Part of a complete breakfast For breakfast, I ate 2 bananas, 2 apples, a wicker basket, and the floor. I’m not sorry.

Part of a complete breakfast For breakfast, I ate 2 bananas, 2 apples, a wicker basket, and the floor. I’m not sorry.
My beautiful Irish wolfhound cross , Declan
Ellie plays hook-y “I chewed the hooks off of all of my mom’s bras! <3, Ellie”
Meet Nacho, an Australian Cattle Dog puppy that I had the pleasure of hanging out with this weekend!
Full of Spite I found this tennis ball at the park today. My mom chased me around to take it away.
Willow Wants the Pillow “I woke my Mommy up this morning by puking on her bed. Am I sick? No, I’m just mad because she wouldn’t share her pillow.”
Allie and Kasch.
Smile! This is Rosie, my Bull Terrier mix!
Watson’s Study in Cabinet Watson is a bit obsessive about his ball, so when it rolled under our buffet cabinet one night while we were away, he got frustrated that he couldn’t get it out.
This is Meeka she loves her flower crowns
Winter is coming Sign reads “I (H)ate House Lannister”. We came home one day to find that Saru had chewed up one of our four Game of Thrones coasters.
This is atlas!
PhDump Jake, our Lhasa rescue is the master of revenge. Whenever he gets mad he leaves a poop behind in an inappropriate location.
I stole the kids’ cookies… I stole Tara and Matt’s hand-decorated cookies from the countertop and ate them all.
Pickles attacking the pillow fort
itsybitsysleddogs: 6woofs: dashsmom: hotdiggitydog-blog: itsybitsysleddogs: Please Repost! Please help. My friend Emily’s husky Phantom is missing in Georgia! Went missing last night and she hasn’t heard any updates and they have been searching everywhere. even if your not located in…
Montgomery @ the lake house. #boxer
Tara, who’s a two year old Irish wolfhound. She’s 6’6 on her hind legs.
Bailey in his new mustache bandana.
Mikko (as a puppy)
This is Toby. I only see him every two years when I fly back home.
I eat my own yellow snow! My name is Trooper and I’m an Alaskan Klee Kai. I like to run and go for walks AND eat yellow snow.
littleboojean: If you live on the west coast of the US and are in the market for a handsome dog, you need to do yourself a favor and check out the Humane Society for Southwestern Washington. They have a very nice…
Put your money where your mouth is Colbie is a sweet lab/boxer mix that we rescued at 4 months old. She is about to turn one and just started loving money (like her mama)!
This is Leo, my lil baby German short haired pointer around 5 months. He loves to play tug of war and cuddle.
The Shredder I’m the reason mom and dad don’t buy nice sheets anymore. This is the third incident, so I’m obviously not sorry. -Elf
Easy the lhasa apso could not fathom why I denied cuddling after she went frog hunting in the mud…
Mila, my five month old yellow English Labrador Retriever. @gud-vi
This is Flynn, a mixed breed rescue.
Our beautiful 12yo Golden Retriever, LuLu
rescue staffie, Duba, who cured a 15 year old of depression
This is Gaia, my happy Lab/Boxer mix. I’ve had her for almost 4 years now and she’s the light of my life.
I Keep Eating the Soap I keep eating the soap and then I have to poop every 10 minutes.
Sleeping Beauty Beau is a 10 year old Italian Greyhound who makes his mommy carry him to bed at night.
Sorry to burst your bubble I’m a balloon killer.
Jazzy 7 months 🙂
Destruction is so ho-hum “I also did the diaper pail (Mom is having a beer now).”
This is Draco.
It’s hard to keep track of your tongue when you’re just a puppy! Quinn the sheltie puppy at 5 months old.
This is Moose! He’s a three year old chocolate lab, and the love of my life. I don’t know what I would do without him!
This is my happy boy, Flynn. A Pit/Ridgeback mix!
Here’s the colour version of my puppy Billy, I think this one is a little more adorable :3
This my rescued 4 year old little mutt, Biscuit. We rescued her 2 years ago and she is a happy little dog who survived heart worms.
Beemo, my little Pekingese/Shih Tzu mix who is turning 3 years old next month. His cuteness is only rivaled by that of his foul breath.
Goofy, also known as Goofball, Fooboy, and Gooby pls. He is a 7 year old strapping Puggle who looks more like a Boxer than anything.
There’s a banana in my tail pipe Perhaps Kaiser heard about the Banana Plants medical properties somewhere
We can all agree, Samuel is forgiven for this, right? I got caught short and did a sneaky piddle in the hallway. My owner didn’t see it and slipped, injuring her arm.
Corduroyal pain in the patoots! Maggie is having a rough week. Her Dad started a new job and will be out of town for 2 weeks and her mom works a lot.
water makes him very happy 🙂
Double-Duty Rug Uprooty Macy (Siberian Husky, 1yr old) – “ I chewed up Aunt Jen’s rug.” Yogi (Lab Mix, 4 months old) – “I helped.” 🙂
Nala when she was a puppy! She was such a pretty baby!
