this is my baby Izzy. Sometimes he takes his love for sand and water a bit too far

this is my baby Izzy. Sometimes he takes his love for sand and water a bit too far
Weasley Granger, a 10 month old bichon.
Borzoi Saluki {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Borzoi or a Saluki?
my two lovers 🙂 . the white husky is mine, her name is hazel (she’s my everything) and the big Labrador/st-bernard one is a family dog, his name is winter (he’s the biggest baby you’ll ever meet)
Happy Happy Sheeb!
A tough pill-ow to swallow I ate a pillow and left it. The perils of leaving a puppy home alone with the brand new pillows.
My Labrador puppy, Adi, at about 2 months (she’s two years now)
attheeebottomofeverything: why is my dog perfect
I’ll get my pretty, and your little squirrel too! I broke loose from my dad and chased after a squirrel! BUT I was a good girl and stayed by the tree! — Daisey
Sleep Apnea Bear-Dog Moly sits under my desk and snores ALL DAY LONG!!!
Daisy, 6 months, Saint Bernard
Freddie looking at a bug flying, don’t know how I managed to capture that little moment!!!! Follow Freddie the Flattie HERE 😀
Fakin’ Granny I ate great-grandma’s hearing aids. : ( Great-grandma thought she misplaced them and didn’t want to tell anyone.
Here is a picture of my ol’ bud Buster when we was a puppy about 3 years ago. He’s only about 6 months old here! Boy did he love exploring the forests of Utah!
Now I’m beautiful on the inside too! This dog is now worth $1000.
Rufus Ray McDoofus the 3rd, our rescued 5-year old Golden Retriever.
Beautiful Joy. More stories about Joy and Ula, two adopted and sweet dogs in
This is Potter, my gorgeous dog. He’s a smooth collie and golden retriever mix.
This is my 10 year old Yorkie Lexi. I love her to pieces!
blogaboutwhyisuck: She loves her shark pillow 🐶 germanshepherddogs
The love of my life, Brutus. (Top of Oyster Dome trail, WA)
My beautiful 8-year old golden retriever 🙂
Well, I think some have answered that already. The tool you use isn’t as important as which method you use. Whether it’s a harness, gentle leader, or just the collar, it’s the way you train that shapes the dogs habits,…
Our rescue boy Monster #handsomedogs
Here’s Oliver, my best bud
Nighto chan 2 years old mame shiba(^_^)v
Lou has arrived and seems quite happy with her new lot.
Sentimentality is for Schmucks Buddy’s mommy recently gave birth to her first child and, for the most part, Buddy has accepted the new addition with grace and good humor.
St. Bernard Newfoundland {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have Saint Bernard or a Newfoundland?
Weight Pulling is a sport in which any breed can participate. Pulling is something most dogs enjoy, as it is very natural to them. Sled dogs and Bully breeds are most commonly used, since that is what they were once…
Another day in the life of a princess, yes she thinks she is one. She kinda is though.
I got a bone to pick with you Toy stealing
A Room With a View Stella is a rescue who has been know for destroying a thing or two since we adopted her.
This is Loois, our 13 year old husky-lab cross, (or so we think.)
This is Theo! He’s a 10 month old mixed breed and he is my best friend!
Sharnado Touchdown She has a knack for getting a lot of stuffing out of a very small hole. She can destroy any toy in less than 24 hours.
My gorgeous dog bella! She is a golden retriever/yellow lab mix and loves her walks.
Cat Scratch Fever “It wasn’t until after mommy wrapped me in a blanket and cuddled me that she realized why I didn’t feel well…I got in to the cat’s litter box!
Crooked Face
Winnie my Frenchie/Boston.
This is MARGO she is a female pit bull/lab mix 2 yrs old 50 lbs. Currently between owners and residing at Berkeley Animal Care Services in the California bay area. Margo just wants to crawl into someone’s lap. Super well…
Bramble, my princess, on a walk!! She is 1 year old and a lab x cocker spaniel cross.
this is my 2 year old brittany spaniel/lab and i just adore this picture
My 7 year old Pomeranian, Nellie, at Niagara Falls.
Max, my german shepherd, ready to celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day.
Marley looking dapper as usual. 🙂
Peanut Butter Anatolian Shepherd • Young • Female • Large Capitol Canines Washington, DC
Follow Laiwan’s new blog 🙂
I’m ready for my algebra test! Outlaw eats pencils. He has such an attitude, he is proud of it! No shame here! He is as proud as he can be!
