mostlyvoidpartiallydogs: 79th Street, New York by Todd Webb, 1952 from The Dog In Photography 1839 – Today
dogsaremypatronus: Gardening Tutorial by Christmas the Samoyed 1. Gently place the flowers in the…
dogsaremypatronus: Gardening Tutorial by Christmas the Samoyed 1. Gently place the flowers in the dirt bed. 2. Then arrange and position them neatly. 3. STOMP THE DIRT JUST STOMP STOMP STOMP! ATTENTION! THIS IS THE BEST PART! 4. Enjoy your…
kiwiaussie:Kiwi, 5 years old
kiwiaussie: Kiwi, 5 years old
pet-interests:Young lady and young man
pet-interests: Young lady and young man
standard-poodle: Those are cookie crumbs on my nose.
standard-poodle: Those are cookie crumbs on my nose.
This is Moose; favorites include munching on grass and spitting it out, running in circles at full…
This is Moose; favorites include munching on grass and spitting it out, running in circles at full speed, eviscerating stuffed animals, and lounging lazily in the sun. I am super lucky to be her forever human ✨
argo-the-snoodle: While Argo is at home with the roommates, get to spend some quality time with my…
argo-the-snoodle: While Argo is at home with the roommates, get to spend some quality time with my new brother, Tito! He has taken a liking to my old pillow pet
trashpuppyoscar: Took and edited this with my new phone. Not too bad imo!
trashpuppyoscar: Took and edited this with my new phone. Not too bad imo!
marloandmav-adventurers: Sometimes he’s cute and then sometimes…
marloandmav-adventurers: Sometimes he’s cute and then sometimes he’s… yeah…
This is Rigby, the official Cutest Dog Ever (at least in my eyes anyway). He’s a…
This is Rigby, the official Cutest Dog Ever (at least in my eyes anyway). He’s a Pomeranian/Papillon cross and he weighs 9 lbs but he is afraid of nothing, except maybe running out of food
marloandmav-adventurers: NOW THIS HERE IS A GOOD…
marloandmav-adventurers: NOW THIS HERE IS A GOOD BOY @fishsticksfromthenorth-ish
winedogs: jay got his bluebonnet pictures done this weekend like a good texan
winedogs: jay got his bluebonnet pictures done this weekend like a good texan
Layla, happy after her haircut and bath!
Layla, happy after her haircut and bath!
thebrittanybrigade: I’ve been blessed to have this goober in my life
thebrittanybrigade: I’ve been blessed to have this goober in my life
doginprogress: a beggar and a thief
doginprogress: a beggar and a thief
dogblessyou: “Excuse me? Yes, you. Were you going to share that turkey sandwich? It would be such a…
dogblessyou: “Excuse me? Yes, you. Were you going to share that turkey sandwich? It would be such a shame to let it go to waste…”
hadissima: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
hadissima: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
aquestionablemutt: a GREAT dog.
aquestionablemutt: a GREAT dog.
maisietheyellowlab: look at this snowy pic I forgot to post…
maisietheyellowlab: look at this snowy pic I forgot to post when it was still actually winter!
sammyandfred: pumis look like teddy bears and no one can tell me otherwise
sammyandfred: pumis look like teddy bears and no one can tell me otherwise
saphynias: THE adorable Mono Bono of the house @philtruum Just…
saphynias: THE adorable Mono Bono of the house @philtruum Just spent a wonderful few days with this puppy who is actually a tank and a clinger lvl 100 He also refused to retrieve any gold – saphynia
specklemutts: my pet pest
specklemutts: my pet pest
rnerri: Her patch says “Whoever is in charge of making sure I don’t do dumb stuff is fired.” And…
rnerri: Her patch says “Whoever is in charge of making sure I don’t do dumb stuff is fired.” And the person who is now fired is me
ollietherottweiler: my favourite boy and favourite flower <3
ollietherottweiler: my favourite boy and favourite flower <3
oneabsentdog: The drool is a part of him
oneabsentdog: The drool is a part of him

personal—responsibility: Sugar with the most brilliant…
personal—responsibility: Sugar with the most brilliant smile! So lucky I got to walk her today <3
brokenharted: I’ve made a…
brokenharted: I’ve made a decision. I’m building a home worthy of a u n i c o r n
dogsaremypatronus: Freshly brushed and happy.
dogsaremypatronus: Freshly brushed and happy.
whimsicalwoofs: She little
whimsicalwoofs: She little
achoirofcritters: Happiness is found between the trees….
achoirofcritters: Happiness is found between the trees. 🙂 Pazuzu, March 2019!
