His name is Loki and he is 3 months old, of a litter of seven he was the only one to get a grey coat. And that quite surprisingly, neither of his parents had a single grey hair on them.

His name is Loki and he is 3 months old, of a litter of seven he was the only one to get a grey coat. And that quite surprisingly, neither of his parents had a single grey hair on them.
Yeah, I mean dogs are ok. I have one greyhound/great dane/boxer/derp mix and two leopard geckos.
Our beautiful Amelia, a 6 month old medium coat border collie who has made our lives so happy. She is the sookiest dog I have ever met who cuddles you like a person!
Introducing Agaetis Byrjun – a wonderbucket of a dog who enjoys sleeping.. and more sleeping.
Xena had fun playing in the snow 🙂 My dog is the cutest creature, and I hope you enjoy her face as much as I do.
But the stuffing’s the best part! “I ate all the stuffing from my toy squirrel. Now I’m pooping out cotton like I’m Eli Whitney.”
Queen Brekke. Brekke deigned to wear her golden paper crown at our Yule Party … for about five seconds.
Franklin, Pit Bull Rescue www.bewitchedmephotography.com www.bewitchedmephoto.tumblr.com
This is Hotchner. He’s so much better than diamonds.
Bess, my adopted mutt from Spain
This is Renington AKA slobber-face. He’s half bloodhound and half rotweiler.
April has a heart on her chest.
Finn (left) and Jig (right), miniature Dachshunds.
8 month old border collie pup Photographed by: Norwegian dog photographer >Bluejay Photography <
Charlie last summer at the lake after a swim 🙂
Bed-head Mosby, the sheltie.
This is Max 🙂 He is a German Shepard mix. He loooves the snow!
These two idiots bring me great happiness. I love them more than any human.
Olly, my Old English Bulldog from San Antonio! He is 2 years young:)
Time to put the Christmas decorations away! We went out for dinner and Harley ate my mother’s favorite ornament off of the Christmas tree. Good times…
Wallace helping with the leaves
This is Romeo! The shihpoo with a Elvis curl:)
That’s what you get for going out! “My mommy left her heel on the floor. That’ll teach her to never leave me.” I left my black heels on the floor after getting back from a night out, during which we had…
Hugo was very lazy last Sunday.
My blue Merle Shetland sheepdog enjoying some snow
Pepe.Chihuahua. 4.5 years.
We all have issues We all have issues
PepeChihuahua, pictured at 1 year old in 2011
meet dexter hes a husky cross 🙂
Marla the Yorkie Poo.
Marla the Yorkie Poo!
Leda the flying pit bull.
This is Spanky’s begging face!
My beautiful girl Nora. She loves running and eating sticks!
Cheese, please? Evelyn the 6.5 month old Dogo Argentino
Stop, poop, and roll While my family was at church, I pooped on the trampoline and rolled in it for good measure.
My sweet boy, Angus. He’s a rescue and his smile makes me so happy.
@eos, what gives? Our English Springer Spaniel loves to eat my daughter’s lip balm. And not just any lip balm will do.
Tim’s 1st Birthday!
Benji the aussie snow pup.
andy the belgian malnois
Starbuck with two of her favorite things – a lake and a stick!
My Birthday was 1/12/2004…I now one years old…:)
Belgian shepard (Tervuren) Mother and daughter
This is my baby, Nudge. She is a 2 year old mutt. I love her to bits.
Nudge again. Because she’s the cutest. Anyone who wants can follow for more pictures of Nudge at CassieOhPhotography.tumblr.com
Bauer looking less than thrilled to be wearing moms Blackhawks jersey.
most handsomedogs of 2014: My BEST posts of 2014 December ♥ 7959 November ♥ 5196 October ♥ 45137 September ♥ 19590 August ♥ 17965 July ♥ 23234 June ♥ 18981 May ♥ 3312 April ♥ 14443 March ♥ 17322 February…
My American Bulldog, Buddy, contemplating life as a dog…..
That’s quite the a-coneplishment! I managed to open the lazy Susan & eat a whole loaf of bread, 4 burger buns, beef jerky & some meat sticks all while wearing this cone on my head!
Blue Doggy in the snow. Female catahoula mix. 12 yrs old
All ears! Husky Belgian shepherd mix, Kratos.
Voodoo the Belgian Malinois
Roxy – Shih Tzu + Maltese mixed breed
Little girl, where are your ears? facebook.com/kellerthedm
My little 10 year old Shih Tzu Lily!
Do-nut look at me, you left them unattended! Too many donuts
Your jokes fall flat-ulence Teddy farted so many times I had to leave the room numerous times.
His name is Simba and he’s a Shepherd-Pit mix.
My Gift to Mom for the New Year I pulled Mom into a parked car, breaking one of her ribs. In my defense, the cat I was chasing started it.
Her name is Apples.
My 1.5 yr old puppy, Ruby
Sprinkler Trenching “I’m helping put in new sprinklers.”
Kaji waiting at the window.
africandogontheprairie: Too much handsome.
My 11 year old Shih-Tzu puppy, Max
shepherd-tails: 1/3/2014 Wearing her Christmas bandana that she got from her handsomedogs barkbox. c:
Molly, 3.5 yo basset hound
Begle http://bobibeagle.tumblr.com/
Charming Argie
My snow-pup, Humphrey (Denver, CO)
Shepher husky mix is 5 months tomorrow!
Chair vs Bed “Why sleep in a bed when I have this chair…” Bella’s grandpa gave her a very nice bed, but she refuses to sleep in it.
Hercules the tornjak: snow is his favourite weather!
Odie staying warm on a cold winter’s night
Doggie-door solution Doggie solution to missing his mom
Re: kosherbird
Baby you’re fireworked up for nothing! Noises outside of my control freak me out. I broke the new ceramic water bowl when the bug guy was here…Chewed up the wooden blinds to assert my dominance to the gentleman who cleans the…
My Chow/Shepard mix Strider through my new fisheye lens!
Earnest the border collie
Mom does the responsible thing, dog disagrees I ripped my own poop bag open while misbehaving at the park, now I am covered in it.
perfectdogs: Here’s 6 week old Aska with the second smallest puppy. She was so tiny.
Baby Hugo is getting bigger and handsomer. (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico)
“Mummy, can i bring my stick to bed? Pweeease!” My 12 year old sprocker spaniel, Buster.
Simply happy 😉
Annikan, Irish Setter www.my3musketeers.tumblr.com
Bauer, formerly known as “Billy” would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Hudson, with his ball. #goldenretriever #handsomedogs #olderdogs
Marla the Yorkiepoo via. instagram.com/marlathedog
Bilbo, Golden Retriever, Career Changed Service Dog www.my3musketeers.tumblr.com
Basima Jennifer S
beyza Aleksandra Kielreuter
I Am Majestic WM Dual Photography
Snowy Diesel Ludmila Bartošíková
L U N A Juuso Santala
Time for bed. blackmeaw
LetsPlay A. Y. D’Alencar