Heidi my pretty border collie rescued from Texas

Heidi my pretty border collie rescued from Texas
Chloe the mini white schnauzer is not impressed.
This is Hurley. Sweetest pup with a great smile.
I’m Coasting on Cute Belle just loves to chew up anything new that we bring home. Her favourite things to eat are the cardboard coasters (like at Outback).
This is my best friend Mims being a queen. She is a blue Merle pomeranian. barlicgutter
Hello, I was wondering if you would please post my dog, Kiko. I rescued her from an animal shelter almost 3 years ago and have always been curious about what kind of dog she is because she has stayed on…
Pushing mom’s buttons Calvin decided that he had to eat the buttons off of my mom’s brand new coat. Good thing he’s so cute. Don’t forget, there’s still time to enter our Calendar Contest! Details here!
This is Juke, my Boston Terrier/Jack Russell Terrier mix, she’s 4 months old and a total sweetheart
Nobody Puts Brig In the Corner Mom said I couldn’t have “coffee time” with the ladies, so I took a dump that stunk up the entire house. I showed her who’s boss…and I’d do it again. -Brig Don’t forget, there’s…
Chloe and Kaiah at 2 years #golden retriever
Bou – 11 month old Bernese mountain dog.
My service dog, Bishop, waiting on fireworks this Fourth of July. He’s an 18 month old German Shepherd.
This is Otis! He is a 3-month old lab/terrier/pit bull mix from the local animal shelter. Love your blog!
Maisie, 2 year old Terrier mix! Love her one floppy ear.
Beautiful Bella
Baron, my Ridgeback granddog, along the shores of Lake Michigan, with the Chicago skyline in the background.
Journey is basically a model
Atticus my 4 month old Great Dane.
Roger the Italian Greyhound photo by Lizzie Love Photography
This is Sasha, she’s a retired therapy dog and pretty much the best thing ever. I like to think she’s a pretty handsome dog!
Handsomedogs’ Art Contest Winner! It was almost a tie, but elektroyu is the official winner of Handsomedogs’ first ever art contest!! Please, follow http://elektroyu.tumblr.com/ for more wonderful artwork 🙂 Thank you to everyone who participated, your art is beautiful!
Mom, I’m sorry that I ate the rest of your birthday cake. Gracie Don’t forget, there’s still time to…
Shikoku Ken
Basil, my 6 m/o Australian labradoodle girl
I don’t like change! This is Mojo. Anytime my fiancé and I rearrange the furniture in our house, Mojo has an “accident”. This time it was on a bookcase. Don’t forget, there’s still time to enter our Calendar Contest! Details…
Rhodesian Ridgebacks at a lure pursing event.
Bridge to Terabithia I broke this window and used this designer leather chair as a ramp to escape. Then I went to the creek for a swim and came home covered in mud. Don’t forget, there’s still time to enter…
hugo, rescued pit mix, really enjoys car rides.
This is Rocket, my Boxer/German shepherd mix. He has the cutest ears I’ve ever seen.
This is Judith, she is very ready for her second summer.
Pépita : 9 weeks old pug / Chihuahua mix
Lydia, my Lancashire Heeler cross.
This is Daisy! She’s an 11 week old Australian shepherd and lab mix rescue from Alabama!
Let me tell ya about a handsome pup named Blue!
This is Pudge he’s the sweetest pup ever! He thinks he’s either still a puppy or a cat.
Riley – 2 year old mini dachshund
This handsome devil is Snoop dog. He’s 2 years old, born in Colorado, and lives in Florida. Loves snuggles and when his mama is home from work.
Kai – 1.5 yr old german shepherd, SD in training, always wearing his big smile!
It’s the most wonderful time of the yearrr. #sharkweek Follow our adventures on instagram @my.3.musketeers www.my3musketeers.tumblr.com
Obie & Kokoro. instagram.com/emwng // emwng.tumblr.com
I made do with what resources I had… I needed a spot to bury this shoe. So I made one……. This is why my mommy can’t have any pot plants in our apartment. I am not ashamed of bringing nature…
Our dog, Chandler (Jack Russell Basenji Mix…so we think), and his ten-week-old cousin, Lua (Husky Shiba Inu).
This is Charlie, a 1 year old German Shepherd mix.
Meet Xena, my sweet girl. She is an English Shepherd! You can follow her on Instagram at @myenglishshadow 🙂
my 8 week old standard poodle pup, Renn
Ellie the Border Collie.
