pressonpress: Throw back to my baby’s first adventure
bulldogges: Thunder Rocks Indy
bulldogges: Thunder Rocks Indy
photozoi: His nickname? Slappy McSlappyfeet.
photozoi: His nickname? Slappy McSlappyfeet.
nefja: There’s some very important blepping to report
nefja: There’s some very important blepping to report
spartathesheltie: knat knat knat
spartathesheltie: knat knat knat
sidetongue: henry is a bug confirmed. check out those antennae
sidetongue: henry is a bug confirmed. check out those antennae
restinthewest: A goblin!
restinthewest: A goblin!
collegiatecanine: He’s still cooler than me
collegiatecanine: He’s still cooler than me
sidetongue:you can join the ears club, pal
sidetongue: you can join the ears club, pal
floaty-cody: So serious
floaty-cody: So serious
campfirecanines: best nurse best boi
campfirecanines: best nurse best boi
photozoi: James out for a hike in his new surroundings, making…
photozoi: James out for a hike in his new surroundings, making the friends, being the bestest boy!
ofcarnivora: Chico, aka Chonk-o
ofcarnivora: Chico, aka Chonk-o

littlewhitefeet: Ohhhhh this buddy is the best buddy ✨
littlewhitefeet: Ohhhhh this buddy is the best buddy ✨
my friends Lapinporokoira Niisku, he just turned 2 years
my friends Lapinporokoira Niisku, he just turned 2 years
Albus Dumbledog
Albus Dumbledog
silver-sivien: gosh i love him
silver-sivien: gosh i love him
dndogs: “I drove fifteen hours to a four day show and all I got were these lousy ribbons”
dndogs: “I drove fifteen hours to a four day show and all I got were these lousy ribbons”
novathesheltie:i love him sm
novathesheltie: i love him sm
a sleepy series
a sleepy series
Ruji, akita-inu (fluffy), 9 months
Ruji, akita-inu (fluffy), 9 months
fawkesthecowdog: Aesthetic
fawkesthecowdog: Aesthetic
novathesheltie: …blep
novathesheltie: …blep
dogish: Sweet baby girl is 8 months old and sweeter than ever. I don’t post enough about the dogs…
dogish: Sweet baby girl is 8 months old and sweeter than ever. I don’t post enough about the dogs on here anymore but everyone is doing good.
two-sets-of-paws:*screams* we’re back.
two-sets-of-paws: *screams* we’re back.
oregonforestdog: Mr Sunshine
oregonforestdog: Mr Sunshine
boofblr: dirty boye is happy boye
boofblr: dirty boye is happy boye
k9jocks: Btw Streak’s new nickname is Filthy Beast
k9jocks: Btw Streak’s new nickname is Filthy Beast
tundratails: tongue
tundratails: tongue
washingtonhound: Have you ever seen a child so PURE
washingtonhound: Have you ever seen a child so PURE
prickle-pups: A baby
prickle-pups: A baby
Happy 1 Year, Noodle! Celebra’s Once Upon A Time At Pirate’s Isle
Happy 1 Year, Noodle! Celebra’s Once Upon A Time At Pirate’s Isle
doginprogress: i forgot to mention that zula got measured and…
doginprogress: i forgot to mention that zula got measured and weighed this past week. she’s a petite 23.5″ and 40 lbs even
6woofs: Blep 4 u
6woofs: Blep 4 u
perfectdogs: has there ever been a more appropriate time to…
perfectdogs: has there ever been a more appropriate time to sing “we are the champions” to my dog? i dont think so! RW-17 & 19 JCh Ch. Tibicinan Regina di Cuori
Here’s Paco, enjoying his time at the vet! He knows that if he’s good he’ll get a…
Here’s Paco, enjoying his time at the vet! He knows that if he’s good he’ll get a treat afterwards.
trashpuppyoscar: He’s stupid cute
trashpuppyoscar: He’s stupid cute
tacere-mortuis: someone tell her she’s not allowed to grow anymore!!!!! she’s so big!!!!!