doginprogress: we stan a bearded babe ❤️
doginprogress: we stan a bearded babe ❤️
ollietherottweiler: nerd
ollietherottweiler: nerd
crazysenji: Ultimate Bed
crazysenji: Ultimate Bed
nixtevs-hugo-boss: Found a wise little waldgeist in the forest
nixtevs-hugo-boss: Found a wise little waldgeist in the forest
toriandgeorgia: yes hello 911??? my dog is too happy
toriandgeorgia: yes hello 911??? my dog is too happy
nefja: Could someone please tell her to stop being so darn…
nefja: Could someone please tell her to stop being so darn cute!
qualitydogs: Basset hound Brut by Ksenia Raykova
qualitydogs: Basset hound Brut by Ksenia Raykova
This is George, I chose him for my aunt when he was a puppy and he’s my baby and I would die…
This is George, I chose him for my aunt when he was a puppy and he’s my baby and I would die for him. – Sophia
This is Panchito. He’s a Maltese. He loves food, going for…
This is Panchito. He’s a Maltese. He loves food, going for walks, food. Hates taking baths and the neighbors across the street. – Crowart
My beautiful baby girl Cassie!
My beautiful baby girl Cassie!
This is my dog Sydney (syd) he is turning 16 this year. He is blind in both eyes but still living…
This is my dog Sydney (syd) he is turning 16 this year. He is blind in both eyes but still living life to the fullest
lainphotography: Payasa
lainphotography: Payasa
equus-swift: Prom date for hire: Guaranteed will be a good boy
equus-swift: Prom date for hire: Guaranteed will be a good boy
kerthanbran:Moulin du Saut
kerthanbran: Moulin du Saut
Paco is here to grant you happy days to come!!
Paco is here to grant you happy days to come!!
How do you say ‘no’ to this face?!
How do you say ‘no’ to this face?!
isathebordercollie: Angel
isathebordercollie: Angel
novathesheltie: nova’s favorite thing to do in the morning is to sprint to the picnic table, jump…
novathesheltie: nova’s favorite thing to do in the morning is to sprint to the picnic table, jump on it and wait for me to give him a treat

Toloache my Mexican hairless ❤️
Toloache my Mexican hairless ❤️
Here’s Grizz, also known as The Big Pup, our rescued male…
Here’s Grizz, also known as The Big Pup, our rescued male Rottie. He obligingly hopped up on this picnic table for a photo. Grizz was adopted through Mountain Rottie Rescue in upstate New York. He was an owner surrender who’d…
thedoomydogs: beards are kind of my thing, if you couldn’t tell
thedoomydogs: beards are kind of my thing, if you couldn’t tell
atraversso: Little fluffy dog by lunapaparazzi
atraversso: Little fluffy dog by lunapaparazzi
westie-impostor: April 8, 2019
westie-impostor: April 8, 2019
doomspaniels: Good morning! Grab a stuffed toy and march purposefully out into the dewy grass.
doomspaniels: Good morning! Grab a stuffed toy and march purposefully out into the dewy grass.
floaty-cody: He let me put a dandelion on his head!!
floaty-cody: He let me put a dandelion on his head!!
tundratails: @dogish
tundratails: @dogish
meet my mini eskie Popsicle (we just call her Poppi.) she only stops smiling when she’s asleep! -…
meet my mini eskie Popsicle (we just call her Poppi.) she only stops smiling when she’s asleep! – kai
This is the best boy ever, Tide. Here he is patiently waiting for me to throw the ball.
This is the best boy ever, Tide. Here he is patiently waiting for me to throw the ball.
lainphotography: Luise
doginprogress: tonight on our walk someone asked if Azula was an Airedale……
doginprogress: tonight on our walk someone asked if Azula was an Airedale……
too cool for school
too cool for school
This is my dog Luna. She’s a ten year old Kooikerhondje and…
This is my dog Luna. She’s a ten year old Kooikerhondje and looooves playtime
Oh Ha Ni is an 8/9 year old princess puppy, and we think mostly…
Oh Ha Ni is an 8/9 year old princess puppy, and we think mostly German Shepherd. What do you think? @goldenwarrior17
Koda, doing her Saturday routine.
Koda, doing her Saturday routine.
smoothexpression: ;-)
smoothexpression: 😉
This is our dog Charli, aka “Bebecino” which means in Spanish…
This is our dog Charli, aka “Bebecino” which means in Spanish little cute baby. He is 7 and he has to be immortal.

This is jack, I have no idea what his breed is, what do you guys think?
