Hey there!more from cookie the cocker at instagram.com/maf_co

Hey there!more from cookie the cocker at instagram.com/maf_co
Pope says all dogs go to heaven, even you Bebe! My beagle, Bebe, crept under the Christmas Tree and abducted the sweet Christ Child from his manger.
Schatzi and Cudi relaxing after their hike.
Piper the German Shepherd at 9 weeks.
tinopup: Tino and Steve visited Santa today.
My poodle X dachshund Bilbo Photo credit : Jérémy Turgeon-Moïse
Venti, my sweet heart of a 2 year old brindle rescue greyhound
Smiles for daaaaaaaaays #keeshond
Rocko the German Shepherd
You’re a mean one, Mabel Grinch Mabel Hid the Bone and brought it out only when she was told she could keep it.
You fil-let me down! While my master was away from the house I decided to eat all four large raw chicken filets thawing in the kitchen sink.
Loki Evey Mika Aska Toby Barney Walter Willow & Diesel Greyhound Keeshond Handsomedogs’ Holiday Giveaway! These are the finalists for the first ever handsomedogs giveaway! Voting will take place now until the 16th. The prize is a BarkBox! In order to…
Topher – 1 year old rescued mutt, and Setta – 2 year old Yorkie, Westie and Scottie mix See more at settatheperfectmix.tumblr.com
Tuna, my 3 year old husky/shepherd cross, doing what she loves to do (sniff all things).
Lucky when we first brought him home 8 months ago.
jacquijr: English Setters, Chorley Park
my dog Tia Cheers!
Mosby, our Bernese Mountain Dog when he was 5 months old!
My almost 3 year old black lab/something else, Maui 🙂
I’m beggin’ of you please don’t take my couch Jolene was upset when her favourite couch was replaced by a new one on which she was not allowed to sit.
cococool: stick-hypnosis 😉
Sugar Eats My name is sugar and I ate 4 dozen christmas cookies.
Houseguest Hootenanny Miller is my daughter’s dog, who we watch a couple of times a year for her while she studies for law school exams.
huskyhuddle: Ani in her Christmas bow 🙂
I heart you, gross! Dear Human, I tried to tell you “I love you”…. In pee. -Carmen **This was a…
emwng: Say cheese!
This was Miss Lucy Goose at this year’s Strut Your Mutt Event! You can see her crooked angel wings, which is appropriate since she can certainly be a little devil sometimes! =P
Rainy days Whitney Jane
Dotty the pup COLIN MCMAHON
Kiss, the rescue boxer. Meetkiss.tumblr.com
Beau by Pam Lau
Oscar, the boofhead Boxer.
vizistar Marie-pierre Pataine
Dexter Prettyhorse Photography
My Dog Brody Benjamin Yanto III
blue eyes Elly De Corte
Snow Plow Grandma laughs when I eat the snow off the patio chairs…. not sure why she didn’t think this was funny??—Dirty Frank
Christmas is coming Jenni Freytag
Miss Marti Julie Saraceno
Somebody tried to ruin Christmas Kirby’s little chewing incident on the cord of our pre-lit Christmas tree had the potential to be bad if it wasn’t for Gregg’s electrician skills.
keep smiling 🙂 Andreas Helfrich
I ate January through March! We came home to the ultimate dog shaming revenge, our lab chewed up the “dog shaming” calendar we just bought for a Christmas present.
Balder the bear Anna Ravn
Nala Oliver Fischer
Christmas lights I ate an entire string of Christmas lights.
adorable Jodie Pholi
Lila Alex Fernandez
Leo Julia Berbecka
She lives for the snow!
