My cute little baby floof Holly 🙂 – f0llowy0urbliss
Ethan loves to hunt, hasn’t caught anything yet, but will try again tomorrow
Ethan loves to hunt, hasn’t caught anything yet, but will try again tomorrow
this is jenny, she’s a pocket beagle, she loves everyone and she chews up her toys.
this is jenny, she’s a pocket beagle, she loves everyone and she chews up her toys.
wherehorsesmeetdogs: thank you so much to everyone that’s…
wherehorsesmeetdogs: thank you so much to everyone that’s donated to the fund for charlie’s MRI! it means the world to me that you guys have donated and taken the time to share the post. here’s a picture of sweetie for…
Mocha and her favorite toy Kendrick Llama
Mocha and her favorite toy Kendrick Llama
ofcarnivora: Focus
ofcarnivora: Focus
spartathesheltie: when u accidentally make ur holiday shoot too…
spartathesheltie: when u accidentally make ur holiday shoot too warm n cozy you have to force ur dog to stay awake
My beautiful Shylee all cuddles up
My beautiful Shylee all cuddles up
the many faces of mrs. dede pickles, always beautiful
the many faces of mrs. dede pickles, always beautiful
This is Luna! She is a 6 year old golden retriever who acts like she’s 2, she loves her ball (we…
This is Luna! She is a 6 year old golden retriever who acts like she’s 2, she loves her ball (we named Wilson ((from castaway)) ) and even knows it’s name. She loves you, too!!
Jersey, my 7 year old Yorkshire Terrier/Pomeranian mix :)
Jersey, my 7 year old Yorkshire Terrier/Pomeranian mix 🙂
My mother’s little Pedro. 7 pounds of pure caffeinated anxiety,…
My mother’s little Pedro. 7 pounds of pure caffeinated anxiety, under foot tripping hazard, shrill defender of room entry, rug destroyer. Hates squirrels, adorable babies, and fellow dogs. Devoted to my mother who adores him, therefore rendering him priceless. –…
She loves looking out windows. She even sits inside and looks…
She loves looking out windows. She even sits inside and looks out the window for the backyard when the backdoor is wide open. The girl just loves her windows.
His name is Little Bit. He likes to curl up like a cinnamon roll.
His name is Little Bit. He likes to curl up like a cinnamon roll.
schitzhund: 15 degree dog
schitzhund: 15 degree dog
armasthekooiker: The First Snarmas!!!
armasthekooiker: The First Snarmas!!!
Stella… the sweater pupper
Stella… the sweater pupper
Baloo at 4 months
Baloo at 4 months
fayedaydawning: Baby dragon in her napping perch.
fayedaydawning: Baby dragon in her napping perch.
floaty-cody: just a happy boy at this time
floaty-cody: just a happy boy at this time
wisconsinratpack: A handsome chap getting extra handsome
wisconsinratpack: A handsome chap getting extra handsome
My bud Hades..
My bud Hades..
Mollie, bichon poodle mix, waiting for someone to throw her ball.
Mollie, bichon poodle mix, waiting for someone to throw her ball.
This is my dog indie! Hes fluffy and full of sass!!!
This is my dog indie! Hes fluffy and full of sass!!!
This my baby boy Duke; he’s a golden retriever mix.
This my baby boy Duke; he’s a golden retriever mix.
Pazuzu has a butt cowlick!
Pazuzu has a butt cowlick!
canismaera:I’m a day late for #blackdogfriday but this is my…
canismaera: I’m a day late for #blackdogfriday but this is my late contribution.
wyrddogs: The best girl.
wyrddogs: The best girl.
This is Sparky, a Mini Schnauzer rescued by Doggie Protection Services from Korea
This is Sparky, a Mini Schnauzer rescued by Doggie Protection Services from Korea
specklemutts: lol at ren running in the background
specklemutts: lol at ren running in the background
Riley (6 year old terrier mix) and Bruce (2.5 year old…
Riley (6 year old terrier mix) and Bruce (2.5 year old lab/pyrenees mix) at Independence Pass in Colorado on our camping road trip.
Kiwi has 3 legs and 0 chill
Kiwi has 3 legs and 0 chill
Baby Anais
Baby Anais
I had to move out of my house for financial reasons, I now live in an apartment with my dog I work full time & used to leave her in the back yard which she loved but now she stays in 8 hrs a day I take her for walks in the morning and when i get home but now one of my old neighbors offered to take her in i know she would have a better life with them but I will miss her so much and I don’t want her to feel abandoned Am I being selfish for wanting to keep her? I won’t have another house for 2 yrs
Lots of people have dogs in apartments and work full time jobs! I have two dogs (a big one and a medium one) in an apartment and work 8 hours a day and they are still happy. Lots of awesome…
This is Georgia. She’s been on here a couple times before. She’s getting close to fully grown now at…
This is Georgia. She’s been on here a couple times before. She’s getting close to fully grown now at 1 year and 6 months. She likes to go outside just long enough to get her paws muddy, and then scratch…
boringdogadventures: Is this dog even necessary??
boringdogadventures: Is this dog even necessary??
canismaera:it’s a lazy kind of day.
canismaera: it’s a lazy kind of day.
