My handsome dog nephew Zedd. @thisblogkillsfascists

My handsome dog nephew Zedd. @thisblogkillsfascists
This is Bowzer. A 10 year old Australian Shepherd who’s shy as can be.
This is my son, Otto. He’s a 5 yr poodle mix & one heck of a hunk! Loves junk food, hates fruits and veggies to his core, would beg for your lunch 10/10 times – @underdog-13
The Apple of my eye. Nala 7 y/o white GSD. Currently living with me in St. Kitts.
Bella the shitzu & Lily the shitzu – Taylor
Freya and Katie! – Taylor
Hi Clover! She’s our 4 year old who-knows-what mix ☺️
Clyde is a 9 month old “Cattle dog/ beagle mix” i feel like he looks like a German Shepard, opinions?
Submitting on behalf of my roommate @captaintightpantsss who has the most majestic and beautiful dog named Arlo.
This is Ollie, he is 4 years old and a toy poodle/bijon mix, he is the sweetest dog ever, he can tell when I am upset or anxious and he will come and cuddle with me, and he is a…
This is Rigby- he’s almost 4 years old, he’s a Papillion/Pomeranian mix, and he’s the best road trip co-pilot ever!
Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Tucker is a very smart boy and probably the best dog my family has had and ever will have. This is why my family got his DNA tested. He’s 11 years old now. He has a very…
This is Mira! I don’t think this girl has a mean bone in her body, she’s one of the sweetest and happiest dogs you’ll ever meet.
This is Mac! He seems to have no idea that he’s a small dog. He will attack any and all ankles, but we love him anyway.
This is Scribi he weights about 13 pounds he’s 5 years old we found him on the side of the street when he was about a year old not really sure what breed he is but I love him anyway…
special-agent-poodle: “[Dog]kind has legs so it can wander.” ― Roman Payne, The Wanderess
Menci, my friend’s 1 year old Dalmatian girl – csendes tumblr | instagram behance | vimeoredbubble shop
These are my puppys Lily(right) and Saska(left). They’d are sisters, they are German Shepherd/Husky.
Oliver just got his hair cut and he’s got his vacation bandana all ready to go! He’s a 7 year old shih-tzu poodle! – @fiba
Guess the breed(s)(rules) Winnie is a 4 year old female. She is 73 pounds, loves other dogs, loves to swim, eat, and sleep. She is very active, smart but stubborn. She loves to get into the garbage, can jump fences,…
Helping Unpack I got into my mom’s overnight bag and ate her clothes…I just threw up a thong
These are pictures of the live of my life who passed away almost two weeks ago. His name was Bitti, we think he was a Cocker Spaniel Beagle mix, he was 9 years old, and had a perpetual baby face.…
Champ, the Chihuahua/Beagle mix! He is 6 and a good boy!
This is sweet Hallie girl, and this is how she sleeps.
my grandparents’ year old maltipoo! she loves playing fetch and digging holes, and hates squirrels. the most well-behaved, loving dog in the world.
Bandit, a good and soft boy. He is a 10yo German Shepard/Chow mix who loves snow and likes to follow people around the house.
Height, weight, personality, the answer, and make sure you indicate that it is for the game as well. Idk how to do more than one image, everyone seems to be having issues with that. If you send them separately, I…
We love bouldering
I like my Steak Very Rare… “I ate six filet mignon steaks from the counter” 10 month old Finn is a notorious counter surfer. He has gotten many treats including a meatball sub, a cooling cake and numerous sticks of…
This is Ghilly! She’s a small cairn terrier but very angry.
my 3 year ole jack russell terrier, Pumpkin. the light of my life
We think George is around 10 years old, and he might be a purebred black lab, but we’re not sure. His best quality is sleep, because that’s all he does. When he’s not sleeping, he eats dirt in the backyard,…
Rowan, my 2 year old son. People call him handsome all the time so I thought he might fit in here. I’m unsure of his breed, so If you want to help me guess his breed he was listed at…
threeberners: Did someone say treat?
