon winner for this contest will…

Koda the husky/shiba mix by Jeremiah Ewing
Koda the husky/shiba mix by Jeremiah Ewing
Happy Adoption Day We were working on not chewing everything up…
Happy Adoption Day We were working on not chewing everything up and she was doing great she had a 5 day streak going on and I thought she was over the chewing stage, until she ate her adoption papers. I…

Yoshi! by Nifty
Yoshi! by Nifty

Shiba Inu by Pin
Shiba Inu by Pin

Untitled by Miichan
Untitled by Miichan

Shiba inu by Beddiz
Shiba inu by Beddiz

Bulldog by Nickle Crowe
Bulldog by Nickle Crowe

Me and my ball by Alex Schultz
Me and my ball by Alex Schultz

Pug sitting in a meadow by Radius Images
Pug sitting in a meadow by Radius Images

Pug by Ahsan Iqbal
Pug by Ahsan Iqbal
Christmas Sweater Ashton chewed a hole in his new Christmas…
Christmas Sweater Ashton chewed a hole in his new Christmas sweater, then puked it up. Yes, it was as gross as it sounds.

Pug by AntlanticLost
Pug by AntlanticLost
Handsomedogs’ Photography Contest XII!Round 3Here is round 3 for…
Handsomedogs’ Photography Contest XII!Round 3 Here is round 3 for voting in handsomedogs’ photography contest. There will be 1 more round of voting to award the #1 winner! Remember, the theme this time around is Summer! The Patreon winner for this contest will be…
This is my dog, Ryder. He’s a 2-year-old German Shepherd mix of…
This is my dog, Ryder. He’s a 2-year-old German Shepherd mix of some sort who I adopted from a shelter when he was 8-9 weeks old and he is a real good boy. @last-star-on-the-left
Beware of Zombie Pug! José the Pug puppy, 4 months old.
Beware of Zombie Pug! José the Pug puppy, 4 months old.
Put your puggy hands up in the air like you just don’t…
Put your puggy hands up in the air like you just don’t care! José the Pug puppy, 4 months old.
My baby girl, Skyler. I rescued her from my local shelter. She’s…
My baby girl, Skyler. I rescued her from my local shelter. She’s almost a year old, Border Collie / Lab mix. I’m 99.9% sure she’s the most loving and cuddly dog in the world.. She especially loves hammocking

I moved out of my mom’s house about a month ago and had to…
I moved out of my mom’s house about a month ago and had to say good bye (for now) to these two cuties! I moved out of state and miss them incredibly! Bert (blue collar) and Ernie (red collar)!