Here is Castle the 8 year old pug!

Here is Castle the 8 year old pug!
Luke, the border collie mix, after a swim!
Submitted once as a puppy about a year and a half ago, here’s Watson, the standard poodle all grown up!
My sister’s dog, XO, is my favourite. All dogs are my favourite. Dogs. For more photos of this big guy and my photography in general, feel free to check out and follow my blog here. Monthey, 2015. © Joy…
H.A. (Humpers Anonymous) I like humping my daddy’s leg. I am a female. #sorrynotsorry
Forever Sick I don’t like my medicine. I will eat the hotdog bit with the pill inside, then later spit the pill out when mommy isn’t looking.
gatsbyadventures: Happy Easter!
Neighbors are not a fan Mom says our neighbour is afraid of dogs……so I decided to help her with exposure therapy. Mom says I’m not helping. 🙁
Happy Easter!
The Easter Beagle I had a box of Cadbury eggs ready to mail out to a friend and Bentley managed to pull it off the counter while I was gone.
lunaofthenorthwind: One last photo before I go to bed; Ronni covered in her own dribble.
ollietherottweiler: enjoy your Easter 🙂
Fritz, labrador mix, is also up for adoption along with his sisters! He has irritation on his tail that’s healing, but he’s always in good spirits, even in a cone!
gatsbyadventures: Easter weekend!
That’s a spicy meatball Our golden retriever usually prefers bread, but today Lucy ate a whole bag of dried chile pasillas.
husketeers: I just want to kiss her face all the time
I’m not feeling too hot, dog. My name is Chanel. I ate nine hot dogs off of the counter. Now I have “clear the room” gas!!
rylee-blue: Easter Bullies!
Oh the irony… While mum and dad were out, Hudson very thoughtfully chose this book to shred. We think he was trying to make a statement and stick up for all his buddies in the book 🙂
The dog | Shuai Wu
Piddle Party of one? Never leave your dog alone at home.
the reluctant ballerina | mike fiddleman
Melody | Anne Geier
Glückshunde | Danny Merz
friends for life … | TimelessLovePhotography
My dog | Gökhan AKIL
Poppy is a 1 year old rottweiler bitch available for adoption in the UK. She is currently in RSPCA care, after being abandoned as a puppy by her owners.Unfortunately due to the ensuing prosecution, Poppy has grown up in kennels,…
He’s Barking Mad! Sanjay – the Pugalier from Co Wicklow, Ireland I bark THE ENTIRE 12 minute ride to school every day.
Garcelle is a Labrador mix up for adoption in the South Florida area and is currently in a foster home!
Adoptable Fridays – Chester One of our wonderful readers, Michelle, sent us a link to this adorable,…
Adoptable Fridays – Callie Callie the adoptable lab steals the hearts of little kids…. …and the food…
Easter egg hunt Lucy ate six of our nine dyed Easter eggs on the same day, shrink wrap, stickers and all.
Mud SPA #bugzthebeagle #BnBPetCamp
Oakley, a couple months after we adopted him
I don’t think it is literately suggesting to put a giant goldfish in a tiny bowl. I’m going to assume they were looking for an image of a pet fish to put on their flow chart, and that one was…
Well, you’re tall like a tree… My mom won’t let me pee on my doggy brother, so I peed on her instead.
Five month old border collie baby boy! Riley is just a little peanut, ready to grow up and drive daddy’s truck.
Paging Dr. Stafordshire While taking a shower, Blossom ate my stethoscope.
“THOSE” dog park people “We went to the dog park, and while the other dogs wanted to play with me, all I wanted to do was pee on and/or snarl at everyone, so we had to leave, and now everyone at…
This book is offensive to all literate dogs! My sweet boxer destroyed my new dog shaming book while I was away. I guess she wasn’t asmused.
Kikina Canis (Kiki) 5 years. Labmaraner. I adopted Kiki when she was 1. Best decision I have ever made. She goes everywhere with me and has way more friends than I ever could! I cannot encourage adoption enough!
Big nose, big smile!
Antonia, my adorable doxy
Blue Steel, or so he thinks. I will literally never smile in a photograph. Dog Shaming’s own web dev and friend, Jairus, helped us out with our latest April Fools’ prank (if you haven’t caught on by now, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS’…
Time is relative[ly late to everything] If the thing is 10 minutes away and starts at noon, I leave the house at 11:56.
Calmare il telefono! Non spengo mai il telefono la notte e i messaggi dei miei amici svegliano sempre la mia ragazza.
Let me debrief you I leave my dirty boxers on the ground for the cat can roll around in. Hailey’s husband Cully shamelessly leaves his unmentionables all over the bedroom. Bad Cully, bad boy!
