Goat Bowls for Boozie My name is Boozie and I am afraid of my new food bowls. She did not touch food or water for two days after I bought her new elevated bowls because I read they were good for…

Goat Bowls for Boozie My name is Boozie and I am afraid of my new food bowls. She did not touch food or water for two days after I bought her new elevated bowls because I read they were good for…
Hollandse Herder Puppy / / Sarah Weber
Sunrise / / Anna Postnikova
Poop on a rope My girlfriend does everything in her power, to save the corpse of Donald Trump’s rug as it leaves the behind of her loveable pug…
German Shepherd / / Marco Comentale
Best chicken nuggets ever Sign says: I eat chicken poop in the backyard. Best chicken nuggets ever! “Shame” is not in my vocabulary.
Abbey / / Nina King
I’m thinking…. / / Aleksandra Rola
Spoilers: Winter is coming I didn’t want dad to get ahead of me in Game of Thrones, so I ripped up his book. …winter is coming…
Soggy Dog / / Sian Jones
Dog Spa “I gave myself a therapeutic mud bath at the dog park. It felt GREAT!” Our Havanese, Riley, ran straight for the one spot of mud at the park.
This is my brother’s gorgeous shepherd, Remington, and I am without a doubt in my mind in love with her precious face.
This isAron a german shepherd. He is 10 years old and he is the HANDSOMEST DOG EVER 🙂
shelterlove: Silly pup Mushu! He was a cuddle bug, full of energy, and sweet all at once! He loved to run with us, but also loved to sit down and get hugged and pet. I just loved how soft he…
My girl abra, a complete mixture. She’s waiting for the yoghurt pot I just finished with.
Shot with a Manual 55mm Macro lens, this little demon knows how to pose! Well… his eye does at least. Follow Freddie here 🙂
Emma looking dapper. She’s a Panda Shepherd.
megpricephotography: Happy puppy! Barney bouncing around on Peachfield Common 🙂
I met Biznap here for the first time today – she’s a six year old Mastiff X and she’s a truly awesome dog. She was so focussed on her master that he didn’t take much notice of me snapping away…
English mastiff
Untitled / / Kadambari Gladding
Tibetan mastiff male. / / Evgeny Dubenetsky
I just love how it tastes! “I can’t sleep without bed in my mouth 🙁 ~Willie/Dog “
Young Tibetan Mastiff female from Tibet Evgeny Dubenetsky
Tibetan Mastiff / / Javier De La Torre
Trolling His Sibblings I steal the trolls and take their clothes off! Then I chew off their noses! 🙁
I’m glad we’re enjoying the 24 hour mastiff spree!
Boel / / Mario Moreno
Update: iOS 56, in dog years. iPad is now in bits thanks to a certain smelly yellow labrador
South African Boerboel / / Blake Pleasant
Tosa Inu / / Marek Saroch
Second-hand guilt The first night with my new mommy and when she took me out to go potty I decided to pee on her!
samanthuhhh: I CANNOT BREATHE I know this isn’t dog related, but this happened last night and I just had to share… I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard!
Sulley / / Ricky Heeb
You can’t catch me, I’m the pilferingman! The two only seconds mom keeps her eyes off me because we have to turn a corner, I find something yummy to eat and won’t stop eating till I finish it; avoiding mom all…
little puppy bullmastiff played in the house Ton Nguyen
Bullmastiff / / Manivela Suelta
Mastino / / Adriane Nicole
Neapolitan Mastiff / / Arman Werth
French mastiff colour / / Andy Taylor
Boris / / Franco Ferraris
*** / / Александр Комаров
Untitled / / Jeff Ashton
Untitled / / Marina Chapurina
my dog / / Misha Lomtadze
Can I help? / / Bijoux S.
Nasa on the beach / / Elisha Christian
The Curator Thinks Your Art is Pedantic Xollin had just gotten neutered so we couldn’t take him to the dog park for a few days.
CANE CORSO ITALIANO / / Natalya Yudina
Untitled / / Jamie Lawson
A new kind of beauty treatment Every time we go to the dog park, I see Luna, my black and white whippet, sniffing the ground obsessively.