This is Finn my collie, greyhound and bull breed mix!
this is angel, my 7 y/o shiba inu being a bratty beggar
Sozin the Akita at the Whole Earth Festival in Davis, CA 🙂
this handsome dog is my 11-year-old pup Luke (with a tiny version of himsel
Olive and Bluebear, the cutest, most handsome little butts
Tenderlooting Tibs Today Thibodeaux (Tibs) snuck into our kitchen and snatched 2/3 of a freshly roasted pork tenderloin roast.
James, my very curious two-year-old Jack Russell rescue.
This is my puppy, Bruce. He loves long walks on the farm and belly rubs! If you give him a treat he’ll love you forever. 🙂
School’s out for summer! Pitch decided to wake mom up at 3 am on a school night, she’s a teacher, to show her the giant mess he made in her room while she was asleep. Don’t forget to submit for…
Luna the 3 month old papillon mix!
Don’t bug me, lady. I took my puppy up to a secluded cabin in the woods this weekend, hoping to enjoy the wilderness together.
handsomedogs: Handsomedogs’ Art Contest! Here are the top 10! There were a lot to choose from, so please don’t be discouraged if your artwork is not displayed! Voting will be open for 2 days; I will announce the winner on…
This is Oliver (Oli) he’s a 5 month old Pomeranian and Rat Terrier mix. He’s my best friend he’s such a doll.
kobi the alaskan klee kai is turning into a golden retriever
guidedogintraining: Did a lil’ minishoot with Echo and all her collars today! I will have them edited and up soon but here’s a preview. You’ll notice in most of the pictures Echo is dramatically staring off into some distance. Did…
huskyhuddle: A favorite of Noodle.
lokithegreyhound: Such a gentleman !
My beautiful 2 year old girl Mia
This is Dixie, my 4 year old beagle/coonhound mix, enjoying a beautiful day at the park.
alipynckel: Happy 4th of July from my pack to yours!
This is our handsome Boston at 8 weeks (9lbs) & 14 weeks (25lbs)
This is Sky, she’s a rescue dog. She’s a mixed White German Shepherd, but we don’t know what else she is mixed with. She loves bandanas and will even beg you to put one on if hers comes off
My handsome boy, Bentley
They’re not “handsome” but they are cute; Bliss (left) & Liberty {aka Birdie} (right). They are Pyrenees-Anatolian(mom’s side) Boxer (dad’s side) mix. We went all the way to OK from WI to get them. And it was worth it!
This is Buddy. He has two settings: 1) super excited about life; and 2) completely worn out
Our 5 year old black lab Bella. The most anti camera dog, and after 3 years I FINALLY got a good photo of her.
Our friend Remy wants to help kick-off our contest to celebrate the release of our 2016 calendars….
Pretty Leela 2 ½ year old Boxer German Shepherd crosss
Moose is already for the 4th of July!
This is Ruby and Rascal. Ruby is a 1.5 year old Kelpie we got from a rescue organisation, Rascal is a 10 year old Jack Russell. Ruby pulled this face after I said ‘look nice for the camera Ruby.’
This is my 5 month old shikoku pup. He’s as sweet as he looks!
Meet Red! She’s a two month old Heeler and Australian Shepherd mix. @woah-fuck
Black Labrador retriever and German Shepard mix
Lucas & Tucker
This is my pit bull puppy named Hershey
Spike, hamming it up for the camera :3
Kloe enjoying her pool.
The baby had one too many I steal toys from babies.
This is Mikey, an 11 year old Shih Tzu! He’s getting older, but he still has the energy of a puppy.
My two beautiful pups! Zelda (left) who I got from a local shelter is a Bohemian shepherd mix we believe. And Atticus (right) is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi! These two knuckleheads.
“I destroy every toy mom buys me. I am NOT sorry!” This is Ellie, my 1 ½ year old…
Handsomedogs’ Art Contest! Here are the top 10! There were a lot to choose from, so please don’t be discouraged if your artwork is not displayed! Voting will be open for 2 days; I will announce the winner on Monday.…
Charly the rescue pup on her first walk
Fashionable Eater “I ate my cat sister’s food out of her bowl because I wanted a shiny hat!” Jane had a tasty treat and now owns a fashionable hat.
My baby is getting big!
This is Tess, 1 year old black Lab, full of energy
River (an Australian/German Shepard mix) and her brother, Opie.
Dora, a 9-week-old golden lab
Oliver Mini Aussie puppy
Audie is a 14 week old Australian cattle dog.
Meet Max, he is a 4 year old dachshund mix. He is my first ever dog and I couldn’t be any more lucky to have him in my life. He came in to my life when I was at a…