Where’s the meat? Zeus never chews up toys… I guess he thought there would be meat inside of this one!

Where’s the meat? Zeus never chews up toys… I guess he thought there would be meat inside of this one!
This is Brutus the French mastiff, he looks big and mean but hes really a gentle giant.
bear dog Brody
My year old Lab/Corgi mix Cassi
jackie… 4 months old… amstaff
This is my love Akilles! He’s a 50% Amstaff and 50% Pitbull, my king!
6woofs: Unintentional theme this morning.
Smudge’s favourite thing to do is lay in the sun and people watch from the window.
my labradoodle pup Wilson
Gershwin likes to use his face as a snowplow. (www.instagram.com/mustache_bully)
You can’t worm your way out of this one I got worms …because I like to eat cat poop.
huskyhuddle: Post bath cutie. I think she likes me 🙂
how to turn $1.99 into $1000 I ate 17 of my moms hair ties and racked up a $1000 vet bill for surgery to get them all out! I’m sorry mom! Love, Squishy
This is my best friend in the universe.
Hopefully I poop out good luck My son’s favorite part of ordering Chinese is the fortune cookie..when he came to get me to read his fortune Diamond (our English bulldog) ate his cookie and his fortune!
♫ there is joy in my life and her name is ivy ♫
My beautiful dog Maisy!!!!! She is the sweetest girl in the world.
Had it with dog shaming! Codie had it with all the embarrassing dog photos!
Bullet, my big crybaby @werexwolf
This is my 1 year old black and white rescue mutt 😀
Handsome devil Fan-kun, an Osakan miniature dachshund, looks dashing even when resting. Photo by Japan Resor (CC BY-SA)
And these are Opie’s new big brothers, Hagrid and Scooter!
This is my princess Ava, she is half shepherd half husky. She just had her first birthday!
Australian Cattle cross and Maremma.
My lovely Shogun- Berger de Beauce male <3
Alex, a year and a half old toy pom x papillon (featuring soap bubble)
Newest addition to our family! Say hi to Opie!
Kona (konatherapy.tumblr.com)
120 pounds of pure petrified pooch Milo had a long over due appointment for a nail trim, but you’d think he was being tortured to death.
I got a new film camera so obviously the first thing I took a picture of was my dog, Scout 🙂
Apple of my eye Daisy has an unusual apple fetish. She doesn’t eat the apples, just licks and lick and licks them. So disgusting.
Practice safe shame I don’t know who’s in more trouble, dog or brother. What do you think?
Just £3000 for a sponge dad, what a deal! I will have to wear this because I stole a sponge, ate it and cost Dad £3000 at the vets. Doh!
My four year-old puffball of a Pomeranian, Gizmo.
Lucky 9 years old Pekinese-Mix from Germany, Wangen im Allgäu
Mr. Princess I will hold all bowel movements until I get back inside because I refuse to step on the wet grass. -Amos
my Miniature Dachshund pups taking a nap together 🙂
Monty the booze-hound I had a bag of supplies to make a batch of Porter on a table in the garage, but our 10-month old Olde English Sheepdog puppy, Monty, got into it.
Aren’t frog legs a delicacy? Martie, my 3-year old Springer Spaniel, rolled in something very dead today. 2 baths and an container of baking soda later, she still smells.
Conker the Shiba Inu.
Flint – West Siberian Laika
I think that’s your shade, I mean shame! I eat mom’s pink markers!
I’m just gonna pretend that Christmas isn’t over and we aren’t in January. | Pipocahontas
follow cookie the cocker at http://instagram.com/maf_co/
Joe 7 years old Pekinese-Mix from Germany, Wangen im Allgäu
Sarge, 10 years old Mixed Breed
Olaf! He’ll walk up to you and lay down on by your feet until you pet him.
Lita – Fall 2014
This is my red-tri Australian Shepherd, Jace, at 7 months.
I think if you google “handsomedogs why do you tag submissive” you will find it xD
Penelope The Chug Follow Penelope at: penelopethechug.tumblr.com
Chuck Taylor would be so proud Mommy had to replace her nieces school shoes. Turns out when company is visiting they shouldn’t leave their shoes laying around.
An old picture of my cream labrador, Pipa, she was such a sweet girl!
How my dog drives in the car.
Roxy Hart-breaker Roxy, our 3 year old pit mix, LOVES our daughters toys. She stole our daughter’s favorite rubber turtle and ate it! Shame!!
Not in front of the children!! “I humped my dog bed…in front of the kids.”
Meet Cusi 🙂 She’s a 10 month Greyhound x Border Collie
bacon-ater It took a few attempts to realize a slice or two of bacon have been missing from her parents’ plate while sitting out of the microwave waiting to cool off. She was finally caught!
Resting Cody, Podenco.
Toph and Zelda 7yo AmStaff mutt and 4yo Cocker Spaniel www.tophandotherdogs.tumblr.com
The #1 winter activity of most dogs is… I played with my dog brother’s poop in the snow. Then I tried to eat it. -Titus
My dogs Gracie and Daphnee
This is Brewski! He’s a cross between a Black Lab and an Australian Cattle Dog.
Stevie Licks
my baby, Tina. She’s a chihuahua fox terrier mix 🙂 ju1iaa.tumblr.com
Bear 10 year old Pomeranian
Cudi relaxing while Schatzi sleeps in the background after their morning hike.
Picture I took of Ophelia over the summer.
huskyhuddle: Balto loves the trees. Jan. 2015
Quincy age 13.
I wanted submit another photo of my aussie, Keller. I submit her every so often and I always see really negative responses so I wanted to tell her story so people can stop assuming things about me and about her.…
Mr. Oscar
The podiatrist “I STEAL SHOES!” and when it’s not cold outside, I bury them in the garden, dig them back up, and bring them inside full of dirt. Lots of love, Eve
All smiles
my baby, Tina. She’s a chihuahua fox terrier mix 🙂 -ju1iaa.tumblr.com
Ain’t no one gonna tell me what to do Gomer poops on your weak attempt to regulate where she poops.
This is our two year old husky hurley, the most photogenic one in the family. Behind her is Ollie who is an seven year old kelpie mixed breed.
And I’d do it again! I pooped in the hallway, ran into the neighbors apartment, ate their dogs food, and peed in their kitchen.
my pug Bambi looking fabulous (photographed by me)
Toph, 7yo female AmStaff mix www.tophandotherdogs.tumblr.com
Sorry everyone! Blame the dog. Hi you guys, We’re so sorry our website has been wonky over the past few weeks. We’ve been working hard to fix all the bugs, make it faster, and more stable.
This is Watson a 7 week old English Golden Retriever.
Loving the cool weather! facebook.com/kellerthedm
meet dexter this was him at 9 weeks he’s a husky cross akita 🙂
meet Baer, the most delightful miniature dachshund in the world!
My new puppy Wyatt! He’s a two month old Australian Cattle Dog
Apollo, my 9 month-old Siberian Husky (: waywardxheart.tumblr.com
Schatzi and Cudi.
6woofs: <3
ulandjoy: Free spirit. Ula.
Here is Echo again :3
Don’t eat the strawberries On a visit to Nan’s house this is what happened…
This is Na-re. My lovely Japanese Spitz when he was just a puppy!
Fred chillin’ on a hot Summer day.
Fluffing vs. Farting!! Our female Blue Healer has in my opinion, Farts that could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.
Meet Sky, my pit bull mix. We rescued her from a shelter a little over a year ago!
Not My Cup of Tea My wife started giving our Corgi some hot tea during the Winter. Now whenever she makes herself a cup of hot tea, she will make him a cup of hot tea or he will not let…