mixed breed

mixed breed
bernese mountain dog greater swiss mountain dog {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Bernese Mountain Dog or a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog?
Daisy May, rottweiler/lab mix.
Meet Badger the Leonberger!
Sugar, Oh Naughty Naughty! I left 36 sugar cookies on the table to cool so we could decorate them. I came back with the frosting to find 10 3/4 cookies. BAD. DOG.
konatherapy: So beautiful. Such a good day for photography 🙂
This is Kirby, our Pibble-mix mutt. He’s a lovebug and smartass, and will mess you up for a sweet potato. You have been warned.
Jealousy is as jealousy does Hank likes to get into his little sister’s room and pee in her bed. He has done it 3 times in the past 2 months.
Charlotte Reeves Shelter Dogs – Trixie
Too old to care 12 years old, still eating garbage
Inhabited Raincloud Jess & Zach
Nicola Cooper 4
Foiled again! The tin foil is supposed to deter our three dogs from sleeping on the “good” furniture and it does work for the Dobie.
emily elizabeth best friends
Shasta Has-ta go Shasta is my darling 8 month old foster puppy…who got a little to intense playing with my bunny plushie.
Riff is a pro at Cute Puppy Eyes.
Meg the wonderful Tibetan Terrier 🙂
Sandro, my border collie/ cocker spaniel doggy.
Our gorgeous Bawihte
Here Lil’ Kim is 3 months old .
Maximus is a {almost} 2-year-old Beagle that could run and play fetch for days, and loves getting treats. Unlike most of his Beagle buddies, he’s very quiet and rarely howls or bays! 🐶🐾
Bandit the BorzoiBandizoi.tumblr.com
Typemutha Teebo
angela agosta DSC_0194
Yorkshire Terrier Australian Terrier {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Yorkshire Terrier or an Australian Terrier?
My handsome little man, Oliver. He is the love of my life
My handsome Keeko. 🙂
Blue\Tan German Shepherd, pick female pup from our July litter at age 5 weeks calling for her momma. (She was not impressed with the photo shoot LOL)
Pepper Ann!
The Dog Who Ate The Boy Who Lived Moose was mad that I left him for an hour to go to the gym. So he decided to join Team He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Care for a spot or tea, ol’ chap’stick? Bruce has an acquired taste for Chapstick..cherry is his favourite flavour.
Mommy’s a bit crabby now My son left his bedroom door open when he went to school, and Percy helped himself to the hermit crab food.
Just in time for pre-season hockey! “I love to eat moms things while she’s gone. Guess whos in trouble?”
My rescue boy. So loyal, attentive and sensitive. This photo is of us at Byron Bay, Australia a few years back.
Maremma reading time.
She’s a pomeranian and chihuahua mix named Kilala
Penelope The Chug behaving (for a few seconds)! Follow Penelope at: penelopethechug.tumblr.com
Dublin is my labrador mix rescue, she is a spoiled princess puppy.
skyeandi: Least helpful bed maker, ever.
Old English Sheepdog Bearded Collie {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have an Old English Sheepdog or a Bearded Collie?
ulandjoy: Joy. Take deep breaths. Enjoy the little things.
Holy Carp-et! Stella decided we needed new carpet.
Skunk me once, shame on me, Skunk me five times, shame on..well me again. He won’t stop chasing skunks! Then he gets depressed when he stinks.
I made you a Millennium Falcon! I’ve eaten so many LEGOS, I can poop a star wars ship!
Money Saving Tips from Bear I ate a $5 bill, to save you the trouble of buying delicious toys, socks, and Victoria’s Secret panties that I also love to eat. Not Sorry. Love Bear
Naga my Great Pyrenees mix at 9 weeks old.
Setta, 2 year old Yorkie, Westie & Scottie mix. See more at settatheperfectmix.tumblr.com
Fritz the whippet enduring the collar of shame. www.thelazygrey.tumblr.com
My handsome little dirtsniffer, Knuckles.
Lazy sundays. (source: inthepauses)
derfian Zumi
Falon Gray Markow 3/12 Kastle
Australian Kelpie / / Benjamin Piper
Lancashire Heeler Australian Kelpie {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Lancashire Heeler or an Australian Kelpie?
