My male beagle, always willing to play dress up

My male beagle, always willing to play dress up
This is my puppy Zailey, a little ball of evil but impossible to stay mad at!
Chip the whippet sunbathing with dandelions.
Snowy dog day.
shadow the shepherd = epitome of handsome
Jinga Dachshund • Adult • Male • Small Hands, Hearts and Paws Omaha, NE
Hemi Akita • Young • Male • Large Rakki-Inu Akita Rescue Virginia Beach, VA
Hey, so, lets raise money for homeless dogs. The proceeds from this shirt will go to a shelter that the followers of handsomedogs will decide! There are 5 days to donate, and we need at least 20 people to contribute.…
Fit-Bite Thanks to me, mom & dad can’t have anything nice. This is the 2nd FitBit that I have destroyed.
This is Cachita! She is my 4 year old pure bred Havanese. Cachita likes to ride in my bike basket to the dog park, roll around and mess up her hair, hunt cats in our backyard, and play with her…
This was my black beauty i really loved her en she was such a Greta dog i Miss her
Video Games Aren’t My Forte He was just sitting on the couch with these baleful eyes, the controller right in front of him and I just imagined that his look of lament was due to his lack of opposable thumbs.
Bryce, my Australian cattle.
And your point-er is… I steal “babies” from the nice, friendly neighbour dog EVERYDAY. And I am NOT sorry. (and YES she DOES have her own “babies” but just CAN’T help herself!!)
Hugo’s ready for the weekend.
shiny and fluffy
Little Bearded Dog Approved “I like to lick mom’s deodorant off from her underarms” Apparently Kavi likes the taste of Lady Speedstick and doesn’t think her mom needs to smell nice.
This is Jack, my 3 year old fur baby! He is my life!
New Toys Rock! Thank you for the new toy you left for me under your bed. -Charlie Miguel
My adorable 4 month old black lab/German Shepard mix. 🙂
This is Belle, she is a pitbull! She is sweet and amazing and she is my bestfriend! For this pit it’s not as much people are scared of her it’s that she’s scared of people. She was attacked by another…
Casie running in the grass
This is Ringo my 6 year old corgi/pom mix.
Franky, the craziest and loveliest i know.
This is Pippin, my 3 year old Husky / German Shepherd mix.
Bailey and Roscoe
Snuggle Buddies!! Koda and Pasha
Penny, a 2 y/o Aussie Shepard/Border Collie (maybe some lab?). She’s incredibly smart, sweet & playful 🙂
Atlas the Husky/Staffordshire Terrier mix and Kovu the Siberian Husky.
Walter & Charlie, the dumbest of Aussies.
This is Perdita
Blind Chewer “When I am home alone… I chew on our blinds… I know better! Love, Remi the Doberman Pinscher”
My companion, Holly
Get a loaf of this guy! PEE-YEW!! “Whilst counter surfing this afternoon, I happened upon daddy’s malt loaf and thought that it would make a lovely snack before dinner. I’m now making awful smells…”
I adopted this handsome boy, aussie shepard/lab mix, two weeks ago! He’s a sweetheart and guaranteed to steal hearts everywhere! Meet Ollie.
No touch, no eye contact! Jack admits his fault to himself and to his fellows…with a little prompting.
My best bud Jack. The Regal Beagle.
This is Lance, my 14 year old American Eskimo.
Our white shepherd Lucy. Her ears are slowly sticking up. Iamzombiedog
Handsome Hendrix, the chow of many colors. 🙂
Maddie – Black lab- 3 Years Old
Sleepyhead (Cody, Podenco Andaluz from animal shelter in Malaga, Spain.
Panzer the Labrador. He’s turning two in October
This is Cooper, my babbu who would be offended to hear me call him that because he-is-a-very-manly-man-dog, thank you very much. He’s a cavachon, half Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, half Bichon Frise. He has the most human-like personality of any…
My lovely dog Luna, one of the hundreds of homeless dogs adopted after the Joplin tornado in 2011. We chose right!
This is Bella, the love of my life. She will be 8 next month.
Leo, my German Shepard mix.
Kloie the lovable Olde English Bulldog
Barley our shepherd mix from Iraq , not impressed with her first Pacific Northwest rainstorm.
