Navi and Ludo are enjoying the fall weather in Massachusetts.

Navi and Ludo are enjoying the fall weather in Massachusetts.
This is Mika! She’s a 10 month old Akita and just the sweetest little muffin you’ll ever meet. This is her first fall and she loves running around and jumping in leaf piles! – @weirdnewjersey
Oakley enjoying a fall walk.
Paula Deen Would be Proud I ate an entire stick of butter, then made you clean up my poops.
huskiesadventures: Happy 4th Barkday to this handsome floofy pupper.
zeldathesheltie: I love those early mornings <3
mysterymuttbutts: fin fin fin fin finley fin fin fin
threestubbornvallhunds: Puppy boops! ♥
kids baby toys toys for kids 1 year old kid toys toy toys
Greyhound Garbage Gross Pepper, my housemate’s rescue greyhound loves perusing the garbage for tasty morsels.
kiwihounds: Three 3-year old girls from Mayvale’s “X” litter. Coco, Holly and Tagine Photo c Wendy Finlayson
speckledpawdawan: Currently debating on if I want to upload a slo mo video of Takoda playing with her cat toy.
why-animals-do-the-thing: Hey guys, in case you didn’t notice by the giant insurgence of skeletons on your dash, it’s OCTOBER now. Which, of course, means we’re on the first day of the beloved month of Halloween. (This is a pro-spoopy blog, but…
Legend…wait for it…d’oh! When my mommy was trying to get some beauty sleep, I opened the closet door I ate the rest of my dog food. LEGEND
Yoko :by Martyna Ożóg facebook | instagram | flickr
alittleshelpnamedluna: Cloud of orange Icies!
armasthekooiker: This may be my new favourite picture ♥
20% Off Discount Code: handsomedogs Also, speaking of @pridebites, we also have a 20% off discount code you can use if you feel like shopping around for cool dog stuff. Obviously Charlie cannot contain his happiness over his pizza. Check…
You’re the Cheese to my Macaroni Woke up to WWIII in the living room. Looked like a mac and cheese dish and rolls of toilet paper got in fight and just decided to explode like a firecracker on the 4th…
baldowl: Booker is so handsome in his Doghouse blue. @handsomedogs
This is Rupert our Irish Wolfhound. He loves walks in the forest and running around at full pelt.
my lovely Westie boy Samson! this was his first trip to the beach. – @bustedbrainz
paws-on-contact: Happy Sweetest Day and 4th birthday to my best girl. I love you to the moon and back. ❤
This is our puppy Axel! He’s a Shih Tzu Pomeranian Mix! @little-becs
mostlyvoidpartiallydogs: October ‘16
Jane! The Prembroke Welsh Corgi from Alabama.
Dante the ridgeless Rhodesian ridgeback. 10 months. Loves running, tug of war, sloppy kisses and sun bathing. Hates leashes with puffy handles, sweaters and the rain. 15/10 hilarious and utterly snuggleable.
hadissima: Jazz ❤
Woojong You | tera
Rainee Tubbs (Colacurcio) | Paisan
Kerstin Benz -Fotografie | The 3 Musketeers
Ludmila Bartošíková | Small ang big
Viktor Valter | Brother
Anna Averianova | sweet puppy
Precious tortellini. My godmother’s dog, Bree, who is about 9 yrs old. She is a Feist!
Submitting more of Charles Barkley! I wanted to give a little of his back story this time. My family adopted Charlie in April 2013 from an awesome rescue in North Texas called Operation Kindness. We believe he was dumped and…
This is Timmy, a schipperke who spent 16(!) years with us before we had to put him down last year. Rest in peace, lil bud.
audawee: My baby is prettier than your baby (jk your baby is beautiful, all creatures are beautiful)
This is Cooper, a cavalier king charles spaniel, and he loves all of you even though he doesnt know you exist
foxicaopica: iman the great 😀
This is Strawberry she is 6 year old Boxer. You can find more pic of Strawberry on Instagram or facebook: Tamas Szarka Photography
It was his birthday yesterday (11th October) I have no idea why he was sitting like this.
my sweet lil teddy bear
Joe Newell | Guard Dog Tora
banini93 | She.
