
This is Luna, my 9 week old German shepherd puppy. You can follow her on Instagram @lunathegsd.
I’ve got my eye on you… “I wanted Mom to only have eyes for me…so I ate her glasses.” Nimitz Mom came home from a hard day at work to find her glasses in pieces all around the living room.
The cuddly Golden Retriever Poppy
Double the shame Dog: I snuck into the bedroom and ATE MOMMY’S PILLOW! Human: I forgot to shut the door to the bedroom!
Maya the Newfoundland & Zuni the APBT
Matilda, my twelve year old Australian shepherd mix, crashing my friends’ picnic
My rescue dog Clyde (aka Cocoa). He’s a bit lazy but the sweetest, most cuddly little guy ever!
Chip picked out a toy at PetSmart today and carried it to the register and the car all by himself (it was so cute).
Mylo. 2 year old Pembroke welsh corgi and the most lovable little boy ever
megpricephotography: Hi Everyone!! I noticed we reached 500 followers the other day – so hello to you all & thanks for following… Hope you’re enjoying Barney’s adventures! 😀
6woofs: Look at sweet little Timber-pants! Just over 3 months.
This ‘little’ guy is a mixed breed called Rhino and I love him a lot !
Not armchair… BUTTchair Ruby is a Great Dane puppy who – for some reason – LOVES to put her butt on the arm of this chair.
ashleymcadoo: Hunter’s eventful second birthday! Love him so much
All your clothes are belong to me I peed on my owners girlfriends entire bag of clean clothes…-Riley
Max the shih tzu!
Scrap booking Sparkles! I ate a bottle of glitter and now my poop sparkles.
Mister Beau is beating the heat with an icy treat! Follow on Instagram @misterbeau_thehounddog
12 months old Toy Poodle, “Pudel”.D.I.Y. summer cut. (^^)
Stax Snacks Not a very good dog. Our dog Stax is really a very good boy, except he kills things with stuffing.
Lazy Boy Bowie is a french bulldog who eats leather, paper and drywall. He keeps the shoe repair guy in business with my bags and nice leather boots.
foxicaopica: happy foxy
doglight: Blue Chow chow dogs are known for having a blue tongue, the one in the photo, is also named “Blue”! Dog Photography:
cococool: in the green green garden 😉
6woofs: Kiba in your face.
tempurafriedhappiness: Daily dose of Eeeepix. I feel like there should be some graffiti on that wall or something.
thedogist: Pashmak, Pomeranian, English Bay Beach, Vancouver, BC • “Pashmak means ‘cotton candy’ in Farsi”
This is Treya, a 7 year old rott weiler mix. I call her bear because of her massive size.
Captain of the high seas. Instagram: @kuzcothehusky
Blaze dressed in his patriotic wear for the 4th of July. #blazethehusky
fish shaming [x]
Ryleigh my sweet girl. 🙂 #ryleighthehusky
He really loves the pool! Follow on instagram @meatballtheairedale
Where the pets GO Luna decided to take a big whiz right in the dog food aisle of petco today!
The $10,000 meal Lucy decided that her dad’s hearing aids looked delicious. It was a $10,000 meal.
I was trying to replace the empty roll for you! Harry only eats toilet paper, paper towel, kleenex. And sometimes underwear.
Guard, my belgian shepherd puppy
Oh nose! “I got excited and tried to jump onto the bed but instead I hit mom in the face and broke her nose.”
Sniper, probably 6 years old, the craziest dog I’ve ever had.
Matthew Mikaelian Photography
Can’t get no satisfaction… We weren’t satisfied with just tearing apart the cushion. ~Paul We had to spread it all over the house, too! ~ Frank
lottacats: When you say “aggressive breed,” I’m assuming you mean “aggressively derpy.”
This is my 8 month old Morkie puppy, Zane. He may be only 6 pounds and really tiny, but he jumps onto the chairs and tables by himself! He’s seriously crazy.
David around 4 months old, he’s sleepy in the picture. | David’s Tumblr
10 month old lab retriever Allie.
This is Brynja, my 2-year-old pointer mix me and my fiancée adopted from Rhodes a year ago. She’s stubborn and eats everything she can get her paws on, but we couldn’t love her more!
