Blue loves her Puppyccino!

Blue loves her Puppyccino!
Sega in the Rain / / Darcy Evans
non-wolfdogs: Kodiak is a Siberian Husky (no wolf) up for adoption in Valencia, California. Know of a wolfy-looking dog or wolfdog in need of a home? Submit to us!
animalaspects: Ginger is a beautiful and gentle female pit bull at HALO Animal Shelter in Arizona. She needs to be the only dog in the home as she becomes aggressive over protecting her owners, but she would make an amazing…
Citadella / / Oszkár Dániel Gáti
Lord / / Aistė Sudintaitė
In the jungle* the Boston sleeps tonight *and by jungle, we mean couch. This is Max. He’s usually he’s a good boy, but sometimes, when he’s left alone too long, he gets…
Look at the ‘state’ of the break room! Della Wear, the baby french bulldog pooped in the break room just before the lunch breaks started.
I made Daddy a coffee coaster I turned Daddy’s terabyte drive into Daddy’s new coffee coaster. Love, Misty Our Springer Spaniel ran in from outside in a lightening fast flash, ran into the power cord for the external hard drive that…
First (and last) edition Danny chewed up this children’s book from 1913 that I had just found at an estate sale.
Who Needs a Vet? I took out my own stitches.
This is Benito, he’s 8 years old and loves everybody
This is Cleopatra! She’s about to turn 2 and I love her more with every day that passes!
Our beautiful girl KC!
Lottie got a new raincoat today, but is a bit nervous that her German Shepherd brother might make fun of her.
Bado, 1 year old mix west highland white terrier 🙂
This is a photo I took of my friend’s dog, Minnie. She stank like nothing on earth but she sure was a sweetie!
Pepsi, my Tibetan Terrier, always looks so happy when it’s sunny
Morus, my 13 years old mixed breed 🙂
This is Nola, my two year old nova scotia duck tolling retriever mix.
We want the whole treat, monkey! Our friend Lee over at Sofa Dogs has a hilarious web series you really should check out.
Filo, almost 10 years old golden retriever aka the only man I need in my life
Whoa Westie! I use Teddies as Sex Toys! Teddy says “Help!”
Luca: King of the Sea, Master of Winds.
i had her attention! very proud! coco, my australian shepherd! perfect dog! for more:
Lacy is too good for the outdoors Lacy likes to be a bit mischievous by pooping on the carpet next to the door. The door we kindly leave open for the dogs to lay in the sun and use the facilities…
Let’s play a game of deaf or just ill-behaved… I like to run after other dogs and I don’t listen
My sister’s Black German Shepherd, XO For more photography of pups, direwolves, and this fella, feel free to check out my photography blog. Chardonne, 2014. © Joy Corthesy Photography, All Rights Reserved.
the most dangerous thing about her is her tail and its ability to bruise you with excitement. that, and she kill you with kisses.
Two-year-old longhaired whippet, Newton
Hasta Lasagna! This is MOUSE… he is a land SHARK… he hovers when you are eating … and waits for crumbs in the water..
a happy dog makes me happy. – Turqmoose photography
This is XO, a black long haired German Shepherd, and secretly a direwolf. For more photography of pups, direwolves, and this fella, feel free to check out my photography blog. Chardonne, 2014. © Joy Corthesy Photography, All Rights Reserved.
You’re off the Dean’s List Hogan was just so excited to be visiting and Daisy just kept barking and barking and, well, he peed on her head in appreciation.
Hallie Tosis I only weigh 7 pounds…but my breath could stop a freight train!
Watch out, we have a dog.
All The Single Ladies’ Hygiene Products Came home to both my Basset hounds “wearing” feminine hygiene products. They must’ve mistaken them for something to eat!
Bishop. He likes chasing birds, walks and my couch. MY couch.
Pit-but it just exploded! My co-workers tear up everything!
Here’s Joker.
Our beautiful black Lab Golden Retriever cross KC, who passed away July 19, 2014. Rest easy old girl
Olga, my ~little~ rotweiller, and her sisters in the back, Laika and Dara. #lovemybabies
Ma girl
Berry bad dog “I eat fruit flavoured Chapstick so my burps smell like strawberries”
Sure…blame the cat… Vegas hides cat poo around the house….we were blaming the poor cats until we caught her!
Potty poopin’ dachshund I think the 2 yr olds potty chair is my snack bowl.
huskiesadventures: Even when hes not even trying to look good Thunder still manages to look handsome. This boy is so photogenic he never takes a bad picture.
I didn’t think it was going to rain… Took our dogs out for a potty break and Zoe, the one on the right decided she needed to be directly under Nuke, the one on the left, when he had to pee.
