
Our Stabyhoun “Berber” gave birth to seven puppies last week! She did an awesome job and she’s a great mom. We are so proud of her!
Tooken by Jazmyn Galloway #handsomedogs
This is Zola, she’s a cross between a Border collie, Icelandic sheepdog and a English cocker spaniel.
Buff, the short hair Border Collie
Kika – 9 year old mix, rescued from a dog pound 😉
this is jerrell, a collie/shepherd mix. he just turned three years old! we recently found him on craigslist from a family who needed to rehome him and we have quickly fallen in love.
Luna the Husky puppy.
Silkie the Cavapoo, now at 10 weeks and gaining confidence in her climbing abilities.
10 month old pitbull mix, Bowser. 💙 Love you puppy.
This is Bane, my goofy 4 month old mini bulldog puppy. He’s my Emotional Service Animal, and my best friend.
Tiller getting ready for a ride in the jeep with the doors and top off!
Three German Shepherd puppies that belong to a friend. I cannot get enough of these little guys!
My hound dog Bay, first time I saw her at the shelter. I’ve had her for two years now! She likes tummy rubs.
This is Lola. She’s a lab x tolling retriever mix who loves everyone.
This is Mona. Shes a German Rott/Cane Corso mix!
Max 14 months
Cat Scratch Fever One day after Fisher turned one year old, and after we have successfully left him in the house while gone for work the whole day without incident, I came home to this.
This is Winkie my chihuahua! (And don’t worry about her eye, she was born with it like that and is not impaired by the partial blindness at all! She’s a very happy puppy!)
Suki, a 1 year old poodle/maltese mix, sniffing around in the yard.
Mambo is why the kids can’t use the trampoline Mambo, my Rhodesian ridgeback destroyed the protective netting on our trampoline.
Frannie (left) and Georgia (right) the puppies my mother and I are fostering. These two are available for adoption if anyone in the northeast Ohio area is interested!
my dog mei
This is Honey, a 10 yr old long haired Chihuahua mix! She’s not as regal as she likes to think she is. 🙂
Human salt lick Miss Lucy is very friendly, especially in the elevator. If you’ve just come from the gym, she especially loves you!
ollietherottweiler: yesterdays pictures have to be some of my favourites of Ollie
Who lived in that pineapple Ironically, the day before I ate this…I chewed up a yellow dish sponge. I’m sorry, but I’ll probably destroy something else tomorrow while you’re gone. Love, Bailey
My boyfriend’s chocolate lab, Ryder!
Ranger. Golden Retriever and Lab cross. Giant teddy bear.
Tyson the dachshund mix
My handsome labradoodle, Drake!
Indy the Whippet taking a break after playing.
These are our boys. From the time we added the puppy to a month ago, he’s grown and they’ve become brothers 🙂
These are our fur children 🙂
Coco, Balou & Kaya – Best Trio! more pictures: 🙂
Merlin, Rottweiler.
Ranger. Golden Retriever and Lab cross. He was a rescue so I’m not really sure how old he is, but he’s certainly starting to show his age.
Lucy, the Olde English Bulldogge @ 13 weeks.
Your skirt looked like a tree I wee on elderly women who wear long skirts. – Alfie, the terrible Tibetan Terrier, age 6.
Pepper, the Shih Tzu
This is my 1 year old Amstaff, Koda, which means “Friend” or “Companion” in Native American. – heylilshawty
Bear-dog This is Phife Dog. He’s an 11 week old English Staffy. And like all staffies he loves to chew. Everything. Naughty Doggy.
my 11 year old puppy princess 👑
Eggcellent idea! I left the kitchen for 15 seconds and Reesee was about to eat her third egg.
4-year old dalmatian Jasper playing football.
Maxim, I was really lucky he’s perfect to me
That’s not the Harley I was expecting in the garage I finally figured out how to open the big Garage door, and the police came and crashed my party….. go figure!
Katie is feeling Friskies My name is Katie and I eat the cats food instead of my own
This is my mini Aussie Bindi showing off her prize of a jar of peanutbutter.
Linus: my best friend for 10 years now 🙂
Ansel 12 Month old Weimaraner!
My dog abra sunbathing, a mixture of who knows what.
