Christina Hart

Christina Hart
Where the river bends by Joy Russell
One very happy, very mucky, cheeky chappie by Letty Huckerby
Yeah check out
Hiking! by Simon Tubey
My beautiful Dane, Honey <3 – @bestahlia
Mighty adveture dog! by Mike Gifford
This is Caoimhe, our new bundle of love. She’s a pitbull mix with the biggest heart and lots of cuddles -@methuselahisdead
Off the Chain… Literally In the time it took me to put the dog food in the back of the car and put the cart back to the cart return at Petsmart, Maggie did this.
This is Topsey, she recently turned 16 but sadly she’s only got a few more days left in her. She’s been my best friend since I can remember and was the greatest dog I could have ever asked for –…
@bagelwhisperer A good doggo who has been helping with construction of the new deck by overseeing. Soft. Gentle. A good girl.
The most important member of the graduating class of 2017! Bedbath-ndbeyonce
Polly, the two-year old Super Mutt!
this is our crazy-running-never-quiet border collie, Dante. He’s 9 months old and we love him very much. He’s also a very good model.
My sweetheart Terra, two and a half years old.
Piddles of Tears She peed on her step stool because we left and she didn’t have human attention for a few hours. Naughty naughty.
Chloe, the most loving, dog, kid, and cat friendly PitBull you will ever meet!
Sunny Daze is an American Bulldog mix. She was rescued two months ago in TN weighing 34 pounds. Under the care of Robyn’s Nest and PAWS New England rescues, she was bought back to health. My wife and I adopted…
Knowing that you’re feeding your dogs one of The Worst foods, that has reportedly killed multiple dogs, isn’t taking proper care of them. By no means does anyone have to feed their dog the best of the best and blow…
Wilson is great at looking at the camera when bribed by treats (don’t worry I gave them to him once I took the pictures)
shepherd-tails: 4/24/2017
This is Sam, though we call him Samuel, Moose, Eggburt or Our Very Good Boy. He thinks pillows are for paws. All paws must be on pillow. We think he is lab/mastiff, so Mastador? Labrastiff? @no-more-donuts
My baby! Her name is Daisy and she could be 12 or 13 (she’s a rescue) I’ve looked after her for most of that time and dispite a few scares over the years she’s still going strong 🙂
Guess the Breed(s)(rules) This is my handsome boy Bear. He is currently 11 years old, weighs ~27kg and stands ~58 cm tall. His colours are pretty rare for his breed – they’re usually a solid colour. He is very smart…
Running by Korf-Adri
Tater, my handsome boy. 7 months old
My dog molly! (I love her so much)
Into the sun by Klaus Krumboeck
Nepali dog by Neel Shakilov
Hunter by DAVE
Valeriya Petrukhina
This is my handsome dog, Coyote! He’s a cattle dog/red heeler mix. He’s very sweet and extremely smart and he sheds like crazy!
This is Hatchi. He is 3 years old, super energetic, loves to run and chase cats and deers. Our neighbour found him in a box, when he was just few weeks old, so we don’t know his breed. I think he looks…
the man, the myth, the legend: my son marco
Follow the adventures of Saiorse, a five month old husky girl, as she grows up on the west coast of Canada. @wolfcoast
Perhaps instead of collecting, you could just start saving money? Dog stuff is dependent upon the actual dog’s size, breed, and looks. Unless you’re 100% positive on what kind of dog you’re getting, it wouldn’t be beneficial to have anything…
this is my beautiful noodle, shakira. we think she’s a pit bull/lab mix but we’re not sure. she’s a big goof and we love her 🙂
My boy Talvi, a working type rough collie.
this is my boy henry!! he is a 7 year old goldendoodle whos full of love and energy 🙂
Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Hi my name is Brittney and this is my baby Harley! Harley stands about 2 feet high on all four paws and when standing upright is about 5 foot 3 inches. He weighs 95lbs and is extremely…
This is Kahlua and we recently discovered he has an upside down cat cartoon figure on his chest .. he’s a pit mix and about 13 weeks old.
This is my puppy caramel she is a poodle shitzu min pin mix she is1 year old and loves to run bark and play with kitties. She would love to be on your page ❤❤❤
Penny |
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Scout is 8 years old. He weighs 55lbs and is 21″ at the shoulder. He is very energetic and runs extremely fast. He loves hunting for mice and toads in the yard (and not just…
IMG_6727 flickr by amgm51
Saluki by Ninni
untitled-134 copy by Marina Plevako
Zeke, 4 months old.
Bring it on by Terri Jacobson
bokeh + puppy by Aleksandra Kielreuter
Day 290 – Pug, it’s Monday already by Terri Jacobson
handsomedogs: New Shirt Design!! The storefront is now open! And I made a new shirt that I actually like! I made both designs available, because people actually had the boxer one reserved 🙂 And I guess since I have made…
Dog by Sergio Moreira
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) Romy is female & 7 years old. Her coat is soft and grey/silver. The first picture (black and white) shows her puppy look, she was all black with a white paw. She is around 30…
this is my handsome dog, wolfy(not a wolfdog; that’s just his name) and we think hes a german shepherd mix 🙂 what do you think?- @iamtherealcactus
Iza Łysoń |Smoker
Jessica Lipki | Sweet Chocolate
My beautiful beagle Gem, who is four years old!
