This is Lucky! He’s a very excitable 9-month-old Jack Russell who came into my life by accident and changed it forever. You can follow him on Instagram @luckypearce 🙂

This is Lucky! He’s a very excitable 9-month-old Jack Russell who came into my life by accident and changed it forever. You can follow him on Instagram @luckypearce 🙂
Robin is a Lhasa Apso and the love of my life!
wherehorsesmeetdogs: milo dawg at artegon marketplace.
thedognamedepic: She’s kind of a goofy looking girl, but I love her.
ratherlargedog: So… throw ball into the sea now? Yes?
mayaandava: One of the greatest things about travel is that you never know who you’ll cross paths with along the way. This shot was captured by @jaysnipez. It was such a pleasure to meet you along the edges of Moraine…
1-pup-of-flour: He doesn’t know it yet but he’s about to have SO MUCH FUN!
littlebluesmoothie: This is his “YES PLEASE THROW TOY NAO” face
ciaraskellington: We won’t let go of summer just yet
fightingsail: Excited for Halloween!
my sleepy boy loki
This is cheddar
dogsignalfire: Lancer’s the star of the lancer show© dogsignalfire
tinyeggs: Hanging onto the last few hot days here! This October sunshine is still plenty hot for my liking, it might be cold in the mornings, but these afternoons are glorious. I could get used to these BC summers stretching…
This is Letscho, from @raeubertoechter
Hi, I’m Lilly, a playful young poodle! @raeubertoechter
starswift-borzoi: The truth…
is…is he okay – Lol, i think it is a Tumblr issue. It does that to some pictures for me too, but this particular one looks normal on my computer/app ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sigh, not AgainI go in the shower, turn around & close the door, then I can’t get out….
Several months ago I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends, two days before my birthday. I was completely heartbroken… This week we made the decision to give another puppy a better chance at life and rescued…
driftlessdogs: Welcome home little floof~~
This is Gunter. He’s a sweet but naughty black lab with possible pit mixed in. He loves camping and stealing socks. @kristabuffokill
This is Shadow, formerly Falossuhfee the racing greyhound. He’s worried that his headshots are a little too 80’s, what do you guys think? -@falossuhfeesshadow
My Mum’s not going to be a very good small animal vet… Because my farts make her heave!!!View On…
This is Bates! He’s a German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois mix. He is 7 years old. Bates was supposed to be a K9-officer but failed out of school for being too cute and too sweet! – @mr-mooster
my two year old catahoula, being adorable as always!
This is my handsome sweet boy Lucas. He was once a skinny stray dog who lived on the streets and was very ill (first picture). We adopted him when he was approx. 1 year old and now he is 8…
mortyphoto: attention
Bolin, an earthbender.
Lucy and Linus snack on goose poop …so they had to get expensive vaccinations to protect them nasty…
betsyadventures: Rainy day outside and Betsy is so so bored. She just follows me around with a pleading look in her eyes that breaks my heart! We did a short walk around the neighbourhood earlier because I couldn’t handle the…
bandizoi: Obie // Silken Windhound
bandit-the-tervuren: Only he can look so handsome whilst drooling! haha
achoirofcritters: Astaroth is getting near to six months old! A growing lad. Figured I’d post these photos separately as well as together. 🙂If you like my photography, please help me out by Liking me on Facebook!
handsomedogs: The best month is here, and that calls for a photography challenge! I can’t think of 31 themes, so instead we will do 1 theme per week. Week 1 (Oct 1 – Oct 7): Pumpkins Week 2 (Oct 8…
Only believe half of what you read in the newspaper.View On WordPress
He prefers Dr. Handsome.
My perfect Bernese Mountain Pup, Bentley
Hi, this is Charlie! He’s 4.5 years old and all we know is he he’s mixed. Take your best guesses. We love him to pieces! @chemgirl09
noodle-shrimps: Golden Boy
K Penaloza
My parents provide me puppy pads all over the house. I seldom acknowledge them, but on the rare…
Krystyna Tokaruk | Son and mother
Julie Saraceno | Margot Roses
Ashley Howard | Mira, my 4.5 month old Australian Shepherd
Ramiro Z. C | Hi my name is Frida
Martin Huddart | Fun with Agis
Wioletta Mierzyńska | Feliks
Ben Beckett | Rascal GSD Folly
Ludmila Bartošíková | Turbo and Lexus
Loving pack members, Tara and Willow. Tara has megaesophagus and Willow was born blind.
