You chose wrong “The groceries were left unattended. This is what I chose.” Betty could have had all sorts of yummy things from the shopping bags but she chose broccoli. Go figure.

You chose wrong “The groceries were left unattended. This is what I chose.” Betty could have had all sorts of yummy things from the shopping bags but she chose broccoli. Go figure.
My gangly baby Amos
Topaz – 3yr old rescue. English mastiff and weimaraner.
This is my 14 week old Miniature Schnauzer, Daisy. I think she’s the cutest.
This is my lovely puppy, Maya!
My wife’s aunt’s Jack Russell. Her name is Jackie O.
He’s not the perfection… or a kind of ‘handsome’ dogs, but it’s my dog… and i love him. He’s name is Jack 🙂
Lou stealing my bed as always
This is my miniature beagle mix Emma. She is 3 years old and even more spunky than when she was a puppy. She has so much personality! Her favorite things are barking, walking around the neighborhood, and anything I’m currently…
Our 3 year-old pit bull, Karma
Our pit bull, Duke who is much sweeter than he first appears!
More Money, More Problems? I can fix that. I chewed up Novembers rent cheque 🙁
DiegoEnglish Bulldog
Hide yo’ kids, Hide yo’ soup! Hide yo’ kids, hide yo’ soup!
Stick out your tongue if you’re a sweet boy!
@TreySongz lesser known song… I spent the weekend at my parent’s home; I got a warm dinner and lost a pair of underwear to their Wheaten, Finnegan.
Chip the Chocolate Lab loves playing in the snow.
My dog, Foxearth, whom I took in from the streets of Beijing. I think she will always be among the most graceful of all strays, though she is no longer a stray anymore.
Clean up crew needed in aisle 3. I’m Chase and I ate cat vomit 2 seconds after finding it before it could be cleaned up
mika-and-kylie: 6/4/2014 These cute nuggets.
He’s got the chops to counter surf! Today Gunnar decided to eat supper while we were at work. He is paying the price now…
This is Grimoire (Grim for short). He is a 3 year old german shepherd dog. This is him on one of his days off from being a service dog.
Brynja getting a lesson in patience.
This is my silly dachshund called Orino, we put a flowercrown over his head and he looked awesome 🙂
Axel, my stabyhoun/fox terrier mix photographed by my friend Susan ( He’s 15 years-old now and still going strong!
Meet Hunter! He’s 1 1/2 years old. An Australian cattle-dog mix.He absolutely LOVES playing fetch, and has the most adorable personality. Although he’s pretty tiny, he’s the family “protector” 😉
This is Blaire, she’s a 2 1/2 year old black lab/ chow-chow mix. She’s a professional cuddle bug, and my best friend!
Snowy, my 9 yeat old labrador who is a bit small to bully us the way he does and for his age, but hes perfect
Elliott is a Golden Retriever/German Shepherd mix that loves to play in the leaves!
my handsome red setter Rusty and his trophy.
Gus – the dog that made me love dogs.
This is Chloe, she’s a yorkie – schnauzer mix. She was about 5 months old in this picture, she’s now 2 years old and loves running around the backyard, chasing the tennis ball and harrasing the cat.
This is our collie Jack, in a rare picture where his (slightly too large) tongue isn’t hanging out of his mouth.
The Creeper My name is Cookie, and I like to stare at you like a creeper when you are trying to nap.
my gorgeous red setter puppy Rudy
My silly, handsome border collie.
This little Piggy… “I ate mom’s vacation money and pooped on the wall. Twice. She still doesn’t know how I did it.”
This is grim. He is a service dog. He is a 3 year old german shepherd dog. This picture was taken of him on one of his days off at the local dog park. He loves to go there and…
The Archaeologist My deep interest in Archaeology is the reason my Mom will never have flowers in her garden.
wake up
baby sasha in all her pouty glory
Recycled Dinner I threw up my dinner. -Max I ate it!! -Coco Max threw up some of his dinner and before we could even get up to clean it, Coco jumped in and ate it. Gross!!
Gertsi the welsh terrier
But I wanted to marathon @netflix Orange is the new black! Bentley likes movies so much he decided to see how they tasted.