Here’s our new pup, Freckles. We’re not sure of her breed, we are thinking Cavalier/Russell mix? see more of her and her sister at:
frodotheaussie: Frodo’s being a cutie patootie
Our lovely Mini Aussie pup, Audrey
This is Goof, my loveable pit/lab mix.
It’s easy to make decisions for your pet out of selfishness. When deciding the best life for a pet, a stable environment is best. However, this doesn’t mean your dog cannot adapt to a new life. Throwing a dog into…
This is my wolfhound-lab mix, Buddy. Master of the House.
Midnight Conversation I bark at nothing for no apparent reason at 2:30 in the morning. Abby likes to voice her opinion to the world right outside my bedroom window in the middle of the night.
bad to the bone
This is my sweetheart, Poppy! She’s a shelter dog, & my sister gave her to me as a Christmas present 2 years ago when she was about 3 months old. She’s a jack russel/english coonhound mix as far as we…
No. Adopting a dog is a 10+ year commitment. Most adoption events are to persuade people into acting on impulse. If the dog doesn’t mesh well with the environment you take it home to, then it isn’t going to have…
The Last Roll I ate the last roll of toilet paper and I am NOT sorry! I will do it AGAIN! Love, Hobbes
Arrow. Border Collie.
Goodbye, Kitty Madison loves toys. She hates Hello Kitty.
One of my lovely doggies 🙂
My Cutie Pie
This is Evie, an 11 year old Welsh Springer Spaniel 💕
Our protector.
Max the Shih Tzu
My very photogenic German Wirehaired Pointer, Hammie.
this is the dog max! he’s an awesome schnoodle who loves the park and running around!
cococool: met wookie and lily 🙂
My nine week old working cocker spaniel, Monty. Don’t let the eyes fool you, he’s a terror!
Mac, my neighbor’s beautiful English Springer Spaniel x Poodle mix.
Red-faced revenge I eat a little girl’s snack…so I “petted” my dog with a red marker.
handsomedogs: Only 8 days left to grab a shirt! Proceeds from the purple shirt will be donated to a shelter!
Bandit, our two-year-old black Lab, watching and waiting patiently for my 15-year-old son to come down the stairs and take him out for a “walky-walk”.
This is Macy.
Surgery Addict Lil’ Man has been with us over 11 years and had to have two extraction surgeries because of his precocious rooting through the trash and eating habits.
Mr. Lincoln, the 16th president.
Sugar my nine year old baby! She likes to take naps where she rolls around then contorts herself in silly positions, mussing up all of her hair.
Pay-per page Meet Flor the paper-eater! Her top two paper shredding items were a Continuing Education certificate that her dad had to turn in to the boss at work, and her mom’s friend’s book cover.
Meatball, he was so small just a year ago. Just turned one! and already he’s out grown our other two dogs. He’s become the scruffy love starved pup you see now. Tuckered out from a day of play
My Noble Steed I allowed a dog at the park to pee on my mom’s leg while she was picking up my poop.
Ginger, our Chug. She’s just about two and as you can see here still playing with her latest “kill”
This is floppy-eared Louise, my 5 month old Maltese/Dachshund mix.
This is Marley. 🙂
This is my handsome boy, Buster. He’s an 8 year old dachshund-chihuahua with a wonky tail and floopy ears.
Nukka says welcome home!
My shadow on a chilly day around the house ❤️
My two Australian Shepherds
Rodnik, my 3 years old Husky baby
ashleymcadoo: He’s my favorite little model! Hunter Mcadoo
Hershey sometimes likes to sit with one leg in the air, waving it like she just don’t care
This is Miss Lucy Goosey, my rescue pup!
Rodnik the husky baby again Sometimes I´m surprised by just how big his dumb nose can look in pictures
Bee Careful! Peanut, the 8 year old mix, loves to chase bees, no matter how many times or where he is stung.
Dog / / Aleksandra Bošković
flamesconsort: Rosco is safe! Earlier, I posted a cry for help regarding Rosco, which can be viewed here. Many people expressed their concern for whether Rosco had found a home or not, and I wanted to ease everyone’s nerves—Rosco is safe…
Game of Thrones / / Kari Fannar