This is jack, I have no idea what his breed is, what do you guys think?
This is Silky-Smooth! The jury is still out on what exactly…
This is Silky-Smooth! The jury is still out on what exactly he’s mixed with but I just go with Shih-Tzu mix. All I know is that his toys, humans, and car rides are the best things in the world to…
June Bug, Australian shepherd/boxer mixKona Bean, catahoula/border collie mixCaspian the Tenth, no…
June Bug, Australian shepherd/boxer mix Kona Bean, catahoula/border collie mix Caspian the Tenth, no idea but 100% sweet heart @ayjayaich
floofboof: “Got my toast, ready for pup school!”
floofboof: “Got my toast, ready for pup school!”
zeldathesheltie: The coolest working kelpie guy
zeldathesheltie: The coolest working kelpie guy
smoothexpression:UUUMMM SHE CUTE???
smoothexpression: UUUMMM SHE CUTE???
sammythesheltie: If he will ever grow up?Hopefully no ❤.
sammythesheltie: If he will ever grow up? Hopefully no ❤.
mulgi: Ruka March 2019
mulgi: Ruka March 2019
abarkinthepark:morning yoga with Jack
abarkinthepark: morning yoga with Jack
naturaldog: Local dog did her first bike ride!! She did incredible, staying close but not too close…
naturaldog: Local dog did her first bike ride!! She did incredible, staying close but not too close on the single track. Running beside us on wide stuff. We gotta work on her people skills but that’s easy.

spanishmal: *swoon*
spanishmal: *swoon*
collegiatecanine: Breaking News in Quincy’s Mohawk Saga: he’s cool af
collegiatecanine: Breaking News in Quincy’s Mohawk Saga: he’s cool af
ollietherottweiler: Aggy
ollietherottweiler: Aggy
6woofs: A Beautiful Boy
6woofs: A Beautiful Boy
localchai: 4/4/19 Mt. Arbys
localchai: 4/4/19 Mt. Arbys
Meeko at Walker Canyon, Ca enjoying all the smells! IG:…
Meeko at Walker Canyon, Ca enjoying all the smells! IG: @meeks.n.geeks
This is Mordecai he likes to smile and play dress up. He is a…
This is Mordecai he likes to smile and play dress up. He is a pure bred border collie. He was adopted out of Virgina, and now he’s a very happy farm dog living in Maryland.
Our princess puppy, Oh Ha Night.
Our princess puppy, Oh Ha Night.
Here is my four year old baby, Captain! He’s a bulldog, retriever, lab mix and loves giving kisses
Here is my four year old baby, Captain! He’s a bulldog, retriever, lab mix and loves giving kisses
This is Maizy. She’s a red heeler mix and she is very sweet….
This is Maizy. She’s a red heeler mix and she is very sweet. Even when she’s barking at squirrels. @puptriarchy
The happiest girl. @aresashleykimber on insta
The happiest girl. @aresashleykimber on insta
This is Ciaran! She recently turned three and we’re both…
This is Ciaran! She recently turned three and we’re both enjoying the Texas bluebonnets this spring!
Addison “Adi” is my 6 year old Labrador Retriever! …
Addison “Adi” is my 6 year old Labrador Retriever! – @adilab
This is my beautiful girl, Sadie Doo. She’s a 1.5 year old Great…
This is my beautiful girl, Sadie Doo. She’s a 1.5 year old Great Dane/German Shepherd mix and she is such a hoot. She loves cuddles, but loves to play more and will literally stick a toy in your mouth at…
This is Cora! She is just over a year old, and is a rescue from…
This is Cora! She is just over a year old, and is a rescue from La Paz, Mexico. She loves running on the beach and picking up clam shells.
This is Kobe on his 1st birthday! He’s a rescue labradoodle and…
This is Kobe on his 1st birthday! He’s a rescue labradoodle and doesn’t quite enjoy having his pictures taken, but he’s too cute to not lol. – @ithappens-yaknow
Luna, a rat terrier mix, and the sweetest girl in the whole…
Luna, a rat terrier mix, and the sweetest girl in the whole world ~ Marisol M.
This is Luna a rescue from Palm Valley Animal Center in South…
This is Luna a rescue from Palm Valley Animal Center in South Texas. We think she is a Jack Russell/Lab Blend but not too sure. She’s the sweetest lil girl you’ve ever met though and just started agility training.
this is molly, a 3 year old english springer! she likes running, kisses, and being the most…
this is molly, a 3 year old english springer! she likes running, kisses, and being the most beautiful girl in the world