Autumn puppy groenendael.

Autumn puppy groenendael.
What? I canine hear you! My sweet baby boy, Rocky, enjoyed his first set of earbuds!
I fixed it, do we get HBO now? You can’t see it very well but I bit into the screen of the remote and broke the glass so now she’s can’t see what she’s doing.
Ceci n’est pas un lit I ate my dog bed today while mom was napping.
Trigger learns new trick! I chased this beer down when it rolled away from me and brought it back to my mommy.
Bess, my 2 year old rescue dog from Spain. We think she’s a Catalan Sheepdog Mix.
This is my dog Grace, a German Shepherd mix found on the side of a freeway as a puppy. She’s 11 now and a dear.
My beautiful Spoo Lacey smiling at me!!!
two years old american staffordshire he is the happiest thing. ADOPTING YOU WAS THE BEST!!!
My handsome golden retriever Otis at about 5 months
Cody, Podenco Andaluz
Reptar the Great Dane/Mastiff mix is incredibly photogenic.
This is my 5 years french Bull dog, Lola. Its sunny around here!!
Sophie the 2 year old pomeranian just being herself on a rainy day.
Tired Bichon Frisé.
two years old american staffordshire MY HANDSOME BABY!
Bathtub Protest Wiki likes to jump into the bathtub to let his owner know that his water bowl is empty.
this is my 2 year old irish setter, ringo!
Cavalier king charles spaniel
I’m still a puppy, let me prove it! Daisy is a one year old, rescued Staffordshire Bull Terrier. We thought we’d managed to finally toilet train her.
Blakie hangin out in the yard, chillin in the sun
My Jack Russell X, Abby on her 17th birthday last month.
My gorgeous boy Rock on guard duty!
Cookie likes the sunny afternoons
Nobody puts Crosby in the corner Crosby has mostly outgrown his chewing stage… But if it is in this corner, it’s fair game. Living plants included!
This is Sierra, my beautiful rescue dog (probably a border collie-flat coat mix). This was taken a couple of years ago but it’s still one of my favourite pics of her.
Yumi 10 year old pit bull lab mix
Penny and Delphi – 2 year old red Boston Terriers.
Bart my dog, best friend, FAMILY.
This is Lucy. She’s a 1 year-old Chiweenie!
Lucy is a Chiweenie and Luna is a lab mix!
Over the weekend, my parents’ dog Liberty (reddish fur) and my aunt and uncle’s dog Titan (blond fur) got to meet and play for the first time. I got this action shot during their first meeting.
My 3-legged pyrenees Olivia. 🙂
Balto at the lake
ashleymcadoo: Happy Halloween from Hunter and I Follow him on Instagram @livel0vebark
My sisters puppy Sailor Doodle, not sure what her breeds are.
I Like to Steal Candy! I like to sneak into my owners closet and steal candy. Shame on me? Shame on them!
I Like to Steal Candy! I like to sneak into my owners closet and steal candy. Shame on me? Shame on them! Editor’s note: Lots of gums and other candies can be very dangerous or toxic to our pets. During the…
Hi there, my name is Ryan and I run an online pet clothing store called Pet Threads. This is one of our models Albert – he’s such a great model! Very obedient & definitely has the X-factor. #watchoutkatemoss
My name is Cedric and this is my serious face. You can see my other faces here.
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming… Lucy loves to unstuff any and all toys she can get ahold of. Every. Last. One.
I was trying to do homework today but this dork wouldn’t let me
Seasonal Rat Shaming We threw these pumpkin seeds on the ground. (Now they’re all for us!)
My English Springer Spaniel Scooby in his happiest state – muddy.
cococool: Coco & Imko
Shaming for Jesus Bella, our 6 year old Rotweiler, ate 42 lemon cupcakes off the kitchen counter while we were meeting the school bus.
Sasquatch Did It…. “My mom doesn’t believe me…. I swear it was Sasquatch who pooped on my Mom’s oriental rug….it wasn’t me!” Based upon the sheer size and volume of the poop, Sasquatch was the only possible other culprit.
A future service dog named Midori
Meet Joan O’Brien! She’s a 3 year old retired greyhound with epilepsy.
This is my 4 year old black lab mix named River. He goes to work with me on Fridays. And at the time of this picture I had called him, “handsome boy” and that’s the look I got.
treat time
Jeff the Corgi hiking in Evergreenn, Colorado. Please link our Tumblr if you can; and @murfandjeffsturf
My new pup Tyson 8 weeks old boisterous Mastiff cross
Xane (Zane)
Submissions are always open!
Joey is one year old this week. He is such a wild child that we had to stop calling him Joe because it rhymes with no. Papillon
the lads! -ollietherottweiler
Cold weather = poopsicles Storm came in from outside with something in her mouth. It didn’t liek what i t was when i pulled it out of her mouth with my bare hand. Wife though it was great.
My handsome boy, Wesley. Blue Tick Coonhound X Lab
This is Urso, my sweetheart 🙂
Egg on his face “I ate all the eggs when my mom went to get the camera.” I was really excited about having fresh eggs from the new chickens but Mulvey was even more excited.
Penelope The Chug, chillin’ on a lazy weekend afternoon….. Follow Penelope at:
Bulldog vs. Roomba “My house was under attack by a new $700 Roomba. I saved us.” Clearly a hate crime by a repeat offender. Sigh.
whatdoeswatsonsay: Happy fall y’all!
vexks: this is a few months old but look at him he’s adorable
I have a steak in this relationship I hadn’t had a stake in a long time. So I purchased a nice T-bone and put it in a marinade.
Senior Shaming I was SO hungry today I ate a while roll of TP and the holder. Now the TP has no home and mom is annoyed. I’m 11 but going on 11 months
merlothedogue: Merlo in various stages of exploding….
megpricephotography: Day 18 – Orange. The colour of autumn & a nice backdrop for a black& white Barney-dog!
guidedogintraining: rain rain go away come again another day
gatsbyadventures: Gatsby at the Summer Corgi Beach Day.
doglight: Portraits of a cute galgo Photo-shoot with a cute galgo dog (Spanish Greyhound)
My 2 year old Papillon x Chihuahua cross Bats. He had a difficult start with people that didn’t understand him, but he’s changed to a happy and more confident dog now with me. And he’s really, really smart!
Friend? Lulu thinks the whole world is her friend. Even after another dog tried to prove otherwise, leaving her with six stitches, she still tries to make friends with everyone and everything.
This is Saba, a lovely and friendly dog from neighbourhood, which sometimes pays us a visit.
A queen on her throne
First day out of my crate… “I destroyed ALL The Things!” -Trigger-
Ruby Charles Lindsey
Background cat makes dog out to be the patsy Bodie decided to finish the chips while everyone was gone.
Toy Poodle, Pudel. He isn’t Miniture Schnauzer.(=^x^=)
This boy is my main reason for living and I love him a whole lot!
Trunks the cattle dog
Setta – 2 year old Yorkie, Westie and Scottie mix. See more at
My beautiful Vivian. You can follow her here
Vint Kate Khintba
Dashing Andy Walker
King Charles Katie Frezza
Brumi Tamas Klausz
Dylan Robbie Khan
Ina Leinonen
samanthuhhh: Jerome Gabor Tokes
Dog Alexandra Yakushina
Pit bull Sam Andres Sivtsov
Dog on flower bed Christopher Cullen
Pawsive Resistance “I am too lazy to jump into the back of the car” Tucker is 1 year old and uses the technique of playing dead whenever he doesn’t want to do something.
The adorable Marley! May Whiston
My Queen Nicolás Arias
Bottoms Up I nip at my Mom & Dad’s behinds when I want to play.