Mazie plays doctor Mazie chewed up the ear thermometer because she was bored.

Mazie plays doctor Mazie chewed up the ear thermometer because she was bored.
This is my Golden Retriever, Bear. He’s 2 years old and he loves to bring you his leash. He sleeps with it too. I hope he dreams about going on walks (:golde
another picture of my boxer puppy Jude. so much love for this little man. @acceptthe
Nothing beats a tasty rug Toys? Nope… Rug was better Earl has tons of toys but still prefers a hearty, filling rug.
Do I look sorry? My mommy found me at the neighbour’s farm chewing on a dead deer’s butthole.
You can follow her on instagram @tinatheterrible! (She’s not that terrible, just has a funny attitude so the username fit her!)
Keikilani, 2 y/o. She loves fetch and the beach more than me, I’m sure.
This Brody my 4 year old yorkie!
Our adorable and cuddly sighthound mix Mochi, for National Dog Day! You can find more of his adventures at @mango-vanilla-mochi
My big sweet psycho. Sometimes she just gets so excited she needs to charge into you and knock you down to reach your face for kisses. Am
Caesar the Cane Corso
Layla and the Jesus Bus This is our sweet and serene Layla. However, every Sunday morning around 10am she barks herself into a tizzy when the “Jesus Bus” shows up to take all the neighbourhood children to church.
Don’t look at me like that. Charlie doesn’t understand what it means when someone stares at him.
My best buddy, Bear!
Pine fresh can’t even cover that Henry acted like he needed to go outside to go to the bathroom at 3am but got sprayed by a Skunk instead and ran though the house covered in skunk stink.
an-elkie-named-punky: “Squeaks from tremendous joy”
mango-vanilla-mochi: Getting muddy and having a blast at a half-dry glacial lake [Photo credit- Zak Griffler]
My babies Jax and Ruger.
gunner casey
Bowie, the portuguese podengo
Charlie, the handsome mini australian shepherd 😉 xx
Titan, 5-year-old Staffy. Likes chasing the laser pointer. Self-conscious about his farts. Nickname: The Incredible Sulk.
And for my next trick… I figured out how to open my crate while my mommy was at work…Total damages are still under investigation.
cauli-flower-power I stole the rest of Mom’s cauliflower from the kitchen counter and ate it all! Now I stink like an one-year-old egg-salad….
Gunner (Left) and Winchester (Right)
This is Buckley. He’s no longer with us but I think of him every day. Can’t think of a more fitting dog for handsome dogs.
lil Bear seems to have mastered the side-eye
Dingo using a Doxie butt as a pillow…
Mileena | fotoprawn
lovely puppy | Van Tran
The dog that sees into your sole Dexter couldn’t resist the smells of my housemates shoes, so he decided to eat them!
Tissue for your issues Joey, the Golden Doodle, has been found hiding behind his human’s bed pulling tissues out of the box one at a time and eating them. This is to supplement Joey’s diet of dirty tissues & a…
Rest In Pieces I am a professional photographer out of Phoenix, AZ, and when I woke up this morning, my toddler had pulled out my camera gear. She gnawed on not one, but TWO camera bodies!
My sister and I recently did a photoshoot, and we decided to include our dog, Simba. He’s 6 years old, and we adopted him when he was two. We’re not sure what he is, and the organization themselves weren’t sure…
This my beautiful girl, Waffles! She’s a 5 year old pitbull boxer mix that we adopted from the shelter. She likes snuggling, riding in the car, sleeping and stealing bites of my pizza. She’s 70 lbs of pure cuteness!
This is Quinn my rough coat Jack Russell
Border Collie
This is Cassie! She is a yellow lab and is now 17 weeks old!
I Ate These Diapers in Protest Snoopy (our pit bull/field spaniel mix) ripped open this new box of 168 diapers that we received at a baby shower. Although he may not seem excited for the birth of our first baby,…
My 4 year old GSD, Kiba! ~
Teddy and theo!
Work Faux Paw Grace relieved herself in the pet food/accessory store aisle within 10 minutes of arriving for Mom-e’s work day.
The Leaky Cauldron Also known as the Brother Love Pups, Jeffrey and Jermaine are “twins” who achieved a bit of notoriety when a photo of them snuggled arm-in-arm asleep at the shelter went viral.
