Casey got her hair cut today! Check out my blog, meet-the-pack for more pictures of Casey and of the dogs I work with!

Casey got her hair cut today! Check out my blog, meet-the-pack for more pictures of Casey and of the dogs I work with!
Molly the shih tzu and Maggie the dachshund dachshund
dukeandriver: River by the lake
Mya wanting cuddles before I left for college ):han
Not my dog but he looked so fun I had to snap a picture.
My beautiful mutt Jack! He always knows how to pose for the camera
My pretty boy, fellow explorer, and best friend: Nike the golden retriever
Ollie planking across the table gap, look at this doggy smile!
Prison Break: Puppy Edition I tried to break out while my mom was sleeping…..I also chewed this sign. ~Mila
Sharing is caring “I broke in to the dog food bucket and gave everyone a huge snack, then got stuck in the bathroom while chasing the cat, so I chewed my way out.”
The Bachelor I fell asleep during “The Bachelor”. Mom is the one who should be ashamed. Lou loves to watch tv with mom but she’s in it more for the cuddles than the shows!
That wasn’t a single serving? Sorry that I are your pie mom. Next time I’ll save you a piece.
My best buddy
*8 month old German Shepard* Bruno out for a drive
Sentry always has to play in the creek when we go to the park! ♥
My baby girl Sierra is getting grey in the muzzle, but she’s still as beautiful as ever.
7 yr old Puppy loves Jeep rides
Barney the Staffordshire Bull Terrier enjoying the brief English sun!
Aussie love 🙂
I’m feline fine, tonight! I get soooo excited when we have company over that I hump the cat! Poor kitty.
The happiest blind dog you’ll ever meet, Misfit the Blind Dog.
Dachshund alterations done for cheap I ate Josh’s underpants. I feel no remorse. Heinrich is a fashion designer who prefers to work with cotton knits and specializes in undergarments.
Could I bee any more bloated? Nilla loves to chase and eat bees in our clover-filled back yard. She’s 3 years old – you’d think she’d learn, but she’s not the brainiest pup in the pack.
Lucy is the happiest corgi! (x)
It was a beautiful day today. Check out my blog, meet-the-pack to find more photo’s of the dogs I work with.
Charley my working cocker spaniel
Shiloh ❤ my Border Collie/Lab? mix
This is Jackadoodle Sparrow, the box-of-rocks Chow/Springer mutt, daring you to try and catch him.
Liam our English Mastiff puppy at 11 weeks. Baby giant.
Maximus sporting his new bowtie.
Candid at the dog park!
Doggone it! Two dogs figured out how to open the fridge and eat its contents while owners are away
Points for effort I crapped on my Mum’s pillow (and it wasn’t easy!)
Je suis désolé! Nash just thought he could learn a new language by eating a French-English dictionary.
Cockadoodle Dog “I tore up Mom’s favorite rooster pillow. Tastes like chicken.” Five-month-old Oakley, a Golden Pyrenees pup, could blame her dad for leaving her alone downstairs for just a few minutes, or she could blame Checkers, the old Golden…
tempurafriedhappiness: Karybelle. Prettiest shelp! ;o;
Not Having It Trying to get a picture of Penny while she was “smiling” but she was just not having any of it. (Taken on the Samsung Galaxy s4)#phone photography
We live under that rock now. When does a rock cost as much as a down-payment on a house? When your adorable Husky mix eats it and it gets lodged in his large intestine. Cheers!
Here is Kobi, the Alaskan Klee Kai enjoying the new surrounding environment for the very first time!
I will not be contained, I’m old! Meet Pam. She is about 10 pounds, about 20 years old, and has about 4 teeth. Staying in the kitchen because she has old age incontinence is apparently unacceptable!
Otto the Golden Retriever, enjoying a coconut at the beach after a nice swim.
Five weeks old!
Knit-wit I make my bed in mum’s knitting. She ’s been trying to finish this scarf for months. I have no shame.
gatsbyadventures: Aftermath of Corgi Beach Day, Part II: Bath Edition
Get Lucky | nezabvennaja
This little Australian Shepherd girl is my best friend Fiby.Someone said that dogs can not be your friends. But they can. Another one asked why? Well, they are always by your side, they know if you feel good or bad,…
Phillip Border collie, Malamute, Chow
It’s a sister thing Adoptive sister pugs Gen and the Foo love other……95% of the time. Unless food is involved then, it’s every pug for herself! No regrets.
Outward Hound | Innovative Dog Games, Dog Toys & Gear: Sign up, share, and win free dog toys!
Destroy first, ask questions later. Buddy always seems to get attacked by fluffy things in the house. It is inexplicable!
House Hunters: Canine Edition This is BELLA. She is a 6 month old Cockalier (cocker and cavalier spaniel mix). Her crate was sitting on top of her sisters crate when she decided that she no longer wanted to play with her…
pixpup: She has such a charming smile…
glukauf: Are you quite done?