Guess The Breed(s)(rules) This is my roommate’s dog Guinness. I don’t have a height measurement, but he’s almost 3 years old, and 30 pounds. He is very independent, loves being a creeper and watching things out the window, and is…
Kibble Complaint Department I didn’t like my dog food so I pretended my mouth was in too much pain to eat. It cost my mom a lot of money at the vet. I
Kopa, who is now in his forever home, through Annie’s Rescue Foundation. My half-brother and his family adopted him. 🙂 – Taylor
Dio, my 7 year old Kelpie X Jack Russel mix. A local celebrity for his huge ears ~ @supernooodles
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Eggs Benedict Roughly 40-50cm tall at the shoulder, 20kgs, 2.5 years old, VERY playful and inquisitive. Sir Eggs Benedict is a mix of 4 herding breeds. Eggs Benedict is…!! An Australian Kelpie/Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog/Australian Koolie…
My 1-year-old Shepard/Collie mix, Olivia!
This lil smush is my pupper Freddie, he’s a purebred English (his parents are from Sweden but he believes he’s English) Springer Spaniel.
Do you Know the Muffin-Dog? My six year old human brother made muffins all by himself for the school bake sale! I ate them.
This is Chief. He wears shoes during the summer so the asphalt doesn’t burn his little pads and he loves them. I wish I could do a guess that breed but I don’t know 100% what he is. He’s just…
This is Fluffy. He is a 6 months old Pomeranian who is also a tiny gentleman. – @dogthefluffy
This is my girl Jules! She’s a collie/spaniel mix. She’s the sweetest little lady ever.
This is my handsome boy, Titan. He’s a 2.5 year old English Black Labrador. I couldn’t have asked for a better buddy! He loves his walks, being goofy and cuddling with his feline friend, Richard. ❤
They sure are energetic little dogs! Boston Terriers go along with my bulldog post yesterday. Unfortunately, as a brachycephalic breed, they are prone to eye ulcers, breathing difficulties, and 90% need to be birthed via c-section. Above, a Boston Terrier…
This is my beautiful Rosie! She is an English Setter and is 5 yrs old. She loves spooning, stealing warm spots on beds, chasing lizards, goign for bushwalks, and lots of forehead kisses! @admirefagan
wolfcoast: Green eyed girl
Here’s our six year old chocolate Labrador, Grace. She gonna try and grab my phone off me as she gets excited when her picture gets taken!
Party Animal! “I had a party while my parents were at work. I am NOT sorry, it was worth it!”
This was Hank. It will be two years March 18th since he passed away. Loyal, wonderful friend. Miss him lots. – crowart
This is Harleen, she’s a big scaredy cat. Afraid of everything.
Luci (2 yr old Rottweiler) and her “sister” Callie (15 yr old GSD mix).
my roommates super sweet and super handsome dog tucker!
My mutt, Sally. I don’t know what she’s mixed with though.
Valentine’s Day Contest II The winner of the Valentine’s Day contest is @betsyadventures!! Betsy will be awarded a digital drawing of herself 🙂 Go check out her blog!! The Patreon winner with the most votes is @married-withdogs‘ Lilly the Pug!…
This is Bella a lab mix from a farm, she’s crazy but gets sleepy. Her best quality is she bounces.
Midnight Snacking Midnight munchies, couldn’t figure out the brand new fridge door.
Snowy bird dog
This is Simon, He’s 4months old now and he’s a golden retriever
My big, baby boy.
This is Harvey, my 6-year old male Italian Greyhound. I love him so much!
Harli is my pound pup and forever matching shoe buddy
Street Treat Fenway loves to find special treats in the leaves and bushes during his evening walk. We usually have to put the yummy surprise out of his mouth before we know exactly what it is! Yay!!
This is Monty. He is a 2 year old Labradoodle that loves playing fetch! ~Anonymous
achoirofcritters: If my dog were a gothic show horse? I’m not really sure! Astaroth, February 2017. 🙂
Hello! This is Fry the boxer who loves balloon animals. I sent that first pic but I couldn’t submit two on my phone and I just need the world to see this picture.