The usual suspects My pug Vader and his sidekick Hank decided to treat themselves while I was at work. Too bad the evidence was left behind. I really have to cat-and-pug-proof my kitchen cabinets.
This is Bella and Benji
why hello!
I just tried to call and say I love you. We took a quick weekend trip, but it was in the midst of several recent changes to our daily schedule.
Smarter Than The Crate We thought we’d be safe from property destruction if we crated PJ. Unfortunately, PJ outsmarted all of us.
Happy golden retriever baby | zhao hui
Hachiko has settled in well in the UK after moving from Australia, can’t wait to start a new chapter of my life with him.
The light of my life – Mister Beau. He’s usually a total goof, always super cute, often a total jerk, and the only one who can make me simultaneously crazy and happy. Follow our adventures @misterbeau_thehounddog on Instagram
Meatball hopes you have a really great day. IG: @meatballtheairedale
The is Daisy Duke my 3 month old German shepherd. She’s still getting used to life in northern Canada, we went from constantly fanning her in July to cuddling to keep her warm during the late August nights. She’s the…
pitsandpastries: Happy dog!
You know you’re a pitbull when.. #Maynard
Sled Dog | Franck Weens
17 week old Casey and his brother Cooper!
My dog Buddy (on the right) and his friend Zephyr, photographed for the wine dogs australia book!
Courage the American Dingo
little-fox-adventures: Karolina Nowak
Smiley face | Tomáš Rosprim
Take Me Home | Tara Sutherland
gold italian greyhound | Alessandro Manco
the gang | Mick57
Mischievously Minty I am a Chapstick stealing jerk. I ate all the eos lip balms in perpetration for my peoples return, nothing better than perfectly moisturized lips.
Butelo | Toni Uz
Tech Lover Dottie is a true millennial – while her older brother eats hard-bound books, she is technologically advanced – eating first a smart phone and then moving on to an iPad air. She’s incredibly savvy – and she is…
This is Barnie, our rescue of six months old. He was found on the streets of Bosnia and brought to The Netherlands three weeks ago. We have no idea what breed he is, but we think he’s a Black Labrador/Whippet…
Giving me the looks…
Floey by racoonrampage
hadissima: Charlie
Posing in Ljubljana | Ingrid Pokorn
Eireen | Michal Šenk
femalemaincharacter said: theres a couple pictures of dogs that might have cropped ears on the front page of your blog, the swiss shepard and a black dog, maybe they were talking about those? That’s all I can think of. But…
I Stole Two Cookies From Grandma Pippin is a Border Terrier/Shih Tzu mix adopted from a rescue in Chico, CA. He currently lives in Davis, CA, where he loves to steal cookies and anything else within reach.
Chewy is a Chewer I adopted Chewy today as a companion to my White German Shepherd, Martha. The first thing Chewy did when he got into our house was rip apart all of Martha’s toys. Now I know why the…
Untitled | Patrick de Wolff
A new baby and a hungry dog is a bad formula I ate a whole can of this baby’s formula.
This is a 1 Year Old Charlie Cha-Cha Charmander in the woods, giving one of his ’serious’ stares! ~@charliecomic
Rotsky – amazing creature!
one is in heaven and the other is down here, but both of them I will love forever
Border collie Tosca playing in gras | Martin Hasieber
Husky dog -malamut. | oleghz oleghz
Happy day 🙂 | Jorjeta Pashova
coloradohounds: ppbbbfftttt
e-reader eaters I ate my mom’s Kindle cover… and I ate the Kindle… Love, Homer and Nero
Pedicure Punisher After giving myself an hour-long pedicure, I was sitting waiting for my nails to dry. Next thing I know, the dog came by and stepped right on the still wet nail polish. Needless to say it was ruined,…
Mother’s Little Helper In an emergency Nano sometimes can’t make it out the dog door in the middle of the night so sometimes he uses the closet. Dad used to not remember to close the door to the closet at…
Lilo. Chiweenie. Chihuahua/Dachshund
Nola, 3 years old
Cute Monster | Alicja Zmysłowska
Say treat! | Marko Roppo
German Shepherd | Balazs Varga
The look | Aneta Vozabova
Unconditional squirrel I started barking furiously at 3:00AM because I thought the squirrel I saw last week might be outside again. – Lena
I thought it was real Oatmeal… I’ve had my stuffed hamster since I was about 12 years old(over 20 years). It has always been a conversation piece in our home when people came to visit.