Can you break a twenty? Left my wallet on the arm of the lounge chair and went up-stairs for a minute. When I came back down, Reef was sitting on the lounge (also not allowed) pulling the contents out of my…
This is Cricket. She’s just over a year old and we’ve had her since she was about three months. She’s a Chihweenie (Chihuahua Dachshund mix) and absolutely the smartest, sweetest seven pound dog I’ve ever met. ❤️❤️
This is my Alaskan Malamute Freya, she is 2 years old 🙂
This is Zero who has recently turned 6 and she’s a husky. She was the runt of her litter but she isn’t loved any less.
Charlie Trash Breath Little Charlie likes to give us kisses in bed, but tonight his breath was awfully stinky… We then went out to the kitchen to find the trash had been rummaged through!
My 7 month old shepherd/boxer mix Oliver enjoying a run through a field in Saskatchewan during our roadtrip.
Mya, my one-year old rescued Lab Mix, posing with one of the only toys she hasn’t destroyed yet.
this is Angel, my 3 year old papillon. she’s a total princess and she loves everyone and everything. She’s named for a close friends dog that was killed, her full registered name is “Abby’s Angel” // love your page! Keep…
This is Sasquatch, the chow chow mix we adopted from the SPCA. Here he is playing in the snow at the dog park.
My beautiful boy Kodi! He’s a 5-year-old dachshund, and the love of my life.
This is Milo my goofy 2 year old lab. As you can see he has an infinite love for his tennis ball.
this is Joey! he is a 4 year old Border Terrier, he always gets into terrible mischief.
This is my Staffy/Pitbull cross Tidus. He’s the cuddliest, snuggliest most affectionate little baby in the wrold. He’s only 1 and I’ve had him 6 months. Poor little mite was passed around a few times and had a rough start…
Poochie the puggle
Me too! Imagine. A handsomedogs convention. Thousands of dogs…
This is Jasper, he’s an 11 month Pomeranian (huge pomeranian) and he is my demon child
Shih-eating grin. We still love him though.
Dillon has the same birthday as me, same name as my Dad, and we got him on my Mum’s birthday.You could say he was made just for us!
I needed the fiber! This is my 4 yr old Lucas who has an obsession with eating pencils..It doesn’t matter where it sits he will always find a way to get it…And he is so not ashamed!
This is my chocolate lab Carter around 3 months old. He will be 2 in July!
I’m Sorry I Peed On Your Baby I learned that they don’t sell cards that say “I’m sorry my puppy peed on your baby” We had to make our own 🙂
This is Brady! He’s a three month old blue belton English Setter. He’s a smart little guy and already sits next to the sink when his water dish is empty (and jumps up to sleep on the chair when no…
Bulldodging the enemy I took my English Bulldog Piggy into Petco to get her shots updated, and she decided to poop on the floor not only once, but twice in a crowded area with other dogs.
My boys, Beau, 2, and Bear, 5, a Pitbull/Lab mix and a Rottweiler/Australian shepherd mix
This is Asher, my 10 month old brittany spaniel/beagle mix. He can sleep anywhere and be content.
This is my precious pup Copper! The most sleepy, yet majestic explorer known to dogkind.
Maverick, a five month old blue nose pitbull / chocolate lab mix
My bratty pit/lab mix Beau
This is Jasper. Once he ate an entire starfish.
Jasmine, my gold star girl 🙂
Zeus- German Shepard x Rottweiler 9 weeks old
Soldier a 1 year old Pitbull, red nose playing at the park with his best friend Zeus which is 9 a week old puppy, German Shepard Rottweiler mix
Blue – American Bulldog/German Shorthaired mix
Stanley, my mom’s mystery shepherd mix. We adore each other.
Chalky aftertaste, but all in all, a good vintage. I ate an entire bottle of Pepto Bismol and turned the couch (and myself) pink.
H.B.Oh crap! Hermes ate one remote and then ate the back-up the night before the Super Bowl. Channel-changing was not possible without a remote.
all he does is sleep all day
This is Hank, my 13 y/o chocolate lab. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Unfortunately, he’s very sick and we will be saying our goodbyes on Monday. His last days will be filled with burgers, banana splits,…
Diego Maradon’t poop in my cleats! I pooped in a soccer player’s cleat at work (and it was diarrhea)
Steamrolling Bully “I destroyed my sister’s table, attempted to break into the food bin, and pushed the crate around ….
Nala’s a year old goofball that wants nothing more than to lay in her kiddie pool
This is Knuckles. He was a rescue. 2 years old and a Boston/Scottish terrier mix.
jacquijr: The composed and sober Penny. (She has another side, Boxer people know.)
This is Duke, a 5 year old male bloodhound with a great personality. He is very friendly and a happy and loving pup who just wants a forever home! He is available at the Animal Friends of Westmoreland Shelter in…
Our 1-year old beagle/border collie Myla. She’ll always stop whatever she’s doing if it means she’ll get a belly rub!
Tuco my smiling cutie and his sister Zia. Tuco is a rescued border collie mix and his sister is a short haired border collie. I love these little monsters. 🙂
she loves sitting in the sun