You’re gonna need a giant hamster-wheel Penni enjoys shredding all forms of paper into piles all around the house. There is no limit to her paper choice and has included bills and other mail, trash, toilet paper, and even the kid’s…
Look deep into my eyes… I lovingly looked into my neighbours eyes and peed on her floor. P.S it’s a restaurant.
doglight: Spanish Galgo model This Spanish Galgo was also adopted by a lovely family.
Mom leaves note for dad Daddy refused kisses after Fenway took to the kittens litter box.
cynocentric: Fresh to death and disinterested in your life.
Half-Groomed Dexter was kicked out of the groomer half way through his grooming for popping ON another dog in the waiting/play area.
Tiny Dog Vs. the Dog Park
Bonnie and Clyde on our adventure through the fields!
My heart-dog, Luka. Follow him and the rest of his pack of Siberian Huskies at 6woofs.tumblr.com :]
Dogue de Bordeaux Neapolitan Mastiff {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Dogue de Bordeaux or a Neapolitan Mastiff?
ireallylovedogsok: my brothers incredibly handsome dog
David Copperfluff, you are not! My name is Griffon and I tried to open this door while no one was home without permission!
spartathesheltie: Sparta is 4 months old!
hadissima: We just love walking in the woods, and yesterday we found some nice mushrooms there. Toby seems to really like the smell, but he doesn’t quite know what to do with them 🙂
Who got the last laugh? Our doggy Ramathorn cut his foot and had to be on sedatives. He was all doped up and it was hysterical until he peed on our bed.
theevolveddog: Found this handsome guy shopping in Augusta #Maine #americanbulldog #dogs #handsomedogs #bullybreed
I paid with my manhood, you pay with your life… After being neutered, our dog turned on the gas stove and lit the house on fire.
meridellen: http://bigdogsmallbody.blogspot.com/
lokithegreyhound: http://lokithegreyhound.tumblr.com/
earthtomorg: He’s so cute in his ducky robe!
I’m coming out of the closet, looking fabulous! “I was mad Mom left, so I took everything out of the closet.” -Sadie
shepherd-tails: 9/18/2014 Autumn, anyone?
Mornings are RUFF “Some mornings, I’m too lazy to get out of bed.” Bubba the Chihuahua likes to burrow under the covers at night and occasionally gets too cozy.
My best friend in the whole world, the handsome Mr. Jack-Jack.
This is Charlie. He’s about 1-year old and we have no clue what he is,breed-wise. We adopted him from our local animal control.
Willie is totally the King of my Heart!
southernsnowdogs: My friend’s puppy Paisley. She’s so freaking cute
Eggcellent picnic blanket, where did you say you go it? Abby and Csar decided our freshly gathered eggs would be a good snack. They decided to eat them on the new bedspread.
Took my big guy apple and pear picking. He loves them.
Notify & Horrify Incident/Observation Report: Sulley treated us to two very special poops today. Each contained a very special treasure…ladies underwear.
Odin, my beautiful pit bull puppy.
Not the kind of diamonds I was looking for Pepper the Patterdale Terrier developed a taste for something rather unusual and messy whilst Mum and Dad were not at home!
Dexter – Smiley Black Lab
Nanook the jumping siberian.
The New Cleaning Lady Isn’t Working Out… I like to help with the dusting, even outside, even in the rain. You’re welcome. Kayla
sleepy Toph AmStaff, Pug, Collie, Mutt – 7 years old
Cloth Diapers for the Discerning Dog “My family switched to cloth diapers so I at least won’t die from being nasty.” After eating several disposable diapers out of the trash, we got worried that our dog, Lola, was ingesting some gnarly…
Zelda is an adorable little cocker spaniel who was rescued from a puppy mill last August, where she had I don’t know how many litters of puppies. She lived with a wonderful foster mommy for 10 months before we took…
2 1/2 year old perro de agua espanol mix we adopted from a shelter in Spain (:
My 11 month old siberian husky pup Hachiko!
He loves laundry.
my 13 year old carin terrier, Babe!
Dexter – Black Lab My beautiful boy ^_^