This is Cleo, 3 month old ridgeback/stuffy. Rescued from abusive owners, now I’m her forever family and were very happy!
crevannight: Friendly dog I met while getting firewood near Assateague 🙂 We get wood from the same guy every year – first time a dog has been there, though! She listened to my requests, too. I asked her to move…
shelterlove: This girl is actually not for adoption, she was at the shelter waiting for her owner to pick her back up, but I just had to get pictures of her and I’m glad we took her out since she…
Lolita’s Island
My 7 years old, handsome boy Lama Warsaw, Poland
Zoey after a swim.
This is my beautiful Sadie. We recently discovered her love of hiking. She is quite the mountain dog!
My boys Larry n Tyler
Kian and Mischa just wondering when they will get to the forest.
Meet Bubba. Our 1 1/2 yr old English Bulldog.
This is Zoe, a 6 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback (without the ridge) that we got from a shelter when she was just a puppy 🙂
If there ever was an shameless dog, I think we found it. Hazel won’t eat her dog food. We have tried everything and she goes days without eating. I found out that she was just full of cat poop.
Reggie the five year old parti toy poodle.
Her name is Buffy and she will be turning 5 in a week and a half.
Talk to me, Goose Bad dog!
Shanti, a 7year old Yorkshire Terrier.
Dental Hygiene Audrey ate a whole packet of dentastix dental treats. She usually gets one each morning. Tomorrow there is nothing for her.
This is my best friend Leo, a 3-year-old Black Lab/German Shorthaired Pointer mix. He looks very regal but he gets bullied by Beagles at the dog park!
Charlee girl after a playdate at the park. Great Dane/Mastiff Photo by Hannah Boles
The diagram instructions were pretty clear, dog. This pup learned the hard way what happens when you bark at a skunk in your back yard.
Meatball the Airedale got his new summer haircut. Follow his crazy-eared adventures on instagram @meatballtheairedale!
Cover-up Corg Maybe it would have worked if I’d done it while Mom wasn’t watching.
Rigger! 10 month old pitbull mix
These are my border collies Toby (11) and Zoe (12). Photo taken by Zoya Martin
Handsome Samson says: “Welcome to my library”
This is rocky. He is so handsome and my best friend of 10 years now. But he’s still super handsome.
Our 1 year old white German Shepherd, Stark, and our 11 week old black and tan German Shepherd, Arya.
Tess, 10 year old Golden-doodle!
My 3 year old Golden Retriever
This little girl’s name is Gemma, shes a sweet sassy frenchie who I often babysat~
Lucky, 7.5 y/o presumed Miniature Schnauzer/American Cocker Spaniel mix. He was a stray puppy that showed up in my family’s driveway in 2007. Never found an owner, so he stayed. Couldn’t have asked for a better dog! 🙂 This photo…
Blake the golden pyranees communing with nature
This dog is my friend. His name Shocks. This is a wonderful dog 🙂
I c[ant] even look at the camera I dragged my mom through a fire ant nest. She got bitten 27 times and I got zero.
Tink, my ten year old black lab who lives in Scotland x
This is Dorado. He’s a Chow/Australian Shepherd mix, and he’s the most docile dog you’ll ever meet. His ‘let’s go for a walk’ dance is truly something to behold. He’s slowed down recently, since his dog sister Rivan passed away.…
What do you think this cutie did? My daughter helped me take the picture. She asked me what he had done. I told her, “You don’t want to know.”
Milli, 5-year-old Yorkshire Terrier
What’s the key to solving this mystery? My dog Fenway ate a key to my husbands work!
Petey the 13-year-old Jack Russell Terrier thinks she’s queen bee.
Gideon went swimming for the first time with his new life jacket!
Do you wanna build a snowman? “They wouldn’t let me outside, so I had to make my snowman inside!” Zero’s still just a pup – so she’s very good at make believe!
Blind beagle Beagle fears no suds.
No More Scrap booking in this house…. Cain clearly does not want anyone scrap booking in the house anymore….
best friend!!!!
Rigby, my sweet 12 week cocker-poo! He’s my first dog and I couldn’t be more in love.
This is Pepper Potts, our rescue puppy, she is a beagle, basset, english bull terrier, boxer, and bichon frise mix.
This is Murphy
Zeus is a 2 yr old Catahoula Leopard/Pit Bull mix, the sweetest baby boy in the world 🙂
Oakley a mastiff labrador mix
Its a dogs world / / Dennis Larsen
Meet Ollie, a (almost) 3 month old goldendoodle.
Buddy, a 5 year old golden retriever/cocker spaniel mix.