This is Buckley! We don’t know what he is, exactly, but he’s a real love, and often more photogenic than this.
He likes it when I take photos of him
I was trying to tell you politely to stop baking those awful bran muffins! My name is Charlie and I eat the thumbs off of oven mitts.
Little dog and middle dog hang out.
What a meathead! “I STEAL MEAT” I went to visit my grandmother and first thing he did was stealing a steak off of the counter.
This is Louis, my 7 yr old German Spitz. He has a tendency to get things stuck in his fur, like small flowers and entire civilizations.
My favorite little brat, Buddy the Papillion.
Millie and Delilah, two adorable rescues.
Labradoodie I threw up and my dad found it with his bare feet.
“A dog is a man’s best friend.”
Our yellow labrador retriever Murray, who owns my heart.
I never have to pee alone again
This is Marley and Ruby. It was our 3rd anniversary together on September 8th, and they entered a mini-show at a fun day and were awarded Best Rescues and Best in Show! They make us very, very happy ♥ (Note:…
shepherd-tails: 9/14/2014 Drake, my mom’s boxer/lab puppy.
Primrose. 2 years old. Bernese Mountain Dog. Sass level: 10/10. Source:
Heart of a champion! (Keylo)
My newly adopted Shepard/cattle dog mix, Wiley. Look at those ears!
Click here to support the Petfinder Foundation by handsomedogs: We did not get enough people to contribute to the t-shirts, but this way is a lot easier and more economical! You can donate as much, or as little, as you’d…
My bestfriend
Tuukka, 4 year old Maltese
Jim the english pointer
This is Aries during one of our morning runs by the beach
I’ll protect you from the evil bubbles! Sammy is petrified of bubbles so Geisha protects her by chasing after them! What a good big sister!
Sunny, the most cutest dog ever
Teddy Mae, my baby girl. She fell asleep watching out the window
Who is the mystery pooper? One of us just pooped in the house. It wasn’t the one you think. Although Bruce looks like the culprit and has put himself in timeout, he is NOT in fact the mystery pooper.
Faith Airedale Terrier • Adult • Female • Large Starting Over Airedale Rescue, Inc. Dayton, OH
Tackett’s tacky birthday gift! Tackett, my Chocolate Lab rescue, gently brought a live field mouse into the house and sat it down at my feet.
TJ – Foster Home Needed Alaskan Malamute • Adult • Female • Extra Large A Pathway to Hope North Haledon, NJ
Akiro Akita • Adult • Male • Extra Large Powell Animal Welfare Society Powell, OH
Kors, Kong…same thing right? Our dog Amos has a thing against Michael Kors, first my heels then this…. “I thought Mommy’s Michael Kors sunglasses were a chew toy….
Sazu Afghan Hound • Adult • Male • Large Animal Rescue League of El Paso-A No Kill Rescue El Paso, TX
Nailed it! Looks just like the picture in the magazine. I ate my Mom’s Birthday Cake while she was out to lunch.
Crazy Cozmo my border collie/retriever mix 🙂 Tumblr | Website
jackie .. 24 hours of life !! American staffordshire terrier .. My little love .. I love it already!
Megs and her cheeky face surely about to do something she shouldn’t
This is Lenni, our friend’s 3 month old Lagotto Romagnolo puppy
Roscoe being silly.
Pepper, my 1-year-old Border Collie.
Pebbles American Bulldog Mix • Young • Female • Medium PetResQ Ohio Lagrange, OH
Dino and Yogi
Taran the water loving German Shepherd
Ruby, my 12 week old shepherd mix (:
This beauty is my entire world. Her name is Abilene.
No sympathy for blinds I live with 2 guide dogs, but have no sympathy for the blinds! -Forest
My little one, Posey.
My friends 4 year old Blue Heeler named Carter 🙂
Cupboard flipped upside down-under! Came home to yet another crime scene. Empty packets in middle of the room. Dog looking guilty.
cococool: Balou & Coco – 🙂
Alfie’s way of getting out of trouble Every time Alfie has been naughty and he knows he is going to get into trouble as soon as we walk over to him he rolls onto his back and gives us those puppy…
This is Chuck. My hyperactive dog :3