Bad blanket stealin’ boyfriend I steal all the blankets, then roll up like a burrito and sleep diagonally. The lady gets the couch.
Those are pea-not yours! I eat my wife’s “secret” stash of peanuts and pretend I have nothing to do with the near-empty jar.
Introducing our newest installement of shame: HUSBAND SHAMING They snore, they make a mess, they eat everything in sight, they stink, they pee on the floor…
Your majesty, Otis
Hi. This is Maxi, my 6 years old Havanese! He knows about 40 tricks and he is good at agility! He has own facebook page;
Hola lámpara!
Berci the 7 yrs old beagle
A little exercise does hurt “While mom was at the gym I ate grandma’s wicker basket”
tempurafriedhappiness: More Punchies
Candy Monster We left the house for a few hours and when we came home we noticed my step-daughters’ Easter jujubes had all disappeared.
Bad Host I get embarrassed when my mom & dad yell at me for trying to hump my 12-year-old human sisters friends…
Hungry as a Horse My name is Sadie. I jumped the kennel and ate a MONTH’s worth of HORSE supplements. Hopefully I won’t die.
6woofs: (Bandana courtesy of k9creations! Use the code 6WOOFS to get 15% off your order at !)
My sweet fella, Willie, will be 11 this year, and his face has gotten so white. It really shows in this picture. His heart is still so young and he’s always so happy to go with me anywhere I want…
Super Nova is a 10 weeks old Border Collie
Sand Crap’stles I poop on little kids’ sandcastles -Hurley
Luca Scissor Teeth Luca is my 8 month old beagle. In a span of a month, he has broken 5 of his Dad’s collars.
My best friend Maggie.
Our new Boston Terrier, Scout! She’ll turn seven months old in a few days.
Lick-a-stitch Don’t chase rabbits. you get stitches then get posted on this site!!
Tobi the Dobie Rescue
Saving ourselves from the evil vacuum cleaner “I chewed the vacuum cord up for the second time since December…and it’s only Jan 21st.
He’s very photogenic
I was just giving you a ribbing! “I pulled Mommy down in the snow and fractured her rib.” I was walking down a hill in the snow and Eleanor decided to abruptly turn around and at full speed run UP the…
Bad Taste in Mouth Spreckles, our Italian Greyhound likes to find “treats” on our picnics.
Teyah the pup | Stephen Wilson
tyson 🙂
Here’s looking at you, babe! | Y. Robbins
Copper | Kathy Colman
* | Caitlin McColl
Nina | Katja Vretenar
Silent [but deadly] protests I fart every time I get my tail brushed. It stinks! Harley is very hairy and regularly needs brushing, he doesn’t love it and his way of protesting is releasing his potent smells so I have to…
The Executioner “I was left alone for 10 minutes and decapitated a Samurai… I am NOT ashamed” We popped out to the shops for roughly 10 minutes and returned home to a tail wagging Lily next to a headless statue.
Inky the Cattle dog/Doberman mix
Best Shameful Looks: Boston Terriers I decided I like my bed better in pieces.
The Great Banana Showdown Our dog trainer taught us that “leave it” was one of the most important commands you could teach a dog, that way if they ever got something in their mouth that could make them ill, the dog…
thepaisleyfox: thepaisleyfox: Hey guys! So I run a little rescue called the Shiba Inu Rescue of Texas. We work as a network of foster homes to save these awesome dogs all over Texas and also in surrounding states like Oklahoma,…
a happy Holly in the sunshine
Sleepy 8 month old Nala ❤
Penelope the Chug is ready for the weekend! Follow Penelope at:
Just Checking! “I fart so forcefully that I have to turn around and check that my butt is still there…every time.”
Puzzles Shmuzzles In an effort to challenge her mind, became frustrated…
shepherd-tails: 3/27/2015 Avery.
Not so good the second time around This is our rescue dog, Bailey, he has eaten many things but this was by far the worst.
huskyhuddle: Nautical nonsense with Hubble. Anchor Bow Tie courtesy of k9creations!! HuskyHuddle – Promo code for 15% off your order!
Lana Del Rey being a cute rabbit!
Rin the 2 year old pup
Vostok and Mir, infamous for playing in the mud!
Boys are disgusting. My lurcher pup trumps whenever he goes down the stairs. He’s not fussed if someone happens to be walking behind him.
High flight risk, take their passports. “I found out I was not included in my Mom and Dad’s vacation to Turkey and Greece next month, so I ate Dad’s passport.
You’ll never look at almond roca the same way again Karl is a sweetheart. Karl was also 10lbs overweight when we got him from the rescue. Karl is now on a strict diet to get him into shape.
I Think I Made my Pointer Scout gets so upset when he’s locked out of the bathroom he chews on the wall…
Ollie, the smiling dog