I WANTED THE PINK ONE!! This is the third doggy bed daddy has brought home and this is the third doggy bed Ellie has destroyed in a matter of 4 months of being home!!!

I WANTED THE PINK ONE!! This is the third doggy bed daddy has brought home and this is the third doggy bed Ellie has destroyed in a matter of 4 months of being home!!!
My baby boy Hiccup ♥ Border Collie
Majestic Pyr
Ziggy the Hobbit My name is Ziggy and I lie! When mommy sleeps in and daddy feeds me breakfast I lie to mommy and tell her I haven’t eaten so she gives me a Second Breakfast.
Panda wasn’t supposed to live through his first winter. He is currently enjoying his eighth.
iheartfinnipeani: Fauni on Flickr.
Amos is a one year old Vizsla-Mastiff mix who loves to play fetch and go to the dog park!
Ball and the Beach What More Could A Dog Ask For!
Maria, Mutt, 2 years old.
Alcide, the Alaskan Malamute. By Natalia Alexandrov
This is Bandit. He’s a 9 year old rescue Pomeranian. He enjoys kisses and nonstop cuddles 🙂
Socks and Spoons We can’t figure out where Mandy is hiding our spoons and socks. Only one sock per pair, and we’ve gone through at least 20 spoons.
Our 9 month old Cavalere King Charles, Duke 🙂
Our newest addition Leroy. He’s a jack russell dachshund cross and a handful. coonfog9.tumblr.com
Munchkin Munchkin is 10 years old and I’ve had her since she was 7 weeks old. A typical food crazy dachshund, she steals food from anyone who isn’t savvy to her thieving ways.
My beautiful boy when he was younger. His name is cooper and he ignores every command I give him.
Me Sorry, Me Bad This is Cookie Monster she loves to destuff her toys even her favorite toys
Snowy is a very well-loved, energetic and beautiful 12 year old mutt! Rescued in Anaheim, she lives with us now in Chicago where she puts up with the snow, loves playing with her friends at dog beaches, and chases all…
Some puppies at the animal shelter I work at.[Photo by Amaryada]
French Dog, French Kisses My Frenchie decides to eat some cat treats, his human sister came home, picked him up, he proceeded to give her smelly Frenchie Kisses
Pitbulls have the best grins, especially after throwing the tennis ball a few times!
My Riley boy when he was just a wee lad. 🙂
I believe that dogs are pure joy and happiness in a living form. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/scumbag93
Missy the cairn terrier/Lhasa apso mix
My handsome rescued lurcher boy Caspar waiting for the frisbee!
This is Russel today! Just about a year and half old now, he is such a great dog and is one of my best friends. ~ atlanticsea529.tumblr.com/
This was Russel when he was just about two months old, he is an Australian Sheppard Lab mix.
Linda in 2006.. she is now 15 years old!
Axel, my best bud on the farm I interned at this summer.
Dohjo corgie/bulldog Beach day in Seattle !
This is Dominic, he is a sharpei Boston terrier mix.
my 7 year old baby, diamond
Gumbo. A 4-year old Japanese Chin.
Baxter, the ten year old dachshund/beagle mix, hamming it up for the camera as usual.
The world’s biggest alarm clock Dustin is our beautiful two year old Vizsla who hates us sleeping in. If the bedroom door is shut he will cry until we get up.
gah, i couldn’t decide what picture to submit first but this is jupiter, we’re not sure what breeds he’s all mixed with but he’s beautiful <3
Stitch. Beagle , notre fifille d amour
Sapphire has beautiful eyes.
I met my husband through our doodles, at the dog park. Naturally, they were in our wedding! #weddingdoodles
Stowrm looking akward
This is Bella, my darling four-year-old shelter mutt. She almost never looks at the camera, but that goofy smile is a constant.
Ollie (ollietherottweiler.tumblr.com) and Barney (megpricephotography.tumblr.com) in Malvern 🙂
Bella and four of her pups, Sage, Peekay, Mac, and Major
Chihiro playing in the yard :~)
Kira, our Czechoslovakian wolfdog
Heisenberg likes his single ladies’ shoe collection Heisenberg is starting his own single-shoe collection!
theseinconvenientfireworks: Siege – Belgian Malinois (but tbh she’s probably mostly a wild woodland animal because that’s how she/Malinois acts)
More spam of my favorite rescue mutt, Ayla!