Potty Mouth I ate the pooper scooper.
Just bein a pittie! #rescuedog #pitbullmix
BMO the chihuahua puppy on a warm summer day
Petite golden doodle frolicking in the snow!
Mother-in-law-in-pain Chalupa decided to bite his future grandmother in-law on their first meeting!!! Now he is not invited to summer in Cape Cod at her house.
Precious Heirlooms are Delicious My name is Fudge. I ate the pretty decorative Easter eggs my mom made with her kids when they were little.
Recycle Bin I eat anything plastic, then barf it up and eat it again. Please recycle
Welcome Home “I took care of that pesky Welcome Mat for you”. We don’t need a welcome mat when I do a good job of humping every guest to welcome them into our home.
It was a boobie trap Laverne got stuck in one of mommy’s bras…. apparently Shirley (not pictured) set up a boobie trap.
Faker, faker, you can’t make her I fake leg injuries in the snow for attention. Then when my dad brings me inside, I stand at the door and bark to go back outside.
Smells like hot garbage This is our gorgeous little girl Rosie, she is a Tenterfield Terrier (Australian breed) and thinks that it is just wonderful to roll around in something ungodly when she goes for a walk and comes home smelling…
I’ll hover that for you, mom! My rabbit Bella likes to kick her poop out of her cage. And when she does, Bailey goes over it like a vacuum.
streetdogmillionaires: Natural eyeliner.
streetdogmillionaires: Natural eyeshadow.
Brinkley loved all the snow we got this year. 🙂
megpricephotography: He was a bit dubious at first but I convinced Barney he looked pretty cute wearing his crown of daisies 🙂 (April 2011)
Stop cutting my hair! I’m trying to grow it out! Emmy will hide for days after a haircut. she gets embarrased and sniffs her own butt to make sure its really her.
That’s not very bunny! Our cat likes to catch animals… play with. This particular day he caught a baby bunny, ran in the house with it and let it loose.
“P-UGG” house slippers 6 year old pug steals slippers all the time, and never gets caught. Never UGG slippers just PUG slippers.
Frozen meat on a stick Both my dogs.. Cinnamon (dachshund) and Fred(Multi Racial) Being shamed over a frozen dead squirrel.
My Border Collie, Sam, at the park.
borisandtasha: A gentleman and a scholar. Custom bow tie by k9creations 2.14.15
Max, my wonderful 8-year-old German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd mix!Keep smiling 🙂
A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose. Tom Wilson
My corgi x swedish vallhund Fae and sweet beagle Jimmy having some fun with a giant Ikea box!
Samson is my Australian Cattle Dog. I rescued him when he was 5 months old and has changed my life forever.
I Have Boundary Issues “I have issues respecting people’s boundaries.” This dog is the reason the pool fence company has to puts an asterisk next to their ad, “Pet Proof Fencing*”.
jacquijr: “Chunkstyle” aka “Chunk” Old English Bulldog
allaussies: They look so white against all that dirt
I got your backside, friend! While I walked away to rotate laundry, Leslie decided to take off her poopy diaper. Rosie took the opportunity to lick someone else’s butt for a change of pace.
It cost HOW MUCH?!?!? I ate a full size bath towel which cost $747 to have removed. 6 month old great dane puppy “Ardy” managed to eat an entire bath towel.
Phantom Pains Chase aka “King of the Cone” had a toe amputated for biopsy in November. After letting it heal thoroughly for over a month he has decided to lick it to the point of almost reopening the wound.
Here’s Princess again. 🙂 I was happy to see that so many people liked my first submission of her, so here’s one more! She’s a very smart dog, not even one year yet and already knows a few tricks and…
Little Stress ball of fur Maximus found my stress ball, abandoned his ball, and decided to go to work on it. Found him and the ball in my office; he usually plays in the living room but for some reason decided…
One pees, one tells I peed Mom and Dad’s bed. I told.
pitsandpastries: This face <3
One skunk, twice the price Bathed dog sprayed by skunk goes outside and rolls in stink again
Great friends
Not my Jimmy Chews! Dear Mom, I know you like designer shoes, so I made you some “Jimmy Chews”. Love, Redford XOXO…
Sweet boy Marty relaxing in the dog house. Lab mix.
Kokoro the American Eskimo Dog, via
This is my dog Zero (for the big black spot on her back) and she is a 5 year old dapple doxie and she is a nervous, little dog
Can you pay my bills? No I can’t, I’m a dog. Mr. Bennett decided he wanted to help mommy pay the bills today while we were at work!
How you doin’? I run away from home and use my good looks to get gourmet wild rabbit treat at the village market #fancypants #golddigger
Poncho of Shame My name is Butter. I like to sneak into my parents laundry basket and pull out my dads used handkerchiefs.
Cannot guarantee to keep your whites, whiter! Sacky got groomed on a Saturday and was looking handsome and his fur was so white! By Sunday evening, he had ruined his pearly white fur…