* | Emilia Savolainen

* | Emilia Savolainen
Rottweiler | Kostadinka Todorovic
just take a break | Ramona Osche
Oh, Julio! I peed in my Mom’s favorite shoe, but she didn’t notice until she put her bare foot in it. I’m so ashamed. Julio 🙁
La balade | allyson coppee
ViggyAt | Milan Griglak
Ewwww….. Still love em to pieces though!
Peeping Tom “I made a peephole so I could bark at people easier.”
coloradohounds: Such sass.
Meeko. 6 months. St. Bernard Mix
Adoptable Fridays – Apple Apple is a 3 yo, 14.1 hand Mustang filly living in Northern Calvert County, MD. She was saved from a home with five other mustangs that were starving to death by…
Adoptable Fridays – Joe, the cat Here is the info on Joe the cat. He is with Friends of Rescue in…
The Magnificent Pele.
Sacrilicious Cradle Robber I snatched baby Jesus out of the manger and chewed him up.
Luke- 8 month old Transylvanian Hound
Kai, Australian Shepherd
Hashbrown, not sorry! I can’t be trusted when left alone with delicious bedsheets. #itsamiracle #sorryimnotsorry
Georgie and Jess the mini schnauzers!
he’s my miracle baby.
A bulldog, an animal shelter, and too many litter boxes My English Bulldog, Pepper Potts, comes to work every day. This was the first time I ever caught her in the cat-crunchies at work.
You got 10 seconds! 10…9…8… If my owner doesn’t walk me as soon as they get home I poop and pee on the rug.
Today is the sixth anniversary of our beagle’s adoption day. She’s just as cute as the first day she came home.
Maya | Aristocat Photography
Her name is Killua. She just turned 5 months old.
Plutarco at Santa Monica Pier
www.bigbullylilspaniel.tumblr.com Zelda 4yo cocker spaniel
Kobi, the Alaskan Klee Kai
Dogs at Coronado Beach Aliya Weise
Revenge of the PJ snatchers I left to go to school; he never likes being alone. So he took out his vengeance on my pajamas.
Small and big Ludmila Bartošíková
Poop Shute Ute I pooped in the front seat of my owners Ute, then sat in it. It took ages to clean me up then he had to clean the Ute.
The gargantuan pugwich I unzipped a backpack and ate half of a “gargantuan” sub sandwich.
Summer cool down Curtis
The Eyes of Excitment Tim Hunt
How to Embarrass mom 101 Bad dogs come in pairs. Worse when a male person of the house found the disaster zone and cleaned the shredded feminine product up off the bathroom floor.
murdocktheairedale: Handsome boy!
Ella and Prince, rough collies
Alarming behaviour “I’ve decided the best way to wake up mom is to SIT on her head!”
Delicious, delicious tissues Sign reads: I like to chew up used tissues. My human has a cold. YUM! Henry the long-haired Dachshund recently passed at the old age of 16.
I can’t be trusted in the kitchen My owner doesn’t appreciate that by eating the butter I was really just looking out for his health.
Was that a challenge? Did I pass? “While my dog sitter was in the bathroom, I could, and I DID. Love, PorkChop” He waited until my partner went to the bathroom, then he did a little light chewing..
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: New shirt available for purchase! http://teespring.com/handsomedogs5 2 days left
Daisy has conquered the drift atop frozen Lake Huron. #bloodhound
Oceans [of vomit] 11 I threw up in 11 places in the house, including once on the couch
Howl My Great Pyrenees, Setsuko.
Betrayed by the need to poop I slipped out the door as my human was leaving for work, and nearly gave him a heart attack.
Sewage pond and playing fetch…what could go wrong? Jigs loves playing fetch with her stick. Mama’s throw got a little off balance and her stick landed in our sewage pond!
4 out of 5 ain’t bad; thank goodness I left the rollerblades at home! Gucci is looking for love in all the wrong places!
My little beagle, Chip..what a cutie!
This is Vi, and she is awesome!
Malam’ewwwww’te I keep going to the litter box for snacks. My breath smells like cat poop!
My dog is prettier than I will ever be. Follow her on Instagram @lunathegsd if you’d like.
Mine Field I adopted my dog 2 months ago, and I thought he was completely potty trained until he dropped his toy under the bed.
This face, this derpy, silly little face…it gives me so much happiness.
Ain’t falling for no banana in my tailpipe! Sometimes I draw the line at banana peels. Only sometimes. Editor’s note: While banana peels aren’t toxic, they could cause intestinal blockage if swallowed whole.
CPA’Pup in trouble I went under the bed and totally chewed the nose piece and head strap off of my daddy’s CPAP machine.
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: New shirt available for purchase! http://teespring.com/handsomedogs5 3 days left
‘Slodziaki Guiny‘ Paweł Prus
Dakota Nathan Shipp
Twins in One Ankit Banerjee
Alpha-Amstaff Djordje Novakov
Dog Mykal Hamner
Mango bearpaul phan
Duke Jana Starke
Spring Break? I don’t think so. My dog really did eat passports and three twenty dollar bills. Wanna see proof? Check out our facebook page!
Aussie Ekaterina Morozova
lola Ovidio Sánchez
Milo is Busted! Milo thinks the dishwasher is a cafeteria of old food! He has no shame in jumping up there and eating all the scraps! He is not ashamed!
Dog Border Collie / Perro Agus Girardo
Who do you think did it? We’re sorry one of us pooped on the floor, we thought you liked chocolate. <3 Benny & Noah
RAWR Denis Zeks
Fate Anna Chernova
What do you mean I get nothing?!?! Hotch, our 3 year-old Golden Retriever ate our last will and testament. He was not sorry.
Alli John Finnerty
Mack Beto Alanís
His name’s bruno
Paddy the four year old Lab Retriever.
Bobby, our French Poodle.
They make it so hard to leave home…all the time. Flynn the amber eyed black Labrador Retriever and Loca Bear the always adorable Bassador.
Fetch Zuzana Hudak
handsomedogs: New shirt available for purchase! http://teespring.com/handsomedogs5 5 days left
Тата Anna Chernova
Jay early morning dean jones
Jay early morningdean jones
Georgie the Irish red setter x border collie.
Take another little pizza my heart Stopped and bought two pizzas for dinner and also stopped to get fuel, should have known better to leave Tess in the pickup with the pizza!
My two months old Massimo , cheers to all !
Beagle owners will totally get this one! I can barely open the container these were in, and I have thumbs.
Easter is right around the corner! Willie is ready to greet the children for the Easter Egg hunt!
Maple Dave is a big sap My bestie was saying the other day how she needed to move her young maple tree because it was going to get too big for where it was.
Let me introduce you to Victoria’s Secret’s newest model “Not only did I eat your underwear, I tried it on too” -Riley Her secret aspiration to be a Victoria Secret model has been exposed.
hotdiggitydog-blog: Hanging out at the park.
Check out more work at: www.jessiedee.net Follow me on Instagram! Become a fan on facebook! submitted by: jessiedeexx
Cody and his toy Dexter.
Britt, our recently adopted beagle/english setter. He’s been with us 7 days now.
Meet George, my parent’s new puppy and my new ‘fur-brother’. He’s an 8 week old Labrador and he’s so cute and floppy and sweet.
Snow Days