This is my handsome sheltie boy Finn!! He’s getting old now, and it’s hard for him to run around like he used to, but you wouldn’t be able to tell when the mailman’s near! He loves peanut butter more than…
Simon Wrigglesworth | Little one – Labrador
This is Moose. He is a good boy. Now three years old, he was rescued from an abusive owner when he was only a few months. He loves to run around with his fellow pup siblings, eat tasty snacks, and…
handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Dante. He’s 9 years old, weighs around 10 kilos/22 lbs, and is around 45 cm/17 inches tall. He’s highly energetic despite his age but he also loves to burrow into blankets and sleep…
this is lady! she’s around 6 years old. she’s half chihuahua, half papillon. she’s an intelligent dog and quite obedient as well!
handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Dante. He’s 9 years old, weighs around 10 kilos/22 lbs, and is around 45 cm/17 inches tall. He’s highly energetic despite his age but he also loves to burrow into blankets and sleep most…
Sweet Brandy!! Best, most temperate and patient dog I’ve ever met. She was the bestest pup, but she passed on two years ago now. I miss my good furry friend.
I have a list in my dog FAQs of good beginner breeds. I would check out for homeless dogs that match your breed preference.
Triple Tasteless Trot Treats We Eat Horse Poop Yummy Every dog I know who lives with horses enjoys this “treat”… so gross I know!
Hi! This is a question I have thought about a lot. I have a mixed breed (mostly husky x some malamute) so it’s been interesting trying to spot the differences. I have interacted with huskies more than I have malamutes.…
handsomedogs: My 2 year old beagle, Sassy 🙂
this is George, a 7-month old Saint Bernard. he likes sitting on furniture and claiming any and all beds for himself – ig: georgethesaintbernard
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) This is Riley. She is almost 3 years old, weighs 30 pounds. She loves squirrels/chipmunks and chasing them up trees. She has a dominant personality for the most part and is shy with strangers. Riley is…
Dutch, my beautiful, 4 year old pit. – Kayla Nguyen
Tough as Balls These are two “indestructible” horse toys that he steals from the horses and destroys. They are his best friends and he carries their dead limp remains around with him all day!
this is my baby Reggie, a 37#, 3 year old pit mix. We don’t know what he’s mixed with but i’ve always thought he might have some sighthound in him because he’s skinny and FAST! any guesses out there in…
Rosie wants to wish everyone a happy week!
This is my dog Star when she was young. She passed away last year and we miss her a bunch.
“You’re taking another photo aren’t you?” ~My Dog probably @diemeng
i saw this boy on his way to his job: helping students destress as a therapy dog! good boy, kindhearted, very fashionable in his zebra onesie. excellent chinese crested.
Lemmy,8 weeks old. Brazilian mastiff, akita husky, and pit bull mix.
handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(rules) This is Barcley. He’s one year old, 13 inches high at the shoulder, and approximately 17-20 lbs. He is a high energy dog, and he loves to play fetch. He’s also a major cuddle bug and…
The Demolition Expert – cheap quotes available Popeye had a little surprise for his owners when they returned home.
Bubba and Sophie! – Taylor (taken by Liz)
Olive is an old lady dachshund with a pacemaker, and she loves sitting on my lap in the sun
Guoda Kavaliauskaitė | Walker
Varga Tamás | Look
Virgilijus Bumbulis | young kennel dogs
Mitch Bruehwiler | Eyes on you
handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) This is Fiyero. He’s 8 years old, 55 lbs, and 18 in tall at the shoulder. He can be pretty shy and he dislikes loud noises and is sometimes sensitive, but when he knows and trusts…
Christoph Eberl | Spring
So we finally got Sasha’s Embark DNA results back and I thought I would update you guys on here! She is the strangest mutt mix I could imagine for her. If it’s hard to see, she is half Maltese/Pomeranian, and…
Miss Stevie. – Taylor
Reggie the pit bull mix (being squished) and Thelma Jean the plott hound (doing the squishing). They’re roommates and best buddies!
My gang! Nemo, a 5 year old female border collie mix, Bandit, a 4 year old male husky, and Dory, a 4 month old border collie! We also have a 3 year old cat named Bonnie who thinks she’s just…
Happy birthday!!
She may still swipe things off the counter, but I adore her! Maria, beagle, lab, hound mix, 13 years old
Saw this majestic beast in a parking lot. It was his bark that first got my attention, not because it was loud, it was faint and more like a chirp. At first I thought it was a Pomeranian or something…
We’ve talked about Blue Buffalo before and how they’ve lied about their ingredients. This newest scandal, where a pet owner found mold at the bottom of their bag, isn’t much of a jab at Blue Buffalo per se. While I…
This is Connor, my five-year-old Miniature Dachshund. He can be very destructive, but only with things he’s allowed to destroy, like his toys. I always love how proud he looks of himself after “killing” the “intruder”. -@theangriestlittleunicorn
This is my only AND goodest boy, Kodogakesh (named from Kida in Atlantis). Koda is a two year old golden retriever mixed with… something. He’s the sweetest boy ever and we’ve gone to great lengths to make sure our other…