Naughty iGreg Gregory decided mommy’s cell phone charger looked delicious, so he took a bite…. A few bites…
My bestfriends dog, Remy. Named after Peirce Brosnans epic prelude Remington Steel to his Bond days.
Parisian Nightmare! We were packing up to leave our apartment in Paris after a fun weekend with the dogs.
Kano (American Shepherd) and BoomBoom (East German Shepherd)
Our Beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog puppy Jethro. 11weeks old, 30lbs of love <3. His quirks are what brought him to us. He might not be “standard” to the breed but he’s perfect to us.
Gift Certificates Are Overrated Sign reads: “Do you want to send me back yet??” My husband came home…
schnoz lokidog: I love Loki’s eyes. Lurve love LUFF them! He’s also very patient.
lennuthelassie: These two <3
Winston, a mixed breed!
My two year old and three month old Anatolian shepherd. Dixie and Shelby.
This is Ranger! He’s an 11 year old Black Labrador Retriever!
My beautiful baby, Prince 5 year old Staffy something, we’re not 100% sure
This is Royce, he’s a goober.
This is Sadie, an 11 year old Shorthaired English Pointer. She enjoys pointing at birds, runs in the forest, and mud baths on hot days.
My puppy kado he’s a St. Bernard/Rottweiler mix
shepherd-tails: Chewy is holding a Valentine’s day photo contest, and we’d really love to win! We would REALLY appreciate your vote, if you wouldn’t mind going to this link and hitting the “like” button on the top right of the…
Scholastika, Harzer Fuchs, 3 years old.
Codie, 2 y/o Siberian husky
This is my 3 year old chocolate lab Brady!
Of course this was a wiener dog! And the vet asks my mom if I ever chew on metal! I’ll get that lizard one day and then maybe I’ll stop chewing the down spout.
Casper a french 7 years old dog. He loves sleeping or playing with his favorite ball… He is so calm and friendly, a really cute dog ! He is a mixed breed with a majority of Maltese in his DNA !
idk what to say but this is my 11-year old West Highland White Terrier and i’m just so in love with this picture i need to share ♡
Raw Raw Oh La La! My mom had just taken the bacon out to cook it and ran to go potty. I saw my chance and ate it all!!!
Puppy Bowl XI Starting Lineup
This is my approx. 2 year old, Opal! We think she is a feist of some kind. She is about 25 lbs, has a boundless amount of energy, stalks squirrels and rodents quietly (unlike a hound, so I’m told), and…
Football, smootball! Now no one can play with the ball. Who are you rooting for to win the superbowl: Seahawks or Patriots?
Castle the rescued pug!
Hardheaded pup I like to run around really fast and blast my head into the drywall. Then eat the chips that fall off. -Al
Big baby Echo
Baby gurl Trin
My beagle Tiffany likes just sitting somewhere and stare at me as she slowly falls asleep.
Blackie – A rescue lab-mix that we brought back home, she has been very loyal and sweet since day 1!
My “not so perfect” yet PERFECT Bernese Mountain Dog puppy Jethro. Sure he’s missing some white on his face, and he has a mild overbite but I’m more than willing to over look the little things. He still needed a…
gogogadget93: Pretty KAYA
Ghost! The spookiest dog.
Ellie and Monty #puggle and #bug cozying up
This is Mr. McBrownie, my 5 year old Russian Toy on his birthday!
Rudolf (Rudy) German Shepherd
At the beach with my 2 year old husky Codie <3
Flying Purple Pillow Eater Roman, Great Dane-Hound, attacked yet another pillow. This one…mom’s favourite.
my sweet old golden retriever, Shasta
Sister’s 5 year old lab mix Lilly on the left, and my 2 year old boxer mix Darla on the right.
The Gross Brothers He always poops on beds, mattresses, and pillows 🙁 his brother never stops him but always runs to tell us what’s going on.
my gal Addie in 2012 (her favorite part of bath-time is the drying off part)
The Nosy Guest My dog Cody —-“I like to stick my nose up the cat’s butt; and lick the dog’s wiener as often as I possibly can.
Booker, rat terrier x blue heeler, insane but my best friend 🙂
This is Captain at the end of Autumn.
What? I got hungry. I chewed through my leash so now I won’t be going for any more walks.
Scout – Boxer mix – 22 months old
This is Ryder, the Australian Cattle Dog