My boy Paco! He enjoys hip hop music, sleeping on laundry, and car rides… Though he can barely get his head out of the window

My boy Paco! He enjoys hip hop music, sleeping on laundry, and car rides… Though he can barely get his head out of the window
Smartaleck Josey and…lovely RIP Lilly (white)
Ah, Ah, Ah-choo!! I tore up a whole box of Kleenex. What???!!! My nose was running! Love, Dojo
This is Baxter, an 8-year-old Golden Retriever! He sleeps like this sometimes. – @dirtfungus
Maggie, Nikki, and JJ enjoying the sunshine (and mud) after a storm! @temperedgraceling
Tootsie, a coon hound mutt, playing with her giraffe and Darth Vader
Freddy just turned one year old, and is freshly groomed for the occasion. His big brother Teddy in the background is wondering why he is not the center of attention today. – marmarinou
Yuki & autumn leaves @sancty
Mooneye_kodaThis is Qenai and Koda. Qenai is a 4 month old finnish lapphound. Koda is a 8 years old siberian husky. When they exploring the forest, they look like a wild bear and wolf. You can also follow them on…
Sarge, 12 years old
When they look at you like your their whole world but just probably want you to throw the ball again. (Pat, 10 year old lab) -ekows
My malinois Athena
Ozzie the boston.
I am a ‘Wiener’ Dog After all… We were having a friendly neighbourhood ping pong tournament with people and their dogs. Dad was petting the neighbour dog “Sgt. Pepper” and Annie got jealous and she decided to bite him on…
Kayden is happiest in the woods, collar by Fawn&Brindle use code FBKAYDEN for 10% off!
This is my 10 year old Pomeranian Tater-Tot her hobbies include: chasing cats, tearing up toilet paper and knocking down the garbage can in the kitchen
This is Carlos the English bull terrier and he needs a bath – Tim Magee
This is Memphis and yesterday (Oct 26th) was his 3 year adoptaversary!! We love him very much and don’t know what we’d do without him❤️
My smiley sunshine boy
Jax is 11 months now!
The Carrots Weren’t Ready! I eat the vegetables before they can grow I am a Mountain Cur
his name is grizzly bear and he’s my son
Bluebelle the Belgian Malinois
I love this sweet beast so much! Milo is the perfect addition to our family.
My Irish Wolfhound Aoife has been super down recently since my 14 year old buddy Toby passed away last month. Thankfully, the presence of my cousin’s new puppy, Beau, has cheered her up!!
This is Mookie, she is the best dog. Everyone falls in love with her.
My crazy Josie
Louise (Mountain Cur) and Jed (Alaskan husky mix?) love their dog park trips. My drooly lovey snugglers!
My dog is such a meme aw. His name is Clyde and he’s a Red Merle Collie but everyone thinks we made the breed up and thinks he’s a husky. Red m
sunbathing pup
These are our boys. From left to right, Rudy, a shepherd/heeler mix about a year old, his litter brother Dozer, and Yogi, a Black and Tan coonhound around 2 years old. The litter brothers we adopted from our towns only…
Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppy Penny wants to wish you a terrific day!
Finnigan, two year old Bichon/King Charles mix. The sweetest little derp
Our Pointer/Lab mix on his way home at 7 weeks
My lil Bryce, chihuahua 6 months
Sweater weather!
It just depends on the size of the dog and how long you want to stay outside. A dog will let you know when he is uncomfortable from the snow by lifting up his feet, but by then you pretty…
This is Sam, and he is a five year old black lab border collie mix that I call a Borador. – Chloe
This is Lucky! (The new brother to the Great Pyrenees puppy Kenai that was previously on this wonderful blog) He is 8 weeks here and we had just picked him up ❤️
I can’t remember if I submitted pics of marla before but here’s even more of her and her big smile+impressive fangs :))
Casper again. Costume this time. #morecasper
But Grandma, what big ears you have! Pepper, an almost 3-year-old rescue mutt, dressed up as Grandma from Little Red Riding Hood.
These are my puppies: Taquito (10), Whiskey (2.5), and Zombie (1.5) As you can see they are very smiley dogs who like to show off their fangs!!