This is Daisy, a 5 yo terrier mix. She loves being outside in…
This is Daisy, a 5 yo terrier mix. She loves being outside in the garden to chase the squirrels and bark at passers-by.
Max, therapy dog in training, was tired from being a Good Boy.
Max, therapy dog in training, was tired from being a Good Boy.
Waiting for the best friend to returnMax (6yo) was a sad dog when his best friend Ziva (3yo) went on…
Waiting for the best friend to return Max (6yo) was a sad dog when his best friend Ziva (3yo) went on a walk without him.
Max and Ziva on a roadtrip. This is their third holiday away together and they clearly know the fun…
Max and Ziva on a roadtrip. This is their third holiday away together and they clearly know the fun and mischief that awaits.
This is Buddy (also responds to Bubba and Bubs). He’s my corgi…
This is Buddy (also responds to Bubba and Bubs). He’s my corgi companion, and he’s been with me for a long 13 years now. Been with me through a tornado, through moving, breakups, and countless other life moments. He’s my…
Met this guy in the street, he’s very happy and he just wants to be petted on the head….
Met this guy in the street, he’s very happy and he just wants to be petted on the head. He’s very silly too
Ray, the 14 year old Golden Retriever and Gretzky, the 2 year old American Staghound.
Ray, the 14 year old Golden Retriever and Gretzky, the 2 year old American Staghound.
This is Onyx! He’s a sweet little lab mix and he shows affection…
This is Onyx! He’s a sweet little lab mix and he shows affection by sitting on people. -Natalie @songsaboutlove
Always with a toy in his mouth, and always ready to play! :)…
Always with a toy in his mouth, and always ready to play! 🙂 @sboynton94 #handsomedogs
Its that time of year where all dogs look great in leaves! :D…
Its that time of year where all dogs look great in leaves! 😀 @sboynton94 #handsomedogs
A questionable mutt!
A questionable mutt!
Hello, I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, but most of the posts from this blog lately are tagged animal death.
It was a glitch with the tags, it’s been mentioned a few times. The issue should be fixed now though and all future posts shouldn’t be tagged with random things like that.

If any of you remember Colt, here’s his best pal Bree! She’s my…
If any of you remember Colt, here’s his best pal Bree! She’s my boyfriends dog that he’s had since he was little. She’s an old lady now but still as cute as ever!
Paddy, a westie, 10 years old and loves riding in the car.
Paddy, a westie, 10 years old and loves riding in the car.
Hi! I was the one who asked about my dog staying outside at night. Just wanted to thank you and everyone who replied for their advice. And sorry for the rude anons who bothered you about your answer. If anyone wants to continue the conversation, my dogs a beagle mix with short hair, we live in the suburbs with a fenced in backyard, we don’t really get any wild animals back there, and she lives outside year round. If we open the door for her to come in when its cold, she’ll just stare at us funny
Thanks for the update anon!
This is Thor the dog of thunder. He spends most of the time…
This is Thor the dog of thunder. He spends most of the time asleep. If anyone knows what he might be, please feel free to let us know. So far the best guess is a wet fox or a shrunken…
My 10 year older Border/Longhair Collie mix! I love him to…
My 10 year older Border/Longhair Collie mix! I love him to death. -@adrenaline-skeleton
Meet Sage, our 5 year old Labrador retriever! @haldoll
Meet Sage, our 5 year old Labrador retriever! @haldoll
This is Stella, our 6 year old rescue mix of who knows what. @haldoll
This is Stella, our 6 year old rescue mix of who knows what. @haldoll
My 1 year old pup, Luna. Just look at those ears!- @phantombees
My 1 year old pup, Luna. Just look at those ears! – @phantombees
This is Aria, she’s a 4 year old Siberian Husky! You can follow…
This is Aria, she’s a 4 year old Siberian Husky! You can follow her and her brother Jack on Instagram @aria_and_jack -Alex Erwin
This is Jack! He’s a 4 month old Siberian Husky you can follow…
This is Jack! He’s a 4 month old Siberian Husky you can follow him and his sister on Instagram @aria_and_jack -Alex Erwin
This is harley, she’s 8 years old and loves to bark and dig! -…
This is harley, she’s 8 years old and loves to bark and dig! – @mads_thehatter
Here’s Rico Ramone, my handsome supersenior, in his new hoodie, Oct. 2018.
Here’s Rico Ramone, my handsome supersenior, in his new hoodie, Oct. 2018.
When it gets really cold at night my dad makes our dog come inside to sleep. He says he knows better than her, but our dog always scratches at the door of the room we put her in and always wants to go back outside so I don’t think the cold bothers her. Should I try and convince my dad to let her stay outside?
