Mr. Oscar

Mr. Oscar
The podiatrist “I STEAL SHOES!” and when it’s not cold outside, I bury them in the garden, dig them back up, and bring them inside full of dirt. Lots of love, Eve
All smiles
my baby, Tina. She’s a chihuahua fox terrier mix 🙂
Ain’t no one gonna tell me what to do Gomer poops on your weak attempt to regulate where she poops.
This is our two year old husky hurley, the most photogenic one in the family. Behind her is Ollie who is an seven year old kelpie mixed breed.
And I’d do it again! I pooped in the hallway, ran into the neighbors apartment, ate their dogs food, and peed in their kitchen.
my pug Bambi looking fabulous (photographed by me)
Toph, 7yo female AmStaff mix
Sorry everyone! Blame the dog. Hi you guys, We’re so sorry our website has been wonky over the past few weeks. We’ve been working hard to fix all the bugs, make it faster, and more stable.
This is Watson a 7 week old English Golden Retriever.
Loving the cool weather!
meet dexter this was him at 9 weeks he’s a husky cross akita 🙂
meet Baer, the most delightful miniature dachshund in the world!
My new puppy Wyatt! He’s a two month old Australian Cattle Dog
Apollo, my 9 month-old Siberian Husky (:
Schatzi and Cudi.
6woofs: <3
ulandjoy: Free spirit. Ula.
Here is Echo again :3
Don’t eat the strawberries On a visit to Nan’s house this is what happened…
This is Na-re. My lovely Japanese Spitz when he was just a puppy!
Fred chillin’ on a hot Summer day.
Fluffing vs. Farting!! Our female Blue Healer has in my opinion, Farts that could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.
Meet Sky, my pit bull mix. We rescued her from a shelter a little over a year ago!
Not My Cup of Tea My wife started giving our Corgi some hot tea during the Winter. Now whenever she makes herself a cup of hot tea, she will make him a cup of hot tea or he will not let…
Royal highness… Petra Spoerle-Strohmenger
Balance Andy
SHE DID IT! My name is E-lynn.. It was New Year’s Eve & they left Portia (my BFF) and I home alone again..
Bolota at the fog Matilde Passanha
Kokoro the american eskimo dog, via
Harty Again. We believe she is a Beagle and Smooth Collie mix.
This is Gunner, he’s a golden retriever and the best dog anybody could ask for.
Woody the English Toy Terrier
Kokoro the american eskimo, via
cat or dog? the world may never know.
Penny, my chocolate lab
Quiet (not for long) mornings.
This is one of my favourite pictures of Casey.
Pouty Kratos on a rainy day. R00ftops&ajtafoya
A curious Zoey approaches.
Willow Bear
Howard the du…dog? Came home and found Howard finishing off a bag of dog treats- there’s no way he could have gotten them down.
This is Beauregard, a dashing Chihuahua/Blue Heeler mix
Jericho is a German Shepherd x everything mix. Taken in the Rocky Mountains of Canada
My professional portrait of Olive, the Saint Bernard x Alaskan Malamute
This is Lily otherwise knows as #thechocolatepig on Instagram. 6 year old Lab. My professional dog photo work is located at
This is a photograph of my beautiful Dolores, called Dolly. She’s a keeshond.
Yuni the red sesame Shiba wishing everyone a superb 2015!
This is my 1 year old husky mix Otis! Love him so much #submission
readysetdash: A year ago today this little squishy met the world <3
Water-yarfing chihuahua I drink water too fast, than walk away and throw it right back up on the floor.
This is Owsley Bear the 90 pound brindle rottweiler/staffordshire, and he’s the sweetest dog around!
My friend’s dog Blackie 🙂 Unknown breed but cute as heck and hip-high at 2 years old! He’s full of boundless energy and his right ear is folded like that all the time
What a delicious Wedding! We’ve always known that Brew was a food motivated dog but never before had he raided the fridge while we were home.
Ella bear, the beautiful lab cross!
It wasn’t me! I promise it wasn’t me who “helped” landscape the yard!
4 year old Brooklyn.
snowdogsshowdogs: My love <3
I added a little colour to your life! Tet chewed up a whole package of rainbow construction paper all over Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom. Maybe he wanted to add a splash of colour!?
My beautiful rescue lab Maui playing in the first snow of 2015
Sirius repping Boston Red Sox all the way in Australia! Instagram: siriustheblackpug
foxicaopica: snow fox
Taschka. A picture of my boyfriend´s parents´ dog Taschka. She´s a mix out of pretty much everything. Although she´s a huge dog, she still acts, like she´s a puppy and that´s, what I love about her.
cococool: perfect weather today 🙂
shepherd-tails: 1/6/2015 Always eating snow…
Our baby girl Monty
Cosmo. Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix. 2 months old. Small. Loving.
My dog Max Is my “Emotional Support Animal” we make a really good team. He helps to keep my anxiety under control:) Love my Lil Buddy dearly. He`s awesome dog smart and loyal.
perfectdogs: She doesn’t have any tags on and she’s not microchipped. She’s only 12 weeks old. (Originally posted by lilypad_thevizsla on instagram).
Duke the German Shepherd
Rabbit of Caerbannog Stewie got this sign for Christmas after she bit a chunk of fur out of her kitty brother’s neck because he always tries to eat her hay.
Sometimes though, Cedric looks more like a clown. Such a happy, funny little man. All he does is make the people around him smile.
Jake the Basenji! His hobbies include taking long naps and eating in between them.
Fifi being lazy 🙂 she’s about 10 years old now
Huxley in the snow
Petra (left), my grans dog and Abra my dog on a very frosty afternoon
Is this a test-icle? I clawed my dad’s testicle when he tried to give me a bath. -Lucy
Kali the English Mastiff Pit Mix from New Jersey. 🙂
My Smokey He’s 9 years old this December 2014 I love him so much ❤️
This is Trigger. He is a 2 year old mix of some sort! But is the sweetest boy there is.
Dobby is a mix between a Staffordshire, Lab, Boxer, and bulldog.
Luna, my long haired miniature dachshund
Elliot and Kaizen So Sweet
Maverick the Malaweiler
Sometimes Cedric looks like a model.
Barney the staffordshire bull terrier cross whippet enjoying his favourite cushion
sweetwildhoneychild This is Pablo, or baby Pabs as I call him. 7 year old Weimaraner with endless energy!
Ginny is a two year old German Shepard/Golden Retriever mix. We rescued her back in May and has been the sweetest dog ever. She also loves her new bandana!
this is sophie, and she loves flowers and summer swims
This is Ima. She’s our 2 year old dachshund. Quite the handsome lady.
My everything mix brown dog Watson, in the Rocky Mountains of Canada
Snow face
Portuguese Water Dog
My Siberian Husky, Piper, in her natural habitat. Her instagram is @piperpippa for more! 🙂
Snow day!
predatorsupportclub: Day 25 – Leash