samanthuhhh (aka: me!) Handsomedogs’ t-shirt available once again! In August I made this lovely shirt to represent handsomedogs and what its all about 😉 They fit really well, and they are super soft! They are only $15 for a t-shirt…

samanthuhhh (aka: me!) Handsomedogs’ t-shirt available once again! In August I made this lovely shirt to represent handsomedogs and what its all about 😉 They fit really well, and they are super soft! They are only $15 for a t-shirt…
Splish Splash Isabell Albrecht
Cayenne. Janine Hendling
Beach Julia Berbecka
Eau de dead fish When the boys brought Rixen in they said he was rolling around in the grass, and now he smelled funny.
Irish Terrier Anna-Lena Gerharz Fotografie
hadissima: The life of a photographers dog – sigh…
The old “hidden ball” trick I Like to Hide Tennis Balls around the house. -Maggie
shepherd-tails: 11/9/2014 A noble looking lady. <3
Today (Nov 9, 2014) was Lolita’s 8th birthday! She’s the most loyal and loving dog that’s ever been in my life.. I love her!
Chicken coop disaster Mollie (maltese) and Libby(mix) and how they treat the excrement of our chickens
Autumn Queen by racoonrampage
The adventurer and the angry pajama lady! Eloise is fond of going on unauthorized adventures.
Autumnal glamour mutt.
Mom’s Cooking Barks at the stove when cooking.
Ninja Pooper We took took three of our five rescue Chihuahuas to to local pet store, and Sage decided that that was the perfect time for a bathroom break.
Ziggy man looking extra handsome, as usual
I Yam not ashamed Shu-Mai our 8 month old husky found a very special treat on the counter… an olive oil roasted yam…
My 11-year old lab loves to have her picture taken. Darcy would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
My Otis as a baby, enjoying a summer day #goldenretriever
A different type of cone of shame My stubborn Beast came downstairs with this stuck on her head…
iheartfinnipeani: Dalmatian on Flickr.
Will and Andy
gooddogautismcompanions: Good Dog! Persimmon looks like he’s in need of a nap!
guidedogintraining: much concern. very tennis ball. many light.
What, I was saving them for later!?! When my Mommy is doing laundry I like to steal panties for later….
my chihuahua Finn
My boy Ike seems really happy to have his picture taken!
Massive Mastiff I got my head stuck in the toilet seat at 4 am… My aunt had to come and save me before I ripped the toilet off the wall…
The Beagle Magician I have one mission, It’s to be a good magician. I just made half a glove disappear,
Breaking up with Leonard Hi, my name is Nugget and I just destroyed my favourite thing in the whole world and now I am sad and lost.
Zim’s Unlimited Diet “I Like to Eat: -Mommy’s Stuffed Animals -Dry Sheetrock Walls -Leather…
Cosmo the 14 week old Blue Heeler/Australian Shepherd cross
my cute pals Ridley and Cooper (x)
Penelope The Chug riding home after a trip to the pet hospital. Follow Penelope at:
I chew the legs…. I chew the legs off my toys!!….. And I get to wear them!!
ollietherottweiler: A collection of sparkling white Ollie smiles <3 I’m proud of how clean his teeth are
James is a picky dog, he only eats our NEW shoes My boss has the best ‘taste in’ shoes.
shepherd-tails: 11/6/2014 The moment the clouds open up and stay open just long enough to get a gorgeous photo. <3
Habitual Offender repeated trash can digging offenses
Blind leading the blind Lucky likes to chew and eat any and everything he can get his paws on. While his dad was resting before having to go to work, he got ahold of the glasses (dad is virtually blind without…
This is Bailey May! She’s a 3- year old Boxer and she’s super goofy!
rylee-blue: 2004 – Rodney and Sadie in Hayward, Wisconsin. Honestly, this is my favorite photo of these two together.
My dog chichi 🙂
Hugo at the beach. ((San Juan , Puerto Rico) You can check more pictures of him with #crónicasdehugo on Instagram if you like, I’m a proud momma of my cute sato and I want to share his cuteness.
Four chihuahuas in a sidecar in West Seattle.
Henrydog, a blue heeler puppy, excited to see his owner and get out of the back of the pick up after a surf sesh in Oregon.
my sleepy Midas, a six year old golden retriever
That’s a paddlin’ I Chewed Up The Window while my humans were out, Lost Privileges of being left alone.
Jenkins. Two years old, Great Dane/Black Lab mix.this was one of his first pictures taken after we got him.