This is my dog Miller, a German Shepherd Husky mix. He is very overweight, dominant of his territory and food but loves to be scratched on the tummy and likes to lay on others’ bed.
My dog Jimmy, with his “You talkin to me?” face
Munich my 11 weeks German Shepherd.❤️😘🐾🐶💕🎀
Henry A bulldog
Miley loves being co-pilot.
Where’s dinner? Beets me! I’m not sure if I should be happy, sad, angry …. or merely frightened of tomorrow’s walk.
Cooper’s opinion of his first visit to the beach.
My 10 week old, Shiba Inu mix Leah 🙂
Frito Lay-z dog! Fez wouldn’t stop licking his feet. When I smelled them they smelled like Fritos. I had to wash him off to make him stop.
Honey Butter / Golden Retriever
You leave them underwear? Sam is my 2 and a half year old Jack Russell/Chihuahua and I love her to death!
This is Bruno, a beautiful rescued mutt from Puerto Rico.
d j a n g o t h e v i z s l a . #handsomedogs
Quincy has the wrong bathroom! Quincy refuses to poop in OUR yard and runs straight to the neighbours’ house to relieve himself.
This is my best friend Felix, the mystery mix. He moved in with me for keeps last October after bouncing around foster homes and trial adoptions for years. He’s very scared of strangers, but once he gets to know someone…
Gatsby loves [a party] shoe …and we all know what happened to Gatsby in the end.
Rickles the Golden Retriever. A very handsome boy.
Molly, my English Springer Spaniel, thinks she’s a model
Took the babies out one winter afternoon. Sully the Golden Retriever loves the cold and even swimming in cold water, but Mike wasn’t too thrilled to be outside. Mike was trying to convince Sully to go back inside the warm…
Hi my name is Zeus and I’m a baby english bulldog. Feel free to follow me on instagram to watch me grow up @zeus.thebulldog!
This is my brother’s dog/soulmate, Brody. We just had a horrible cancer scare with him (it turns out he just ate a trash bag — don’t ask). This is the first photo since we found out he’s okay… he looks…
Here’s another of Bo 🙂 He says thanks for the love!– @strikingmatches
I’m Daisy and I just got a bath today look how clean I am!
This handsome boy is Max. He’s two-years-old, and he loves running through long grass, sleeping in funny positions/places, and having his tummy tickled. Dublin is really happy all the time!
American cross English pup
People seemed to love Bo so here’s another! He says thanks for the love 🙂 -@strikingmatches
“I just wanted to play too!” Daisy really loves my boyfriend, but he’s still haunted by memories of getting a cold dog nose in the grundle.
I met this guy at the Dog Lovers Show in Melbourne. Fantastic day of dog cuddling and photos.
Our pitbull puppy who we call Oreo, the bully. All the way from Saipan CNMI.
I punched a cat …and he didn’t like it. “I jumped up on my crate & punched the cat… then I cried…
My 1 year old Miniature Australian Shepard – Ziva
You’re why mommy drinks, Whiskey. Aptly named, we have an epic bad dog named Whiskey. This week…
My 3 year old Miniature Australian Shepard – Cinder
Female purebred Husky named Kiah 🙂 I watched her last summer and I am totally in love with her even though she’s a sass
Daddy, let me show you how much I love you…be peeing on you. After being taken outside to use the bathroom, and watching his twin sister get brushed, Tesla decided to pee all over himself, Dad, the floor and the rug…
My greyhound Zap’s first Halloween! He liked being a bee more than we expected.
Happy Father’s Day all over your pillow. Let him outside for a bit, and you never know what poop he will find!
This handsome little monster is Champ, a five year old rescue. His favorite things include giving hugs, cuddling, and eating cookies.
7minutesdreams: whatsuuuuup, sista? (this is my little princess, her name is Diva)
blondeisawesome: My Derpy Husky enjoying the sunset in Virginia Beach, VA
aplacetolovedogs: Puppy Happiness Pure puppy happiness…… rolling around in the grass! What could be better!
This is Timbit! 12 year old Beagle. She is covered in lipstick kisses.
Like father like daughter- toy poodles Rhys and Lucy
My Border Collie, Tahoe, sporting his new bandana. He’s such a handsome boy!