There is literately a link at the bottom of that post that says Enter the contest! Click the link to submit! 🙂
Puppy Portrait / / Josef Gelernter
A little early since the last one was late! The rules: The photography must be yours! No submitting someone else’s image. Put “Photography Contest Entry” in the description. Otherwise it will just be queued as a regular submission. I will narrow down…
Rough Collie Smooth Collie {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Rough Collie or a Smooth Collie?
Socially awkward Loquitur was excited to meet his first human friend, until it actually happened…..
Mara / / Leisa Hennessy
Mama Loves Her Old Weiner (and she doesn’t mean daddy) “I pooped in my mama’s bed this morning, and she still loves me.” Alice still gets to sleep in mama’s bed even though sometimes she poops in it.
Tessie the Aussie
No I don’t know anything about that
My baby as a little puppy, when he was one month old
Urie the black lab. He’s eight weeks old and a sleepy sweetheart. Follow Urie as he grows up here-> http://urie-the-lab.tumblr.com/
This is my baby Comeau back when we first adopted him! He’s a purebred Chihuahua and the spunkiest guy around.
Caleb, our sweet pitbull mix, in his younger years.
bouvier des flandres giant schnauzer {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Bouvier des Flandres or a Giant Schnauzer?
My adorable boy, Poland!
My 8 year old. Basenji/Border Collie mix. her favorite pass time is birdwatching.
the handsome hot dog, Teddy
Penelope is ready for a ratchet weekend! Follow Penelope at: penelopethechug.tumblr.com
Barto, the mini dachshund
The Poopscapades I stepped in my own poop and schmeared it on my mommy. -Pema Our 6 month old Boston Terrier, Pema, clumsily stepped in her own freshly pooed poop.
Nama-stay Namaste. Archie ate a yoga mat that I had gotten for my mom for christmas!
Got your goat! The sign said “A nice man in a truck stopped to pet me. I jumped in his truck and gobbled up packets of saltine crackers.
Hi there! Liberty and Lyla here, we’re both rescue Pit Bulls that were given second chances at life. Lyla (dark brown) – Mom rescued me from a lady that was underfeeding me, with cat food! She was about to take…
Luna, bitzer, crazy puppy, from Polnad, we call her “goat”, shes similar to it!
huskiesadventures: Meet Bella, This beautiful girl came to my house yesterday to get groomed. shes the girl version of Zeus same color no mask though.
My sweet sweet 6 y/o labradoodle called polly
My new puppy, Boomer, enjoying life!
Holla to Badger the Leonberger’s brother, Gryffin
The look sent my way when Tori feels I’m not paying her the proper amount of attention.
These are my little baby named Kenzie. She is a little Havanese Terrier Poodle mix. I took this picture a few years ago and just wanted to share her. She brought joy and great comfort to me and truly showed…
Toby seems rather popular, so here he is as a puppy ^^
The most hyperactive and photogenic dog. Jessie the Border Collie.
Wanna play catch?! Molly decided to go into the closet and eat two baseball gloves. “Dad, I just wanted you to play catch with me. XO”
Boba my 6mo Shiba Inu people watching while perched on the couch. More pics on instagram.com/pandadol.
Chorkie: chihuahua, yorkie The handsomest man around
I don’t need saving!! “I was stuck in a tree, 80 feet up, for 5 days in 95 degree heat. When a lumberjack tried to rescue me, I attacked him.”
He who cannot be shamed…. Mr. Bentley ( to paraphrase Kramer) is “…. out there and LOVIN it! ” Note the creative use of prosthetic alternative for his … Ahem….missing manly bits.
Nuts! My Granddog got into the pistachios while we slept. The smaller dog can’t get up on the sofa to get on the coffee table to get into any trouble.
How far would you go for carbs? I tore through two layers of plastic to get to a loaf of bread – which I ate.
guidedogintraining: “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.”
Jill Lehmann Bernese day 2 – 2/365
Golden Moments Petography Put that tongue away!
This is my handsome Blue. We think he’s a kuvasz (we’re not 100% sure). Our nicknames for him include: bluey, blueberry, blueberry blue, fluffanutter, and fluffanutter blue. He loves to bark at kitties and keeping his yard chicken free. His…
This is Captain, he is a three year old (four next month) Labrottie. He enjoys fat squirrels, raw hides, and snow drifts.
Kona, my therapy puppy in training. http://konatherapy.tumblr.com/
Max on top of the world at Mt. Evans.
I already have a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and his name is Toby ^3^