Working on my cursive Dexter thinks my ink pens are the best toy ever. Too bad I need them to do my job.
Oh, Balls! Henry has his own idea of what to do with tennis balls. His sign says: What, you wanted to play tennis?? (I am NOT sorry)
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s a dog shame I ate 3/4 of a pizza off of the counter, then a whole stick of butter AFTER I broke Mommy’s favorite vintage butter dish.
Because you can never have too many poop jokes Whenever I go for a run in the country, my dog darts away to find the biggest pile of cow poop she can.
Here is Roxy, she’s a mixed breed of Shih-Tzu and Maltese.
Tatum and a lake.
This is one of my favorite pictures of my baby Hugo., a very cute sato ( commonly name for mix breeds in Puerto Rico)
hadissima: Half of the week is over already! Here, have a pic of Toby being cute to help you survive until the weekend 🙂
everybodyloveswillie: We would like to introduce you to Frankie. He is a special Pitbull dog with a complicated and painful disorder. It’s actually a human disease. You can see by his twisted paws that he has trouble getting around. He…
Pick a fight, wear the cone I picked a fight… Then, I got hurt… Now I have to wear the collar of shame. Tough-Guy Mosby
Her name is Gwee, she used to be a stray dog. She’s been home for 7 years now!
These two happy cuties are Sherlock (caramel on the right) and Watson (chocolate on the left) the crazy Australian labradoodles. Thought I’d share their cuteness x
No more traveling in style I projectile vomited on my uncle and made him crash his new Mercedes. (Now I’m banned from his car for life!)
ulandjoy: Joy. She is absolutely perfect the way she is. All we are. Love your soul.
Bad dog no biscuit We are bad boys…. We chewed up mom mays hair dryer cord and laptop cord and 3 rolls of toilet paper!!!! Bad dog, no biscuit!!!!!
enispena: It’s just..I fucking love them!
This is our dog Pepper! We rescued him three years ago and we love him so much!
Hermione isn’t the only redhead Draco despises The only surviving princess is belle…but I’m sure her time is coming soon :/
Brave Bears! Bella and Penny stopped burglars from entering our home when they first broke into our garage. They are very brave and got rewarded accordingly. No shame here!
samanthuhhh: 5 months old!
Will and Andy at Bang Bang and Fluff
Will is a perfect boy
Diesel – 4 mo old AmStaff/AmBulldog mix.
I ain’t even mad Even though Andy fed me. I still jumped on the table and nibbled on his dinner when he went to the bathroom.
Christmas Came Early This Year “I pulled everything out of the beanbag chair.”
Getting festive, OUCH! The night before Thanksgiving, our Goldendoodle Puppy, Zeke, decided to eat 2 sewing needles. Our older daughters had been sewing popcorn on threads and left them unattended for a few minutes…
Halloween Clean up Crew Bella the Basset and Pickles the (?) thought the Halloween Haul was for everyone. They often work as a team … They are SO not sorry!
Lucy never grew out of the teddy bear phase “My name is Lucy. I’m 3 years old and still sleeping with my teddy. I’m not ashamed.”
Carbo-loading Marli the Labradoodle can’t keep out of the kitchen cupboards!!
shepherd-tails: 10/31/2014 Puppy!
Moby, 10-week old dalmatian puppy Photo by Kelley Dulcich photography. Portland, Oregon, 2014.
Dog Photo Patrick Sternkopf
Xcuse me.. nikhiljith1
Scottie ! Bar Lulkin
Keep Out Carol Whitfield
Husky Run Jeffrey Zoss
tank josh Mathias
Hera’s time..! Vasilis Ramiotis
I walk the line (and poop on it) I get walks in the woods and by the beach every day. However,…
Vipet Grip Simona Nálepková
Smile Ilaria Saltarella
Single hand-knit sock for sale, don’t ask about its partner There are more uses for socks than just…
Sguardi Ilaria Saltarella
Parents leave – kids party – house trashed! Ellie: Trash Party of One. I throw HUGE trash parties whenever I’m left home alone!
Find the Viszla Cees Lengers
Gangster3 Sami
Bow down B***hes Ziggy likes to chew the bows off his mommy’s shoes…and he only chews the bow off on one of the pair!
Charlie Caroline Frankesjö
Bulldog Bed-Hog I like to steal my aunt’s bed to get back at her for looking at mine…P.S. She’s 1/4 of my size. -Bella
Gus Kelly Cottingham