The theme was just for this month; Regular submissions are still being queued! No worries 🙂
Submitting for the Fangs picture! Hope I’m not too late! This is Kira. She’s probably an English pointer/pit bull mix. She likes to play a little rough but never bites too hard. She’s the best. Kira po
Icarus and River’s first Halloween!!
finnydoodles: Trick or Treat!
pupcakeluna: More chompers for @handsomedogs!
My dog Rex, he just celebrated his forever home birthday 2 weeks ago. @sporadicnascent
She’s Luna a 7 month old ess and this is her derp face
alyssterinec: He played in the dirt then came to show off his deadly fangs
Nothing like puppy fangs for #barktober
Playing Possum RC Charley is a 3 year old rescue cat. Although he loves people, he does not enjoy playing with my White German Shepherd because she is really hyper, and RC Charley is more of a mellow guy. Whenever…
Gunner being the handsomest husky
This is my baby Chevy
This is my very first puppy Shiro! He’s such a handful but I love him so much!
speckledbellies: Briar Hound tries to scare me by breaking a stick with his super strong and sharp teeth! @handsomedogs
borisandtasha: She’s such a cute little devil
finnydoodles: Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg, and owlet’s wing,— For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. Double, double toil…
Show me Your Papers Hello, I’m Lenny. I’m a paper addict and I need help. I tried to eat the cable bill and this sign. What’s missing is his girlfriend and her sign saying that she helps him by bringing…
These are my beautiful puppers! 3 poms, one German Shepherd, and a Siberian Husky
Handsome brothers
Alllllll ears
Boxing Fanatic Our boxer Ralph chewed up his dad’s 1941 edition of Ring magazine. Ironic, don’t you think?!
This is Cassie, and everyone in the world is her friend
My Django buddy
This is Abby! She turned 7 years old this October!- @applesandpumpkins
justpeacheyy: @handsomedogs Kato showing off his pearly Whites for fall and Barktoberfest!
Here’s my Bear boy for # Barktoberfest! Doofy German Shepherd mix rolling around on the bed with his big scary teeth out! – @kurookami
It is recommended to request a rehoming fee to discourage bad people from doing bad things with the animal. A pet should never be “free” because it not only draws in people who may not be financially capable, but this…
huskyhuddle: Hubble is feelin spoopy. About as spoopy as it gets here in Florida 🙁
Call 1-800-DIG-DIRT for my Services I didn’t like the way my parents repotted the plant so I decided to fix it after they went to bed. I love dirt!
hunterisadog: two very large pumpkins
I’m a Creep, I’m a Weirdo… My cat stares at me while I bathe…
This is Nelson my Harlequin Merle Great Dane, he is my little boy and yes my lap dog!
Andrey Pl | Puppy
Anna Averianova | sweet dog
growingupcorgi: The most important pumpkin boy
Grandma got run Over by a Bruce My name is Bruce. I made my grandma fall in my mad attempt to get to her house.
Hello! Unfortunately it doesn’t say it anywhere for me either. I assume 11:59pm, but I wouldn’t know the time zone 🙁 I hope you make it!
Lorenzo Diana | TaraPizza thief… So cute!
Happy fall y’all! From left to right: Willow, Aspen, Remington, Pixie, Wiley
bobafetttuccine: Barktober
Rosa Huuska | Autumn Love
You’re Home Early This Boston Bully pleads the 5th. We suspect she wakes up with blood* on her hands and doesn’t know what happened but knows she did something bad. *down-pillow feathers
Rhupert Basco | She’s mine
Alicja Zmysłowska | Evil IIMorrow
Enter to Win! Considering you’re all taking such awesome halloween photos of your pups, I thought i’d give this a whirl for you! This is the first time handsomedogs has ever done any “promotional” stuff, but hey… free toys! Submit…
pupcakeluna: Luna is excited for fall! And pumpkin treats, mostly the treats
Tabasco, 7yo, JRT has a lot of patience for my photographic attempts – Ka
Veronika Kashuba | Д
If it Begins with S, she Steals it. Someday we are going to find all the spoons and socks she’s taken. Now we have to rely of the generosity of our friends. Freaky Beak won’t share her hidey holes.
Seve Rin | little husky
This is Tinja, my 19 months old blue merle Australian Shepherd! 😀 – @tinytinja
Barry (Bare Bones) will have his first Halloween this year, and he’s prepared.