tacere-mortuis: someone tell her she’s not allowed to grow anymore!!!!! she’s so big!!!!!
theridingwriter: He is too perfect Talk about puppy dog eyes
theridingwriter: He is too perfect Talk about puppy dog eyes
kirkmcoy: she blep
kirkmcoy: she blep
thefoolishfewterer: My pretty girl
thefoolishfewterer: My pretty girl
dogpantry: should i start using that Instagram for Ryker again? i find myself taking lots of…
dogpantry: should i start using that Instagram for Ryker again? i find myself taking lots of pictures of him……,,,,,,,,
floofwoofboof: My freshly groomed boy <3Please do not steal/use without permission
floofwoofboof: My freshly groomed boy <3 Please do not steal/use without permission

pseudopoodle: Handsome @sageaway ❤️
pseudopoodle: Handsome @sageaway ❤️
loyal-as-a-dog: Made it to the fire lookout station on top of…
loyal-as-a-dog: Made it to the fire lookout station on top of Raspberry Ridge!
goggledwreck: Blue Boy // 6 19 2019
goggledwreck: Blue Boy // 6 19 2019
doomspaniels: Golly, he’s pretty.
doomspaniels: Golly, he’s pretty.
aquestionablemutt: There be a small white cloud above her head!
aquestionablemutt: There be a small white cloud above her head!
space-good-boy: First day at home for this cutie!
space-good-boy: First day at home for this cutie!
mygermanshepherd: Bjorn
mygermanshepherd: Bjorn
I see the previous picture was popular so here’s more. Her name is Patsy, she’s a 6 year…
I see the previous picture was popular so here’s more. Her name is Patsy, she’s a 6 year old apricot standard poodle.
streetdogmillionaires:guess who’s back and handsomer than ever
streetdogmillionaires: guess who’s back and handsomer than ever
wisconsinratpack: It’s that yellow dog doing barn dog things
wisconsinratpack: It’s that yellow dog doing barn dog things
earlsjustwannahavefun: Bad days call for wet dogs
earlsjustwannahavefun: Bad days call for wet dogs
dogsinnature: @exploringecho on instagram
dogsinnature: @exploringecho on instagram
onebluepebble: Fall 2018.
onebluepebble: Fall 2018.
thebrittanybrigade: Feeling cute, may destroy your house later though
thebrittanybrigade: Feeling cute, may destroy your house later though
Tulip says: “gay rights!”
Tulip says: “gay rights!”
k9jocks: Monster collie approved
k9jocks: Monster collie approved
Bear turned two! He is still v good at snuggling, chewing on hands, and getting the zoomies at the…
Bear turned two! He is still v good at snuggling, chewing on hands, and getting the zoomies at the most inconvenient times.
Tzuki the Shih Tzu had the most boopable nose,…
Tzuki the Shih Tzu had the most boopable nose, -archiveswrittenbyink
Paisley and Widget
Paisley and Widget
restinthewest: Straight cheesin’
restinthewest: Straight cheesin’
fishsticksfromthenorth-ish: My bffs
fishsticksfromthenorth-ish: My bffs
simplyventuring:mmm, cowhoof.
simplyventuring: mmm, cowhoof.
fishsticksfromthenorth-ish: Spammer-Jammer. Just spammin’ and…
fishsticksfromthenorth-ish: Spammer-Jammer. Just spammin’ and jammin’ like a good boy does.
Коккер Лаки
Коккер Лаки
Наш маленький друг
Наш маленький друг
this is koda! he was my best friend for 15 years. he passed away a week ago and i have been…
this is koda! he was my best friend for 15 years. he passed away a week ago and i have been reflecting on what a good boy he was. he lived a long and happy life!!!