Maria Gąsienica | “Manook Matanuska Maniek”
Анна Тюрина | Smile
I got a Watermelon Instead! We bought a watermelon, set it on the table, and walked away for a little while to do other things.
Justin | The Brood
youngjin kim | 푸름이
Marta Everest
Cami Lind | Puppy Eyes
Anthony Helton | Rue
Aleksandra Kopeć
Veronika Kalinina | Husky’s eyes
Getting Shamed by a six-year old We kept finding poop on our washer and dryer when we got home from work. So my 6 year old daughter Annabelle, decided to make her this hat. It says, “I poop on the…
Pink is IN! I pried open the pantry and took the food colouring and chewed it up on the couch and bed while mom and dad slept.
Georgy Bezbororov | Careful curiocity
Waldek Dąbrowski | Genral and Garibaldi – two newfoundland puppies
Zain Ali | look of the tired dog
Calis Pictures | Kikou…
Louise Glansberg | Molly
Louise Owen | Curious Blue
maryna koval
P. Jansson | R.
Mauro Bellucci (WAM) | Hey Guys, I’m a Climber!
Giving you my Best Moves Liam decided to taste-test the cord on the brand new steamer. He’s lucky that he is irresistibly adorable.
Oliver, our rescued pup, a little prince
This is Toki, my Fox Terrier/Staffy mix. She is our Market mascot. -@ladygigglessneakymum
huskyhuddle: Balto at Alafia River State Park September 30, 2016 Our first Fall hike!
Irina Zhuchkova | ***
Eleonora Festari | Autumn smile
tempurafriedhappiness: A collaborative work with @quichehound ft. AN ELVEN QUICHE and some foresty fall colors. V v pleased with the aspen crown and the way the reflection behaves on the log. (If you’re interested in a pseudo-double exposure of your…
charlie shang | Shade
Here Comes the SpiderDog I climb this tree to escape over the back fence. Today I got stuck. I am SpiderDog
This is Max, our labrador puppy. He’s the most cuddly dog I’ve ever met and he loves to play! – @suzannahmarieowens
This is my boyfriend’s beautiful lab, Brandy 🙂
My neighbors got a new puppy named Fiona! She’s a mix between a Great Pyrenees and a German shepherd, so she’s gonna be a very big girl!
Tank (mixed dog) and Moses (Aussie) at Moses’s first birthday party 🙂
This is Jacob He’s a pekingese 🙂
Bob. Bob’s Father was a rat terrier and mother chihuahua.
What a difference one year makes! First two pics are from the first month we had him and the second two are from Sept/Oct 2016. Jaeger, the deaf Catahoula, is now about 2 and a half and is no longer…
You Always Wanted a Small Wedding, no? My fiancé and I left to go to the spa and when we came home I found my notebook on Sally’s bed! I opened it up and the 5 pages of our wedding guest’s…
This is Charley and he is the love of my life
This is my one of my neighbors blind rescue dogs, Ted! He’s the sweetest guy and loves exploring and running around. He and his “brother” have a facebook page with regular updates on the doggies, Blind dogs – the B…
Sunny doing damage on her favorite bone…
This is Abbey! She is my amazing rescue puppy! She is a little sh*t but I adore her!
calliefield: Fresh out of the oven home-cooked wholegrain dog.
Hot Date With the Veterinarian Tonight! After his morning run followed by breakfast, Frankie broke into the laundry while I was in the shower and helped himself to his big brother’s bag of food – about 4kg worth! A trip…
Hi my name is Remington and I like wrestling with my dog bed, popping balloons and laying upside down to eat my treats. I’m 100% convinced that I am a tiny lap dog, because I live with 4 yorkies. This…
Oliver 13 week old Bernedoodle.
Saluki Lucia
A loving mother
This is Pepper, she’s an 8yr old border collie blue heeler cross. She loves sticks, sleeping in and stealing your spot on the couch.
asteroiddog: I’m headed somewhere but I don’t know where just yetI’ve still got something left to proveProve that there’s nothing I won’t doDo what it takes so I can bring you back again
I rolled in poop and then head-butted my mom when she tried to dry me after my subsequent bath. PS….
Gizmo is my 10-year-old Pomeranian. He’s currently fighting chronic leukemia and an enlarged heart. He still has so much spunk and love for life left in him – hopefully his meds will keep him with us for a while longer!