
My 2 year old Papillon x Chihuahua cross Bats. He had a difficult start with people that didn’t understand him, but he’s changed to a happy and more confident dog now with me. And he’s really, really smart!
Friend? Lulu thinks the whole world is her friend. Even after another dog tried to prove otherwise, leaving her with six stitches, she still tries to make friends with everyone and everything.
This is Saba, a lovely and friendly dog from neighbourhood, which sometimes pays us a visit.
A queen on her throne
First day out of my crate… “I destroyed ALL The Things!” -Trigger-
Ruby Charles Lindsey
Background cat makes dog out to be the patsy Bodie decided to finish the chips while everyone was gone.
Toy Poodle, Pudel. He isn’t Miniture Schnauzer.(=^x^=)
This boy is my main reason for living and I love him a whole lot!
Trunks the cattle dog
Setta – 2 year old Yorkie, Westie and Scottie mix. See more at
My beautiful Vivian. You can follow her here
Vint Kate Khintba
Dashing Andy Walker
King Charles Katie Frezza
Brumi Tamas Klausz
Dylan Robbie Khan
Ina Leinonen
samanthuhhh: Jerome Gabor Tokes
Dog Alexandra Yakushina
Pit bull Sam Andres Sivtsov
Dog on flower bed Christopher Cullen
Pawsive Resistance “I am too lazy to jump into the back of the car” Tucker is 1 year old and uses the technique of playing dead whenever he doesn’t want to do something.
The adorable Marley! May Whiston
My Queen Nicolás Arias
Bottoms Up I nip at my Mom & Dad’s behinds when I want to play.
Weimaraner Stella Aleksandra Kielreuter
Garfield is a female beagle Half a pan of Lasagna unguarded on the dining table.
Dej_2 Vilen Sherdin
Doberman Pinscher Christopher Zewatski
Dean Julia Grossauer
Food? Maaike Van Renterghem
aplacetolovedogs: Teddy bears make shelter dogs smile! Andy’s sweet smile stole one lucky family’s heart and he now has his furever home! spcaoftexas Visit their facebook page SPCA of Texas
Thank you, Ben! 🙂 juliezissou: Clark was SO happy to be with his best friend today. Somehow I captured his smile on film. 🙂
My two year (or so) old girl, Talia! She’s a cute little mix I rescued from the South 🙂 Seems to really love fall..
Hello Big Ears Patrik Berger
Gangster2 Sami
tired Lutz Reinhardt
Scottish Terrier West Highland Terrier {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Scottish Terrier or a West Highland Terrier?
Mark Anastasya Silakova
southernsnowdogs: He may just be my favorite
Ginny the mini poodle enjoys a run at the dog park!
I love playing the dog sitter for this little cutie.
Beware of the “Fartler” I fart and startle myself. Fart + Startle= “Fartle”. I’m a Fartler! Dolly tries his best to take a nap but is always awoken by the trumpeting of his own rear end which always wakes him…
Once street dog, Kali – Kathmandu, Nepal
Gideon’s second Halloween! [x]
Taking it past cute and straight into awkward Our lovely 4 yr old Parson Russell Terrier, Hope, is a cuddle bug. Once she’s comfortable on your lap she will start to slowly lick you in the same spot over & over…
Wedding Gifts Hambone helped receive our mail today. Bad dog!
#bugzthebeagle #beagle
Dublin enjoying Autumn
Take another little pizza my heart Mom made the mistake of placing the pizza box in the back. So I just helped myself to a piece. Not ashamed. Love, Tut.
You should BEE in class! I always know when Mom needs to be somewhere on time, so that’s when I cause the most trouble.
Charlie, my beautiful boy. He’s a schnauzer/choc Labrador cross.
Buddy 3 y/o Shih Tzu
This is Mister Beau, a two year old bloodhound mix. Follow us on Instagram @MisterBeau_thehounddog
Little Lady, Bernese Mountain Dog
Dawson the 9 week old Husky/German Sheppard/Lab mix from Northern Rescue in Canada
Here’s my little Labrador Odie when we first got him around 8weeks old, now he’s a bouncy 1 and a bit!
aplacetolovedogs: Cute Chihuahua pup Audrey has herself some fun discovering and playing with bubbles!!
My dog Roxy, she’s a Malshi (Shih Tzu + Maltese)
My 1.5 year old border colle/black lab mix, Charlie
My baby, Pongo, a Catahoula Australian Shepherd mix
isnt he handsome :-))
French Bulldog
Post-Canadian-Thanksgiving meat sweats I made a turkey wrap for my husband’s lunch, walked away for a few seconds and Chance, aka the blond haired thief, stole it and ate it!
hadissima: On Saturday, Toby and I went for a walk with a friend and her three dogs. One of those dogs is Becks, a Chinese Crested Powderpuff, who is just the cutest boy. He likes to run ahead with Toby…
I’m a natural redhead Zorro ate his Viking Halloween costume
Lactoasted the fan This is Honey. Honey really likes milk. Honey saw my glass of milk unattended and literally jumped on the opportunity.
The grub is always greener on the other side of the fence While the neighbours were having a nice family movie night, he broke down their baby gate, went straight for the puppy food, and took a toy with him on…
Being a dog is so hard sometimes. More Newfie/APBT/dog adventures:
Accidental protein bar binge barf-city My mom slept half the night on the couch because I had diarrhea from my protein bar binge and I STILL pooped by the back door.
The transformation of my puppy cash
Here’s my sweet boy Weenie
Whitwalk Bedwell River Valley Tofino, B.C. CANADA
this little guy takes his service dog training very seriously 🙂
My happy little pup, Jay, making the world a lovelier place for seven and a half years now.
Amstaff – puppy amstaff… 4 wees old..
Coda 🙂 He is a Shetland Sheepdog
Just some dog I saw on the streets in Dusseldorf that I thought looked cool. Taken on 35mm kodak film.
ashleymcadoo: We are dog sitting Russell this week and Hunter has been having tons of fun with a new buddy to run around (and lounge around) with!Checkout my {Facebook} & {Tumblr} for more awesome pet photo’s! I hope you enjoy!
Diego Pati
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retreiver {x}{x} Would You Rather… Have a Chesapeake Bay Retriever or a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever?
Pierre Katerina Kasparova
A soul for your soles This is a foster dog. I paid $4000.00 to have her legs fixed so she can climb up to the place I keep my good shoes.
Elena Murzina IMG_3137
Anton Eriksson Sixten
I take a-fence to this! We just paid $4000 for a nice picket fence so Maddie could play in the yard…but she is terrified of it and won’t go outside if we don’t go with her!
wakethesun. American Foxhound.
Golden opportunity for shaming! “I get stuck under the bed and bark when I need out. Usually at night. I did this when I was little.
Cherish Pavlis First trip to the beach!
gregsu _MG_6939.jpg
Let me show you how much I missed you As soon as my Dad sit down after work I start to hump him
David Yang DSC_0298
Fence Biter “I jump on the fence and take bites out of it.” If I don’t walk outside with my dog, every time he goes out he will race across the yard and jump on the fence and bite pieces…
Bella 7 months old Suilenroc
Amanda_mb “Dogs”
Max @ 4months Max @ 12 months Mandy 81.365
-Dan Hughes- Akita