This is Lyra! She just celebrated her 5 year adoptaversary. Her…
This is Lyra! She just celebrated her 5 year adoptaversary. Her favorite thing to do is chase bubbles and play ball at the park. -@anwynalene
Leia in her favorite nap spot
Leia in her favorite nap spot
healingheartdogs: We got a bath at tractor supply today to work on getting used to grooming and…
healingheartdogs: We got a bath at tractor supply today to work on getting used to grooming and bathing equipment more and some yummy pork chomps for being such a good boy. Also grabbed a nice big fluffy bed because baby…
dogjourney: Happy 1st Birthday to my BEST boy!!
dogjourney: Happy 1st Birthday to my BEST boy!!
pet-interests: He did the most beautiful fold back drop on…
pet-interests: He did the most beautiful fold back drop on recall here. Absolutely beautiful.
blueboyluca: I felt a little foot tapping on me.
blueboyluca: I felt a little foot tapping on me.
odddogblog: What breed of dog is that?
odddogblog: What breed of dog is that?
woolywoofs: is there anything more cute?? the answer is no
woolywoofs: is there anything more cute?? the answer is no
Meet Percy (left) and Clarence (right). They’re my boys. Cavachons littermates, 10 years old, never…
Meet Percy (left) and Clarence (right). They’re my boys. Cavachons littermates, 10 years old, never been separated. They’re the sweetest.
Mulder is 2 years old and roughly 65 lbs. He loves snuggles as…
Mulder is 2 years old and roughly 65 lbs. He loves snuggles as well as going to the dog park. His favorite thing to do there is get a tennis ball disgusting and slobbery, for the most part he ignores…
dogblessyou: She lay down in a mud puddle and made out with a golden doodle and she has no regrets
dogblessyou: She lay down in a mud puddle and made out with a golden doodle and she has no regrets
specklemutts: i don’t think i ever posted this picture of Bagel. it the bagel boy
specklemutts: i don’t think i ever posted this picture of Bagel. it the bagel boy
mygermanshepherd: Spring 2019
mygermanshepherd: Spring 2019
How long does it take after a submission for it to appear on the blog? Are their any requirements that could have a picture skipped.
It takes approximately a week to ten days for your photo to appear. If your photo isn’t posted, please review our submission guidelines. You can always submit another photo!
achoirofcritters: Adventures of Lanky Boi and Stocky Gal
achoirofcritters: Adventures of Lanky Boi and Stocky Gal
slcpup: I am trying to work and he is making it the most difficult.
slcpup: I am trying to work and he is making it the most difficult.
campfirecanines: look, I’m just saying, this new phone is w i l d
campfirecanines: look, I’m just saying, this new phone is w i l d
snoots-and-wiskers: A little farm boi, doing farm things
snoots-and-wiskers: A little farm boi, doing farm things
rnerri: Nora at Northwood Meadows 5/26/2019
rnerri: Nora at Northwood Meadows 5/26/2019
pawsitivevibe: A very Excellent Beagle.
pawsitivevibe: A very Excellent Beagle.
mango-vanilla-mochi: HOW’S HE SO GOOD???
mango-vanilla-mochi: HOW’S HE SO GOOD???
sammyandfred: babey
sammyandfred: babey
thefrenchpaws: I actually kept this one for the end of my pics…
thefrenchpaws: I actually kept this one for the end of my pics spam because it’s the most wonderful picture I ever took of Bambi !
streetdogmillionaires: vulpine thing among the alpine things
streetdogmillionaires: vulpine thing among the alpine things
floofboof: Early summer. The grass is green and the sunsets are warm.
floofboof: Early summer. The grass is green and the sunsets are warm.
marloandmav-adventurers: This is my bird dog and he loves…
marloandmav-adventurers: This is my bird dog and he loves looking at birds with me
doomspaniels: pawsitivevibe: Happy Pride Month all!! I make dog bandanas, and I have some…
doomspaniels: pawsitivevibe: Happy Pride Month all!! I make dog bandanas, and I have some special stuff for Pride if anyone is interested in one! Firstly, a limited amount of rainbow fabric. I can do a double-sided rainbow bandana for $12…