Listen, I’m all for letting pets make their own choices within reason. I will let my dogs choose to engage with me, choose which toys to play with, or which chews to get as a snack. But the thing is,…
This is Bug, she thinks winter mornings in Arizona are…
This is Bug, she thinks winter mornings in Arizona are chilly! #handsomedogs
This is Layla! She was 10 years old last week, and still runs…
This is Layla! She was 10 years old last week, and still runs on the sled team. And she’s a great bed pillow, too!
This is Otis! He’s a 2 year old cocker spaniel. -Liza
This is Otis! He’s a 2 year old cocker spaniel. -Liza
This is Dobby! My in-laws super sweet and affectionate collie!
This is Dobby! My in-laws super sweet and affectionate collie!
This is Menace. He was smart. He was beautiful. He was kind. He had an influence on everyone he met….
This is Menace. He was smart. He was beautiful. He was kind. He had an influence on everyone he met. He was quirky. He was weird. He was polite. He was gentle. He will be missed forever. Sleep well, angel.…
Hello again from Aslan!
Hello again from Aslan!
Bjorn & Cady…mischievous.
Bjorn & Cady…mischievous.
This is Princess! She is a German Shepher–lab mix who loves…
This is Princess! She is a German Shepher–lab mix who loves spending a good lazy Sunday by the lake. –@kortski
This is Cinch. He’s such a good boy that he crossed his paws and…
This is Cinch. He’s such a good boy that he crossed his paws and daintily takes any treats you give him. ❤️-@highlycaffeinated-k
Huey (aka Hunami) the hound mix and his cousin Albus…
Huey (aka Hunami) the hound mix and his cousin Albus Dumbledoggo, the black lab. Two sleepy pups after much wrestling.
handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s)(if you know the answer, please…
handsomedogs: Guess the breed(s) (if you know the answer, please refrain from playing this round!) Maverick is a 6 month old puppy. He is 17 inches tall and 35lbs – he will max out around 19 or 20 inches and…
Guess the breed(s)(if you know the answer, please refrain from…
Guess the breed(s) (if you know the answer, please refrain from playing this round!) Maverick is a 6 month old puppy. He is 17 inches tall and 35lbs – he will max out around 19 or 20 inches and about…
Handsome Lou makes puppy eyes to get his lacrosse ball back
Handsome Lou makes puppy eyes to get his lacrosse ball back
Sometimes my dachshund, Mikey, likes to sneak into photoshoots!…
Sometimes my dachshund, Mikey, likes to sneak into photoshoots! @mikeydaweenie on Instagram
Sunnie, a very handsome lady
Sunnie, a very handsome lady
This is Tommy, a Belgian Shepherd and Penny, a Labrador mix,…
This is Tommy, a Belgian Shepherd and Penny, a Labrador mix, showing off their new sweaters. @gab-gub
This is Murphy, my family’s six month old rescue puppy. He gives…
This is Murphy, my family’s six month old rescue puppy. He gives me this look if I stop snuggling him for one second
This is Ruby she is the best and most beautiful gorl
This is Ruby she is the best and most beautiful gorl
Lunafreya. A v pretty girl
Lunafreya. A v pretty girl
spartathesheltie: So the thing is, I’ve had Sparta for almost…
spartathesheltie: So the thing is, I’ve had Sparta for almost four and a half years now, and there’s one mystery I’ve never solved. Because, i mean, this dog is a lie. Her face ends with her jawline. That little dark…
This is Hero, and he’s a stray dog. He loves getting attention and belly rubs too!
This is Hero, and he’s a stray dog. He loves getting attention and belly rubs too!
My handsome boy called Cowboy!
My handsome boy called Cowboy!
Smudge always has a blast outside, it’s almost her first gotcha…
Smudge always has a blast outside, it’s almost her first gotcha day anniversary!
Cosmo is not quite a year old, but he can catch his tail in record speeds. The goodest of bois
Cosmo is not quite a year old, but he can catch his tail in record speeds. The goodest of bois
Luna- 9 y/o golden
Luna- 9 y/o golden
This is Sugar! She’s a yellow english lab who enjoys cuddles.
This is Sugar! She’s a yellow english lab who enjoys cuddles.
Maggie; the prettiest girl on the block.
Maggie; the prettiest girl on the block.

Paisley has heterochromia!
Paisley has heterochromia!
A handsome Mini Foxy❤️
A handsome Mini Foxy❤️
@justslowdown This is Kai, half Siberian husky and half Shetland…
@justslowdown This is Kai, half Siberian husky and half Shetland sheepdog. He’s a miracle of a dog, life-changing in so many ways. I didn’t believe in “heart dogs” until he became a part of me.
You really just tag pictures with literally anything for notes huh?
There was a glitch with the submissions where all the tags were being selected when people submitted from mobile! I couldnt figure out how to fix it so I just turned off all the options for choosing tags when submitting.…
She hat
She hat
She hug
She hug
This is Bean! She’s a golden doodle and a very good girl!
This is Bean! She’s a golden doodle and a very good girl!
A very hard worker.
A very hard worker.
Bobby, relaxing in his hot pocket
Bobby, relaxing in his hot pocket