bigpointyears: that’s the spot
Dewey is a rescue that came to us at 3 years old and we quickly found out he ate his own poop….
tri-trick-dogs: 16 weeks old and fabulous
timetravelerdog: Tongue! (remember what I said about Bokeh?)
thedognamedepic: My bad dog. The baddest dog in the land.
teslacardi: Less than a week until my new sissy comes! Very excited to meet her!
springertuck: Tucker here! I just wanted to give an update that I am doing great! As you can see, I am quite the happy boy. Of course I still have problems once in a while with my IBS, but it…
spanishmal: If you’re sad, just gaze upon this example of ultimate cuteness; a 4 month old wire Ibizan baby. I guarantee you will feel better.
ofcarnivora: Welp, summer ended.
ofbullterriers: Daisy found her favourite toy from wayback when; a half-deflated basket ball. She’s been carrying it around with her wherever she goes!
Alteration Altercation Blanket hand knitted by family friend. Destroyed.
littlelappie: Reservoir Dog (2016) I think he’s starting to look like an adult Lapphund!
koru-the-lapphund: grinning in the long grass
kelevv: her eyes will always be my favorite thing to photograph
kayathederp: Just trimmed (right) vs. nightmare fuel (left)
I went to Seattle Washington for 1 night. My daughter dog sits for me and sends me this photo.View…
eddy-the-teddy: Did you take a photo? Let me see!
clickerhappiness: Beautiful My❤️
canineaddict: My boy
armasthekooiker: SPARKLY PUPPP
ana-fuentes: Why so serious? by Ana Fuentes
Bebe the Yorkie
This is my dog pepe – he loves to sleep and to show off his teeth – @wombatevolutionnnnnn
So, how was your day? I came home to a not-so-nice surprise in my bed. Sign: “I pooped on Mom’s bed while she was at work. Then I tucked it in. Not sorry.”
My resilient girl, Zsa Zsa. She is almost 8 years old, farts constantly, is missing a couple of teeth, and is the gentlest soul I’ve ever met. Always the center of attention and LOVES snuggling (in your lap–despite her size)!
“It’s a bag! Mommy brought home a bag! I wonder what’s in it…is it for me, is it for me?!?…
Kermit, the 5year old French Bulldog
ofdreamsandomens: Voodoo’s getting into the Halloween spirit with a custom collar made by Southern Custom Canine.
I’m not Touching you, I’m not Touching you… Kosey Cat and the family dog, Murphy, really despise one another. To get on Murphy’s nerves, he follows him around and always lies right next to him when he tries to sleep.
Maiky, the sweetest 5-months-old Border Collie.
This is Jess at her favourite place in the world. she is a 10 year old Lab x Huntaway – @sezsays
This is our newest addition, lil Fiona ,8 weeks old. She was found by some nice people on their property in rural Georgia. Unable to keep her they posted her picture on FB and we fell for that little fur…
This is my herp-derp 6month old kelpie, Petie!
Snow in Arizona It’s 110 in Arizona today, so I made SNOW! Mom is not pleased.
Kickan Nikolic
What Could Possumbly go Wrong? I got trapped under the shed and send a friendly possum out to admire my Mom’s pedicure while she pried up the floorboards to rescue me wearing work clothes and high heel sandals. I’m like…
Beautiful Husky girl, Daisy!
Julia Siomuha | Family portrait
Training takes time, effort, bonding, and rewards. Dogs don’t just ~do things~ because you tell them to. So if your mom doesn’t spend time with your dog, and only tells him what to do, there’s is a big chance he…
Julia Alford | ZDkhjXNuDw
Julia Alford | MzLTeSDs
We Should Know Better My 14 Year Old Jack Russell Terrier, Kasey, proves she is not too old to destroy her bed. BUT…….I think that her 5 Year Old sister, Chocolate Labrador, Indee, might have had something to do with…
Pepsi, 10 month old pup–50% border collie/50% mutt (some Pitt bull), begging for popcorn. She’s a delight and a destructive force of nature.
This is Kira! 9 years ago she was a stray dog, now she’s a princess. She doesn’t like swimming very much, but she loves sailing in her little boat. @ilariaeugealtomasini
This is Louie, my 4 yr old dachshund and my best friend !
This is Talvi the Scottish Collie pup at 10 months old – thefloofer-snooter
What’s your favorite Setter?