Hi, I hope you’re having an awesome/excellent day! I was looking through your blog today, and was actually wondering if you had any Pitbull/Terrier content? Or knew any blogs? Loved the Sharps front the other day!

Hey! Thanks 😀 Check out our APBT tag, or search for any other terrier breeds you’d like using the search function! You can also type in www.handsomedogs.com/search/[breed].  APBT blogs are @pulldogs, @notapitbull, @bullybreedsapbt. I know there are more but I…

My 2y/o 70lb Rottweiler/GSD mix doesn’t walk well on a leash. I have to brace my entire body against her since she’s over half my weight and much stronger than me just to keep her from pulling me on my face from the excitement of being at the park. Today she pulled the leash out of my hand and then pulled me onto my back later. I want to walk her, but now I have rope burns and a pulled shoulder. I’m at my wit’s end because nothing has worked, not a gentle leader or positive reinforcement. Help?

Honestly, it sounds like you need the help of a trainer. We can’t give you any sort of advice over the internet if you’ve already tried the basics (R+ and gentle leader). Usually pet stores can refer you to a…

Hi my German Shepard mix has been pretty rough when playing with other dogs and it is getting to a point where I’m uncomfortable, he was never like this when he was young. Do you have any suggestions to get him to stop and play normally?

GSD tend to get really rude and bitchy when they age out of puppyhood. It’s just one of those breed-specific things.  I also have a GSD mix, and I would recommend to stop bringing your dog to places with strange…

for guess the breed are mix-breed dogs alright? and by mix-breed I mean super mutts, but super mutts that you genuinely know the parents and lineage of.

As long as they’re not more than 4 breeds. Also, if you’ve submitted for guess the breed and it was never posted, it may be because your photos didn’t meet the guidelines and/or you didn’t provide all the required info.…

Guess the Breed!

handsomedogs: Do you have a DOG? Do you know your dog’s BREED without question? (i.e.; purebred, know the parents, DNA test. NOT what the shelter or someone guessed please) Then you get to stump everyone in Guess the Breed! Simply…

I’m moving cross country and my dog and I are in for an extremely long car ride. She’s never been great in the car, very excited/anxious and moving around a lot even when strapped in, and I’m really nervous about how she’ll react to a change in her routine since we’re likely going to be driving through the night and staying in a hotel. Any tips on how to make the journey more bearable for the both of us?

Hey! First off, you should ask your vet for sedatives to keep your dog calm during the trip. They might prescribe Benadryl, or Gravol, or something else to make your dog sleepy, or they might prescribe an anti-anxiety or something…

My mom got an English Bulldog puppy two weeks ago, is it a common thing for them to lick things a lot? She especially likes to like my and my brother’s legs.

Yeah, it’s pretty common! Puppies learn by putting their mouths on things, and if she learned she can get attention by licking people, that’s probably reinforcing the behaviour. You could consistently ignore her or redirect her when she starts licking,…

Hello! My dog, who I’ve submitted a photo on here before of, Georgie the shih tzu terrier mix, has been having issues. Lately, every single time he goes outside to do business, he doesn’t get far before he goes into these bad fits of inward sneezing. It’s been going on for probably close to a week now. Also, every time we say it’s "time to go outside!" he never comes to the door immediately like he used to. When we do coax him outside, he starts the fit and makes his way back inside (1/2)

Without having gone to the bathroom. Even when inside, he’ll have inward sneezing fits. After that stops, his whole body will quiver for a few moments. It happens several times a day, inside and out. He has and has had…

Hi! I wanted to ask if there are any rules for the guess the breed thing? For example a minimum of breeds mixed or something like that:) I’m here on my phone and couldnt find any infos.

The general handsomedog population doesn’t like to guess on a dog with more than 3 or 4 breeds. It just gets too difficult and unrealistic. Handsomedogs.com/guessthebreed

Hi, so my puppy is really gassy. She’s been like this only for a couple days, she doesn’t have a pushed in face and her brother doesn’t have this problem. They both enjoy getting into the cat food so could that be the issue? We’ve been feeding her Iam’s puppy chow for large breeds but she prefers the cat’s food and doesn’t eat it much. Also, thanks for all the cute dog pictures, they just make my day!

Hi there, cat food is much higher in protein than dog food and can cause digestive upset or even pancreatitis if eaten long term. I wouldn’t let your puppy eat it at all, cat food should be kept up out…