This is Kitty, my eight-year-old westie asking me to share my food with her.

This is Kitty, my eight-year-old westie asking me to share my food with her.
Suka after her swim in the lake 11 years old
My handsome boy Charlton 🙂 nearly 10, still a puppy 🙂
This is Opal, my 15 year old Labrador retriever. She loves naps, car rides and playing fetch!
Free Willy My Pit bull likes to tear up the rafts in our pool.
We’re still desperately searching for a foster/forever home for Paprika. She’s able to go within the tri-state area of NY. She’s so sweet and smart. She’s got so much to give, if only somebody would give her a chance.
Purse-uing new reasons to go shopping 9 month old Catahoula/Shephard mix that chewed the handles (in half) of my favourite purse, and ripped the lining.
I’m a model, you know what I mean? I stole mum’s lipstick… and ate it… and enjoyed it
My sweetest Opal about 45 minutes south of home at the Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park on the campus of Governors State University. The park is pet friendly (per its website) and thrilling for dogs who are interested in birds, ground…
Lita chillin’ with the garage door open ☀️
Luna, my 2 month old Papillon mix.
Kevin the Frenchie, Murphy the Sheltie and Selma the Pitbull
Brown dog: Brutice Black dog: Duke
Molly, 9 years old, German Pointer/Labrador mix 🙂
My beautiful Alsatian Rex, enjoying our rainy bbq!
Carmen rolling in the grass at sunset (X)
this is Tonka, my 8 year old lab 🙂
Loki: God of Mischief
Is Tia Spanish for cookie monster? You got home late so I fed myself… a WHOLE box of Nilla wafers, mmm!! – Tia, pg 126 of the Dog Shaming book, strikes again! Order your copy here!
Saffie seeks to escape on her first walk around Weymouth.
This is Brooklyn, my wonderful little shelter rescue princess.
I wasn’t done! Fade, the seven month old Pembroke Welsh Corgi, likes to hold whatever she can in whenever we let her outside. She’s too busy sniffing for squirrels to care about doing what she needs to.
Cinders my naughty 2 year old Lakeland/Norfolk terrier mix and Pod my 10 month old lurcher 🙂 They have their own blog at
Who should be more ashamed: dog or neighbour? Our bachelor neighbour had a wild party and I found something gross the next morning.
10 month old iggy mix Nigel Barker
My nine year old mini schnauzer, Grace
This is Riley, an American Dingo/Lab mix, we rescued. He can make a bed out of anything, including your face.
What kind of dog do you think Ralphie is? I’m thinking a poodle and terrier mix but I’ve never seen a dog like him before. My cousin has a labradoodle that looks slightly like him only much larger. Anyways, check…
My handsome heeler lab/pit mix Delta. He acts like a tough guy but he’s the biggest baby
This is Wrinkles! He’s a 3 y/old Shar Pei.
This is my totally independent and neurotic Mini Schnauzer, Giselle. She just turned seven and is perfect in every way.
English Setter I met at a benefit picnic for the Above & Beyond English Setter Rescue 🙂 I spotted her resting on this small bridge and had to take the opportunity to photo her! Please view my Photography Tumblr for…
my 8 month old Siberian Husky named Lucky 🙂
Can I submit Maggie again? Finally took a non iPhone photo of her and want to show her off. 🙂
I have a steak in this friendship Bad Stirling ! 🙂
You recently posted a 6 month old mastiff mix named Jax…this is my sister’s 6 month old (supposedly) mastiff mix named Dax! What a small world! They look like siblings!
Reno knows how to party Reno is normally a very good boy, but whenever someone has a drink around him, he just has to partake.
laurabrochu: handsomedogs Milo my beautiful friend
Peanut butter Je”leave-it” time! I took a jar of peanut butter outside, opened it, and ate half of it before mommy caught me with it. I am not sorry or ashamed. -Harley
lokithegreyhound: By Catherin Arsenault
betteroffrad: washington
huskyhuddle: 😛 Balto for Tongue out Tuesday!
Lobo the 3 month old German Shepard. ❤️
This is our sweet girl, Kira. As long as you have hands to pet her, she’ll be your bff.
Sebastian is a black lab, pit bull mix, 4 months old on his first day outside!
Our 6 month old Mastiff mix, Jax, thoroughly enjoys lounging on the patio furniture.
The newest addition to our little family – A 10 month old rescued Neo mastiff pup by the name of Chloe. 🙂
puppy Princess Peaches, Boston Terrier ☺️
Cane of Corso I’m ashamed! I eat Guinea Pig Poop -Rocky P.S I am ashamed
10 Reasons why we have such a love/hate relationship with our Dachshunds 1….
Trash-talking Canine Basically, this beautiful creature loves trash; any trash will do. However, she has a penchant for trash that includes anything that she can grind permanently into the carpet.
