My boston terrier/shih tzu mix always needs something on the floor if he’s going to jump up on to something like the bed or couch. It was funny before when he would use his bed as a ‘launchpad’ to get on ours, but now we’re in a bigger house where there’s not always something available and it’s a little concerning. Sometimes he’ll literally just sit there and whine until we put something on the floor that he can jump off of. Is there something wrong with him? Why does he keep doing this?

He’s probably just not confident that he can jump that high. Once he does it on his own, he should be fine. It’s normal for dogs to be anxious about things like that, especially if he has experienced missing a…

Hi, blind dog anon again! I realized after I sent the ask that I should have clarified 😅 We have been to the vet to check out the blindness. We recently found out that she’s diabetic and have just started treating her, and the vet told us that the blindness is a result of diabetic cataracts. She has her on some eye drops right now to treat inflammation, and we have another visit scheduled this Friday! For now, I’m just looking for ways to help her get around. Sorry for the confusion!

Gotcha! Ok. Poor pup, that must be scary 🙁 I’ve dealt with deaf dogs & three legged dogs, but not blind dogs. Anyone have helpful advice?

My dog just had his leg amputated due to cancer. Can you recommend any resources for learning how to care for a tripod dog? I want to make sure I’m doing everything for him that I can.

Dogs can adapt easily to having three legs, especially if it is a rear leg that is missing. Dogs put more than half of their weight on their front legs, so if a front leg is missing they’ll just need…