Luna’s finally starting to feel like like a normal puppy after being treated for Parvo over the weekend! Instagram: @lunathegsd
Our Coonhound Buford hates to be left alone. This is the effects of a few mistakes made on the part…
My beautiful lab, Miley 🙂
welovesamoyeds: 🎭🐶🐾 #teamsamoyed #doggy #dogstagram #puppy #cute #instadog #instapuppy #samoyed #самоед #dogoftheday #dogsofinstagram #petscorner #vsco #samoed #samoieda #handsomedog #doge #polarbear #doglife #dogsofficialdog #dogscorner #dog #sammies
Baby picture of Lulu, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/Papillon mix.
This is Oliver, he was rescued at three weeks old from a puppy mill and is a foster failure. We couldn’t let go of that underbite!
Tooken by Jazmyn Galloway (
Otto, miniature schnauzer, at 8 weeks old
This is Holly, the collie-spaniel cross, enjoying her holiday in Scotland!
You butter believe I ate the whole thing! I eat whole sticks of butter. My crowning achievement is an entire tub of butter from Costco.
The Tooth Fairy I made the mistake of leaving my temporary tooth appliance where our dog could reach it. She turned it into a tasty snack & didn’t even leave any money under my pillow!
Trash Dog I like to dump over the trash can so I’m a trash dog!!!
Tug-O’-Bra… Meet Rupert and Alfie the Jack Russells… 1 year old Rupert and his 4 month old adopted brother Alfie decided to play ‘Tug-Of-War’ with their Mum’s bra whilst she was catching up on some well deserved rest…
At least poop would have been easier to clean up… I spilled an entire gallon of dark brown paint and tracked it through my new house.
‘Neka, a 8 year old Afghan Hound out for a hike
hotdiggitydogblog: This was before we got Max. His previous owner took him swinging. I’m too helicopter mom to do something like this. BUT LOOK AT HIS FACE! I think he was born happy.
mika-and-kylie: 7/30/2014 This picture of Conner is so perfect.
fyeahshibainu: akirash0ck: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKI!! 3 years old today 🙂 spammayy submitted
theseinconvenientfireworks: New lens, and it’s husky approved!
In queso you were wondering, the dip was delicious! I am Diego, your two different kinds of child-safety locks and loads of duck tape are merely small obstacles to the magic food box.
ollietherottweiler: So he rolls in dirt and comes over to me as proud as punch. What a nob head.
This is Justice! He’s an American Bully and about 7 months old.
Two corgis for the price of one
It was like that when I got here It was like that when I got home.
Don’t tell me you are leaving so soon!!!
This is Luna, my 9 week old German shepherd puppy. You can follow her on Instagram @lunathegsd.
I’ve got my eye on you… “I wanted Mom to only have eyes for me…so I ate her glasses.” Nimitz Mom came home from a hard day at work to find her glasses in pieces all around the living room.
The cuddly Golden Retriever Poppy
Double the shame Dog: I snuck into the bedroom and ATE MOMMY’S PILLOW! Human: I forgot to shut the door to the bedroom!
Maya the Newfoundland & Zuni the APBT
Matilda, my twelve year old Australian shepherd mix, crashing my friends’ picnic
My rescue dog Clyde (aka Cocoa). He’s a bit lazy but the sweetest, most cuddly little guy ever!
Chip picked out a toy at PetSmart today and carried it to the register and the car all by himself (it was so cute).
Mylo. 2 year old Pembroke welsh corgi and the most lovable little boy ever
megpricephotography: Hi Everyone!! I noticed we reached 500 followers the other day – so hello to you all & thanks for following… Hope you’re enjoying Barney’s adventures! 😀
6woofs: Look at sweet little Timber-pants! Just over 3 months.
This ‘little’ guy is a mixed breed called Rhino and I love him a lot !
Not armchair… BUTTchair Ruby is a Great Dane puppy who – for some reason – LOVES to put her butt on the arm of this chair.
ashleymcadoo: Hunter’s eventful second birthday! Love him so much
All your clothes are belong to me I peed on my owners girlfriends entire bag of clean clothes…-Riley
Max the shih tzu!
Scrap booking Sparkles! I ate a bottle of glitter and now my poop sparkles.
Mister Beau is beating the heat with an icy treat! Follow on Instagram @misterbeau_thehounddog
12 months old Toy Poodle, “Pudel”.D.I.Y. summer cut. (^^)
Stax Snacks Not a very good dog. Our dog Stax is really a very good boy, except he kills things with stuffing.
Lazy Boy Bowie is a french bulldog who eats leather, paper and drywall. He keeps the shoe repair guy in business with my bags and nice leather boots.
foxicaopica: happy foxy
doglight: Blue Chow chow dogs are known for having a blue tongue, the one in the photo, is also named “Blue”! Dog Photography:
cococool: in the green green garden 😉