Lola is so calm after her hikes

Lola is so calm after her hikes
Bedlington Terrier | Sofie Karman
Chiara Cocco
Two dogs at the door | Patrick Dricot
kirrascudderphoto: Axel8/14/15
This is Rio, He’s a 5 year old Mutt. His favorite things are laying in the sun and his stuffed lion, Leo.
Nala likes to pose when I pull the camera out! She’s a big ham!
My baby Bruno
Sleepy babies!
Sausage dog x staffy!
Onslow, my best friend. He’s a mutt [Jackadoodle] and he’s honestly the most lovable, cutest thing I have ever known. I just love him even though he is naughty at times. He was born on 4th July too 🙂
this is my beautiful girl jenna <3 she is a havanese and was about a year old in these photos!
Dexter the Golden Retriever ❤️
This is Taz, my 5 year old Brittany Spaniel
Milo the Miniature Schnauzer
Oliver, my 6 year old puppy! He is a Border Collie mix that brightened my world the day I rescued him!
The first step is admitting you have a problem… This dog loves chap stick. Especially flavored ones. We have chewed up little eos balls and chap sticks everywhere. Brand new watermelon flavor eos given to grace this morning. Safely left…
lokithehusky: lifeoflaverne: I liked this photo that someone shared on my Facebook feed 🙂 This is really important! A growl is a dog’s way of saying, “Please stop, you’re making me uncomfortable.” If you don’t stop when the dog growls…
My baby Cedar! I adopted him from a humane society – he was a part of a program that relocates dogs who are being abused. Originally he was from Puerto Rico, so we figure out his anxiety issues as they…
Parents almost freeze to death, dog shows little remorse. “Alone time” meaning my owners got to search for me for 5 hours in waist-deep snow and fall in rivers and nearly get frostbitten. I was waiting for them on some…
Tasty Tasty Sea Stars “Mom went out to dinner without me, so I decided to munch on 44 of the 65 starfish she ordered for her upcoming beach themed wedding.
I couldn’t reblog that post and post a pic with my phone but this is my dog Cooper when he cuddles
My wonderful pup Scruffy. He’s nearly twelve now, but still full of life. We got him from our local pound when he was nine months old and I’ve never looked back. As far as I know he’s basenji/staffy/wiry terrier X.…
This lovely yellow lady is Koda my boyfriend got her for his birthday back in March 🙂
This is batman, he just graduated from his radiation therapy.
Say Cheese I feel that I am entitled to all the cheese in the house. This includes the cheese that is in daddy’s mouth.
My 12 week Sheltie pup, Misty!
I was just trying to skype with Grandma! Time out for Bruiser…
Mr. Bingley, my one-year old Boxer!
Methane Cuddles “I fart when I get excited :(” Silly Hazel loves to greet her two moms with a nice big smile and methane cuddles at the end of the day.
this is schnell, my black snoopy. it was taken in corsica last year, our first trip together when he was 4 months old 🙂 you can follow schnell on my flickr:
This is Bella Bear. An old soul with the best heart. She turns 9 this week. She’s my road-dog homie and comes with me everywhere I go.
Follow me on Instagram! @Oscar_TheGSD
Our 1 year old Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Matilda or “Tilley”
Some pictures of sensationnal’s rescue dog Oakley
Doppler, the happiest dog.
It’s not a vitamin deficiency My veterinarian ruled out a vitamin deficiency so I guess my secret is out. I really just like the taste of cat turds from the litter box. Sorry, not sorry. -Daphne
Zelda likes to be a part of things
I object to this cat Invasion! Thus I have stormed and taken over their home tree fort. I apologize…
Four twenties I chewed $80 to shreds, after I pulled it from Dad’s wallet, While he was fixing the floor that I already destroyed. But I am not ashamed. I am a Jack Russel!
Baby Oliver and 1 year old Oliver 🙂
Barney the German Pointer has chronic sad face syndrome
Xiro the xolo.More at:
Heya. I know you just post one but I can never pick my favorite of him. This is my buddy Trucker, a 1.5yo hound mix (aka Appalachian brown dog). Love your blog. Handsome dogs always make me smile.
Vaseline buttprints Someone got into a tub of Vaseline, not realizing that it was going to cause his butt to leak for the following 12 hours. I don’t know who had it worse – me, or him.