Jade my 12 y/o yellow lab <3
My name is Lucy and I’m a four-year-old Yorkshire Terrier from California! 🙂
my basset hound / german shepherd cross taking the bus with me ♡
Dog caught with pot! My mom is a artist. She makes pottery. I like to help. Oh, and there are no “Ghosts” allowed in her studio!
“Is it time to suntan?” ☀️ Jake, the 8 year old Minpin enjoying his summer sun.
Justin time for first breakfast! Barfed on moms feet under the covers at 4am and made her clean it.
Dexter is gassy and proud of it! I sleep in the bed and fart all night. Silent but deadly, the robust smell of Dexter’s gas can wake up mommy from a sound sleep.
Treat yo’ basself Rosie’s hound nose gets her into trouble a lot of the time. While I was in the shower, she decided that her own food was not good enough and went for mine instead.
Barney, rescued 11 years ago this month, getting a few tips.
A skunk’s best friend My pup was outside for 5 minutes, came back in covered in thick yellow skunk spray, and ran straight upstairs to jump on my bed and laundry.
Colbie (8 m/o) is one smiley pup
When Pee Hits the Fan I peed into the bedroom fan.
Hide and go barf I like to barf behind furniture so no one finds it for a long time.
This is boo, she’s a few weeks old.
Not good around toddlers I steal plush toys from toddlers in my dog park. I’m untroubled when they cry
Bible study Drop-Out I ate my Mom & Dad’s pillow and pillowcase while Mom was at Bible Study. She’s not buying the fact that the Devil made me do it. I’m a big jerk. I’m not sorry. Buddy
I’m black and white…and pink, and purple, and orange What can I say – this dog is obsessed with digging out underwear from the bottom of the laundry basket and then taking it to another room to hang out with…
Poh’s Bucket List! @djneilarmstrong Poh over on poh the dog’s big adventure asked dogshaming to help cross off a bucketlist item. We hear you loud and clear, buddy. Check out Poh in this awesome article!
Sandwich way is the dog house? Sorry for stealing your sandwiches Grandad.
Rufus loves his walks.
Mogli, my sweet 2-year-old baby! ¼ shih tzu, ¾ chihuahua!
Here are my handsomest photos of my handsome dogs. The big one is a black lab, and the little one is a border collie, golden retriever, german shepherd, rottweiler mix.
This is Bailey. She’s our gentle giant.
This sweet cuddle bug’s name is Snow, she is a Pitbull/Bulldog mix that is currently up for adoption in the DC/Metro Area. She came from a high-kill shelter, but was rescued by an organization called The Boxer Transfer, and is currently…
No more Game of Thrones! I ran really fast through the house…got stuck in the curtains and pulled them out of the wall sending the curtain rod flying through Mom & Dad’s flatscreen TV. I couldn’t care less.
“I just stole the pizza box from the counter and ate 3 pieces. No regrets!” Don’t let his cuteness…
This is E-k9 or Echo for short. She is a blind dachshund I recently adopted out to a young lady in need of a therapy dog to help with her anxiety. Echo is a special girl i rescued her from…
Basenjeez Louise! This is what happens when mom has to go away on a business trip.
My blue heeler baby and his husky big brother! They’re obviously the best of friends.
The cat has a bone to pick with you… Poppy loves cat food…but cat food doesn’t love her.
Happy Mogli!
my beautiful (and sociopathic) mya! 2 year old border collie / shepherd mix.
My currently nameless long haired chihuahua pup! She’s very hyper, and loves giving face kisses.
Sagan at 9 weeks old.
Smiley Charlie
Zina Owens, a window clerk at the U.S. Post Office at 3800 Colley Avenue, everybodyloveswillie: This is a story from my own hometown. It’s so sweet, we just had to share it with you. Pictures are from the Virginian Pilot…
My handsome chance -rosa
This is my sister’s dog, Jola. SHe is a purebred American Browndog. 😉
My handsome boy Rebel
the pictures are a little blurry because she never sits still, but this is my puppy Elle! (she’s half poodle and half maltese)
He was growling at a ballon in my room
My 11 week old Bi-color GSD named Flynn 🙂
Here’s another one of her doing what she does best: chewin’.
My very photogenic English cockerspaniel, Holly – 14 weekend old
dogsignalfire: soft fluffy white dog luxury bed mhmm. Rara (female MAS) and Lancer (male Australian Shepherd) my intelligent beauties… just starting my dog/animal photography tumblr AH YISS.
huskyhuddle: Sun shower
This is Chunk, a 2 year old pit bull. He loves sunbathing, napping and cuddling up next to mommy before bedtime. The day I meet him I had no idea how much brighter my future would be. When is previous…
Groenendael Guard
Here’s something new! Instead of a photography contest, we’re going to have our first ever art contest! Rules Obviously no stealing; While it easy to take credit for someone else’s artwork, I assure you its much easier for me to…