Beau Floey Min Bear Punk Lilly Bellatrix Evie & Astaroth Betsy Quincy handsomedogs: Valentine’s Day Contest II Here are your finalists for our Valentine’s day photography contest! Voting will take place now until the 22nd. The winner will be given…
Bear is a German shepherd, he turns 2 in March. He’s one of the laziest dogs I’ve ever met.
My handsome Milo turns 4 today. It’s been the best 4 years of my life with him.
This is Champ! He’s a boxer/pit bull mix who loved playing fetch inside. -Anonymous
A beautiful boy, so eloquently named Potus (don’t ask, we’ve been going with an American president theme for dog names). He’s also a natural model
Name: Cali From the streets now has a home. She’s great. Ig:saulsalm
here’s Emma wearing a flower crown! she’s an energetic 2 yr old lab @sakizm
Cricket is some sort of GSD mix living in Minnesota. She is a service dog in training for me, @pavusiing. You can follow her @cricket-pup here on tumblr or @cricket.thesd on Instagram!
This is Lily, my Beagle. She’s 12 years old but still got a lot of energy! – @justicecaballer
The Jackalope. Unique even among uniqueness. #rabidwerewolfie
This is my baby Stella! She’s a rescue Great Dane, but she’s only like 80 lbs because she was found in a locked shed with her mom and siblings, so we think she was malnourished and that’s why she isn’t…
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Brody is a 40lb female with silky fur, double coated. She was born in a dump in Iguigig, Alaska before being rescued by Alaska Dog & Puppy Rescue in 2011. She knows all her commands/tricks verbally…
You just have to cancel it after it charges you on the 1st of the month.
Help! I’m supposed to adopt this beautiful boy next week. However I’m worried that when I move later this year it will become an issue because he looks like he has pit in him. Where I live there isn’t a…
My little Leo likes to smile when he wants to go outside. He’s a chihuahua pomeranian mix ❤ @sunburntpop
My big beautiful Mastiff mix, Bronson.
This is my friend’s dog machete. I love him so much
This is Kimber. She’s my 5 year old princess. She is a plot hound/pit mix and is 50 lbs of lap dog.
My pitbull Roxy smiles fam.
Yes, raw eggs in moderation are safe. They should just be kept refrigerated to prevent bacteria growth. Dogs don’t really have to worry about salmonella, though, because their digestive tract is much shorter than ours, not allowing much time for…
This is my friend’s dog, Hazel. She was bought from a breeder and is about 35 pounds and 20 inches tall at the shoulder. She’s a very rambunctious, hyper girl and training has been a challenge but she is a…
happygirlbybecca: Everyone needs a friend and I’m so glad these two have each other #siblinglove #handsomedogs #puppas #mydogisfamily
Twigs the Short Haired Chihuahua at 10 weeks old ♥ @shanihilate #handsomdogs
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Gunner is 2 years old, 27 inches at the withers, and 57-60 pounds! He is extremely rambunctious (a forever puppy, if you will), extremely keen on licking your face off and loving you, extremely driven…
This is Ruin! He is a pure bred Rottweiler who loves to smother you with kisses and show off his singing techniques! ~ average_complexity
Hmm.. Welp I like the Kooikerhondje. They are cute, smart, nice, & petite! I don’t really have an educational reason why.. I’ve never met one! Here is @armasthekooiker So handsome! #2 would be the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever for…
Sammy, Australian shepherd – @infinityandcyanide
This is Mickey Mouse, Or MicMic for short xD, He is a wire haired chihuahua, he was abused pretty badly, before he was taken the to shelter, where I found him, and adopted him C: in March he will have…
This is Brianna (Bree), she’s just a little of 9 months old. Her mother was a German Shepherd Dog mixed with Labrador (I think possibly with some staffie heritage) and her father was a German Shepherd Dog mixed with a…
Shawna, a 5ish year old rescue stray! Some kind of terrier mix, lots of funny quirks and the cutest face in Beaconsfield. Also excellent at quelling anxiety and battling depression for her person.
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Aslan! He is three years old, is 62 cm tall at the shoulder, and weighs 28 kg. He is very energetic, smart, and has a very high prey drive. He also loves to…