Cables and cords and chargers, oh my! Jess is 10 months old and has quite the appetite for cords of all kinds. He ate the vacuum cord (and continued to shed like a beast while we waited for a replacement…
Table topper I am a very BAD girl because I’m not supposed to be on tables!!
Banneker, my three-year-old miniature schnauzer/poodle mix, at it again! Rescue dogs love you.
My beautiful pup Juno. She gets pretty happy about life.
my mother’s daisy
The dog’s on the couch again! Mommy and Daddy don’t want me on the couch.
Rascal the Rat Terrier IG: @k9rascal
Pretty in pink!
The littlest hobo I steal food when my mom’s turn their back…and I’ll do it again! #sorrynotsorry -Felicity
Pasta you are so good looking 🙂
Our two pups Geordi (English springer spaniel) and Jeanie (pembroke welsh corgi). This was Geordi’s first time at the lake and swimming and as you can imagine he loved it. Jeanie has always been a swimming corgi, as long as…
My handsome Keehsond, Leo! New to our household, but a very much loved pup 🙂
Kobi the Dobe. What a nerd. He loves being in the sun so much.
Oscar is a two year old dachshund jack Russell mix who loves belly rubs!
Oscar at 8 weeks old and then at 9 months old! Follow his new Instagram @Oscar_TheGSD
I ate my Mom’s “boyfriend”
Cash is back for more @humanbi-
This is Marty our 10 week old Lab, border collie, pit bull mix.
Guilty look, but no guilt. Bella is a 14 year old pup that we rescued 4 years ago. She is a very good girl and we have no idea why anyone ever gave her up!
Killer’s 12th birthday
Too hefty for hotel The pet hotel won’t let me stay anymore because they say i’m too big! But, my parents say i’m just a little puppy. I’m sorry I’m so big.
This is Cassy, and she’s been my baby for 7 years now.
this is mae! she’s 6wks and a rescue found in a landfill with her 5 siblings and mother, nala.
My beautiful girl Mia, She is a 3 year old staffy/border collie
This is Lola, she’s a 4 year old golden Labrador. She’s a big baby who loves sitting on your lap, swimming and pretty much anything edible!!
Always such a good girl in the car.
Pebbles, 7 year old gsd
Who’s really to blame? Dagger, our Blue Lacy, has recently become an only dog in our family. Things on the counters have started to disappear when we leave now.
This is Summit. A 3 year old German Shepherd Husky mix.
I am a master of disguise She looks like a little rat, doesn’t she?
Milo makes the goofiest ‘catch’ faces.
hello, this is my dog Cash and he is a purebred yellow lab and loves chewing on everything he sees and car rides 🙂 @humanbi-
This is Ellie <3 She is a 2 month old husky, German shepherd, border collie mix!
Merlo – The Dogue de Bordeaux! Woof!
Bonney the golden retriever, “wilderness” explorer
This is Sasha, our 3 year old German Shepard. She acts crazy sometimes but that makes her so much more lovable! ❤️
Beaglad you have an air freshener! All I wanted to do was say hello to the cute little skunk =(
AK always has his tongue out
Doggie Deflate-Gate “What?! It’s not deflated. I just let enough air out so it comfortably fits in my mouth. It doesn’t alter the functionality of the football. I have no other statements….or emails. I accidentally deleted them. – Dog”
Egg-cellent pun use! Bailey decided to hide the organic free-range eggs all over the house. He is only sorry he was caught before he got to eat them
Finn is 16 weeks old and does a great blue steel.
this is Daisy, my love. she looks like the doge meme sometimes.
Kili, my stupid and adorable puppy, about 8 months old in this picture!
Lynette ❤️
This is Bruno, my almost one year old German shepherd, he enjoys long walks and chasing bugs 🙂
Busby and Boris. Brother bears.
theseinconvenientfireworks: WE’RE BACK!!! Siege and Trent say “hi!!!” and that they’ve missed everyone on tumblr! It’s been a crazy few months while I graduated university (math major boooo), went on vacation, tried to balance out health issues (it’s all good no…
Poppin’ bottles while mom is gone I survived 5 minutes without my mom so I uncorked a bottle of Dom. I’m still sober.
Jackson and his mum @vanny_Fal
Zach goes SUPin’
I don’t like you THAT way! If your mouth opens, her tongue is going in! It’s seriously the most annoying thing ever. However, we love her so we deal with it.