Kokoro the eskie, via instagram.com/emwng
Rayn: Miss Rayner Fuzzbutt ohmanitscute miss pancake girl oh man it’s grapeface the fluff my trail blazen girl My 8yr old GSD – love of my life (and typically not allowed on Grandma’s couch XD)
A Pair Of Siberian Husky Gabby Deac
Lab in her Christmas Collar Andrea Brest
shepherd-tails: 12/11/2014
Rez dog Brandon Thompson
Well what do you expect, I can’t read! I like to open Christmas gifts that are not meant for me. ~ Phoebe
Noah, my nearly one year old Sheltie. 🙂
iheartfinnipeani: Fred on Flickr.
Ginger is in the well-decorated dog house! Ginger got put in doggy jail.
Cappie the creeper Cappie is the world’s sweetest dog, but during meals, he has an unwavering creeper stare. You may not see him if he’s all the way under the table, but you will definitely feel his presence.
Nothing was stirring, certainly not that mouse! I thought I heard a mouse. We left Buddy in the laundry room while we went to work.
Frankie at Marina Park
Gypsy. 12 week old German Shepherd.
Also here is one more picture of the fluffy moron because he is adorable and i thought this one may make you smile.
My 6 month old German Shepherd, Luna. She was trying to take a nap but kept waking up because of sounds outside. Instagram: lunathegsd (:
Piper the Italian Greyhound.
Bernie enjoying the beach times
Smarter than YOU My mom left me alone for too long so I ate the Rubik’s Cube. She couldn’t do it anyways! #thatswhatyouget!
Can’t you be more like [Bo] Obama? This is our puppy Humphrey. He loves to destroy things when we are at work. Naughty Porty!
It ate the lotion in the basket “To the ladies at work: I ate your gifts. If your hands are dry this winter, it’s ALL MY FAULT”
Watch where your naked foot lands! Cindy Lou Who waits until my husband gets into the shower ~ she then takes a poop on his bathmat.
My 3 year old pup, Kono. Total mutt with the sweetest heart!!
cococool: so much “decoration” in her beautiful hair.. 😉
dogsamazing: The canine version of Fruity Rudy
Aliyah, my purebred Red Australian Terrier, likes to watch me from the couch when I’m doing yoga on the floor.
Onyx and Reena
Luna loves the beach!
Ming doesn’t fly Coach Ming—who is an otherwise exceptionally well-behaved pug—had a minor indiscretion this week. We know she hates the rain but thought it was a coincidence that she didn’t have to go outside as often when the weather turned…
About 6 months ago i sent in a picture of myself and the cocker spaniel Ferris when we had just picked him up. Whilst I’ve been away at uni he has been doing a lot of growing. Here he is…
Kiss, the rescue boxer.
Piper the German Shepherd at 13 weeks.
Dude Burps Like a Lady I burp like a full grown man but demand to be treated like a princess. And I have to burp in mom or dad’s face otherwise it didn’t count. Love, Mika
I like big pillows and I cannot lie Charlie likes big pillows.. And he cannot Lie
Lonely Lab Charlie can’t hold his licker!
Santa Paws is tired from eating all the cookies.
Hi! This is my 3 y/o Border Collie Bzar! He is a rescue pooch and truly the love of my life. We rescued him from a previous abusive owner. He came to us with no manners, no meat on his…
This is my little girl, Izzy. She’s my pride and joy and I just want others to see how cute she is, and be able share the smiles that she gives me with everyone else. 🙂
Alaskan malamute portraitsA walk with Norwegian Alaskan Malamute Club by dog-photographer Bluejay Photography —->Visit page<—- To see more
our cavalier king charles spaniel Rocky is ready for Christmas!
5 year old lab/greyhound mix posing for a picture
Our darling baby Duke having a bath
We love the holiday season!
This is Why They Invented Washers Such a strange thing to see after walking into the bedroom…
Life’s a Beach.. I tore apart 2 sand filled weight balls & turned the living room into an indoor beach!
Ginny takes the opportunity to have a nap in the sunshine.
lookaroundadventureiseverywhere: My friend’s dog is super photogenic! Her name’s Sandy and she smiles!
moviesmusicweed: so happy :’)
Huckelbarron Hound follow me here Barrons-dad.tumblr.com