My little Bug
Shameful B[r]ooks I have started my own album entitled Dog Shaming Brooks. He just eats everything! He ate my curtains 2 weeks ago.
Gran’s Labradoodle, Henry
Bad to the Boone Every flu/cold season, my dog faces his kryptonite – snotty tissues in the trashcan. He always fails the test.
This is my puppy Kile! He’s a 6 month old red and rust Doberman.
Meet Sherman, the rescued stray we just adopted from Luv Me Again. 🙂
Sock Monkey is no longer a funky monkey I put the Sock Monkey hat on my dog Buttercup, and when I left to publish the photo, she ate part of it.
Textbook dog behaviour – so much for Finals! “I ate a textbook – Cover and all” My dog, Sam, ate my textbook four days before the final exam.
My Gran’s labradoodle, Henry, when he was just a pup!
This is my grandma’s border collie, Smokie. I’m visiting for 2 weeks and while I’m here it’s my job to take him for a walk every day which is something I’m happy to do because he’s a great dog.
Margie, my 8 year old Belgian Shepherd.
my 1 year old rescue, terrier mix, marcie!
Knuckles, looking rather dashing. (10 weeks old)
Flat-coated retriever Jett gazing at the lake after a swim
A Stroll through the Woods. Instagram: @agirlandhersetter and @bewitchedmephoto
this is my cocker spaniel max paying more attention to his toy than anything else!
Just a basket full of toys
Our retired racer, onyx
To Grandmother’s house we go [potty] We traveled all day to get to Grandma’s and as soon as we arrived I ran into the living room, found the brand new chair, lifted my leg and peed on it.
Copper, 1 year old Welsh Pembroke Corgi See more at
Beautiful dog in need of a forever home! Sassy is a forty-pound, fixed female, German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix. She is very loving towards people and other animals, especially babies. She LOVES babies, no matter what species (this photo is a pic…
Snoring Third Wheel When I took my new rescued dog over to my boyfriend’s home for the first time, she snored so loudly he had sleep with headphones in.
My Buddy, Boxer/Pitbull Mix
Did Lexie go mudding with Louis Litt? I have been playing in the mud. I am not ashamed. Lexie loves the mud. She usually doesn’t like to play all by herself, but a big storm is an exception.
Roxas is staring into your soul.
Nick is always posing for the camera.
The worst thing to come home to when you have 5% battery life left on your phone… Yet another object falls to Dug’s teething activities!
Cubby and Gigi Mocha Christa Hanna littleboojean: Beautiful doggies available for adoption at the Humane Society for SW Washington. This place is the nicest shelter I’ve ever been to. They have a great facility and so many wonderful dogs and…
Peppy Redecorating Services Left her out of her crate for maybe an hour, came home to find she had torn the wallpaper off the wall!
This is Skye, she’s a lab and our cat stole her bed
This is my little baby, Jeep! I’ve been following this blog since I began tumblr so here is my contribution, my little yorkie, 12 years old and still going stronger since the day we got him.
lavender field & Vidra, the whippet
Toby dearest!!
kattlandanno: My dog had nine puppies this one I call Chubba wabba
huskyhuddle: Balto tolerating all the pictures.
Max Browar / / Justyna SinBro
The Fantastic Five / / Schneepfote
Kiba / / Nathan Tia
Oggie / / Geoff Banks
Australian terrier Silla / / Stefan Cardell
Dogo argentino puppy / / Martina Homjak
Welcome Wagon! Rocco, the pug, ran into the new neighbours’ house (they just moved in yesterday) and pooped on their floor. Welcome to the neighborhood!
BlueEye / / Ondřej Uhlíř
Pipa. / / jonathan berg
Bad Big Brother Birthday Blunder I ate my little sister’s Birthday Present.
Bull Terrier / / Ryan Plunkett
Gesundheit! Although incredibly adorable, this little guy doesn’t have the best manners. “I like to sneeze in my mom’s mouth when she yawns.”
Dalmatian / / Rudi
Derry, NH – Leica M3 – Portra 400 / / Ray Larose
Daddy get the shovel! Stupid cat tricked me again.
Good Girl – Labrador / / Simon Wrigglesworth