Tongue bath Valkyrie rolls in poo snow, Roland helps clean her fur

Tongue bath Valkyrie rolls in poo snow, Roland helps clean her fur
Loba la bella my Belgian Mallinois
guidedogintraining: Rare shot of a Georgia dog in snow; fave from yesterday. Murphy is almost 5 months old and already 50lbs.
This didn’t need a sign. OH MY DOG! Hatfield and McCoy were left alone for less than 2 hours and decided to redecorate. I guess carpet really isn’t their thing!
Bromley, my black labrador retriever!
R.S.F. (Resting Shame Face) Delta Magnolia Dawn is a great dog, she never eats phone chargers, power cords, underwear, dog beds, shoes or garbage.
Tit for tat My master yelled at me for sleeping on her bed. I, in return, ate her ear buds. Now we’re even! Kota
The princess said let them eat cake I waited until my owner fell asleep and helped myself to the cake
The beautiful Saluki Photo captured by Norwegian dog photographer »Bluejay Photography«
Hello! My name is Kobi, and I am an Alaskan Klee Kai Kobi on Tumblr
Snoop Dogg Piccolina by [url=racoonrampage][/url]
Why Does the Dishwasher Smell Funny? We were doing the dishes after dinner and we all noticed a funny smell. I thought it was just the garbage disposal, but little did we know that Crosby left us a secret present.
What a hoser! My Norwegian Elkhound, Camden, decided that the garden hose was his own personal chew toy. Well, it is now.
Frozen weenies We destroyed our electric blanket. Now we are cold.
Australian Shipster I chewed Joanne’s glasses that she bought 3 months ago to replace the year-old glasses that I also destroyed. Pepper, 10 mos. old
My little dog Nina with snow covered mountains in the far distance, Fuengirola, Spain.
megpricephotography: My new boy, Flynn! Out having some fun in the fields this morning… he looooves the ball 🙂
young pet / / Martin Bula
Beagle / / Andrey Shat
Good morning Duke
Penny A much older picture of my Great Pyrenees, Penny.
Ollie loves train journeys!
Stogie’s Donuts, eh? I ate the bacon maple donuts my mom was saving for my furless brothers!
This is my big pup Boof
lokithegreyhound: Mia
Garbage Pasta I searched the trash can for leftover spaghetti…I love spaghetti #busted
lifeofcosmo: A short walk through the gray forest by buzzyrobot
Luna learns the hard way that no means no Luna took a bath in the Duck Swamp, look how clean she is….
canismirabilis: Mesa got to visit the local comics shop, Things from Another World.
cynocentric: You want a hot doggy? You better work bitch.
Bella, the Gum Stealer “I stole gum from my mom’s purse! I’m naughty!” I had just gotten home from work, took Bella out, brought her back inside, and while in the restroom, I thought I heard funny sounds.
Goddess My derp of a Pyrenees, Penny. (she’s actually extremely derpy in person)
felill: Jean Dark Snö of SwedenDoberman – kennel Jean Dark
direhusky: Miss Big Ears
shepherd-tails: 2/17/2015 My perfect Mika. <3
This is my girl, Maxi. She is a Husky Shepard mix, and she Loves to run, especially in the snow! Betsy Dougherty
Meet Dawson Prince. He turns one on February 27th. His favourite thing is to run around the yard chasing a ball and interacting with humans. He is the biggest sweetheart.
This is Aero, my best friend of four years and counting.
Cheeri-oh no!! Somehow our dog Malcolm got my son’s school art project off the counter and ate the cheerios that had been glued on.
Ragnar, our flower eating English Mastiff/St Bernard mix.
Mine, mine, mine, mine! I have to mark EVERYTHING! including chairs, doors and other dogs!
Behold Pippa, the dog who is more photogenic than her owner.
I saw a bug “I destroyed a door, because of a bug.”
Paxtun, my parents 1 yr old Golden Retriever, playing in the snow
matermatriscanislupus: Pixel being the cutest dog ever.
A candidate for book #2? Ross ate the cover of his owner’s brand new Dog Shaming book, as well as a utility bill, a set of Legos, and some toilet paper straight off the roll.
We were snowed in for 4 straight days! It gave me some time to knit some new things. Willie is not sure what to think about a snood over his ears! But think he looks super cute with teddy bear…
This is Kizmet aka Kizzy. She is the youngest of our four female Aussies. We LOVE each and every one of them but because she is a puppy she gets the most attention at this time. (Yes, she looks just like…
Part of a complete diet Charley says: I ate the cactus house plant & I am not sorry. Jabu says: Tomorrow you will be !!
huskyhuddle: Balto. Pack Member. Therapy Dog. Urban Mushing Extraordinaire. Snuggle Butt. Best Friend. Soul Dog.
lukaskinsel: Copeland the dog handsomedogs
Buffy the Remote Killer Buffy is my 6 month-old Borgi (border collie/corgi mix). No matter how many toys she has, electronics have a special appeal.
michibita: Have a nice Saturday !
aruthaugusta: Blue is obviously smiling.
That’s my little french girl!
Dog with a Death Wish If there has been a coyote prowling around at night, when mom lets me outside to potty, I go after it!
This is mila . She is a 4 months old husky. She loves water and pose for photos.She is the cutest and funniest dog ever! You should see her talking me back! It’s so funny! We all love Mila.
The Do’s and Do-do not’s of the dog park Klaus got too excited at the dog park and ended up getting covered in his own poo……resulting in a very unimpressed weimaraner.
My pride and joy, Porter. He is a purebred Border Collie that comes from rural NC. He enjoys long walks on the beach, chasing tail (seagull), and cuddling to your heart’s content. He truly is my best friend.
megpricephotography: Barney at the park today 🙂 Eek, 2 more sleeps until new doggie arrives!!
he’s a bit sick… but still the happiest dog
Ping-Pong Ball Buster Okie barks and cries every time we play ping-pong. When she finally gets the ball she destroys it!
This is Pod my saluki cross. He’s 7 months and the sweetest little guy.
Alfie the Golden Retriever 🙂
Vlogger Gobbler Sasha is a pup, an over-active one at that. She’s destroyed our last couple of bills, and no amount of scolding has corrected it.
my friend @w-aanker ‘s year old German Shephard husky mix, Duke.
handsomedogs: New shirt available for purchase!
two, four, six, ate my homework We went to watch my sons wrestling match and came home to a chewed up Ziploc bag of multiplication facts that she stole out of my son’s backpack.
Official Package Inspector Sheldon has a bed in my home office and is a faithful work companion. However, he is obsessed with packages and checks them all for snacks – sometimes prior to my approval/checking contents.
There’s nothing better than coming home and being greeted by Sadie.
We enjoyed our hike today at the Wind Wolves Preserve. Whinchester is indeed a Flower child
My saluki cross, Pod at 7 months.
Penelope The Chug doing what she does best: melting hearts with puppy dog eyes. Follow Penelope at: penelopethechug.tumblr. com
New shirt available for purchase!
No pot of gold yet….. “I eat crayons. Later, I poop rainbows.” Harvey, our yellow lab, devours crayons if they are left out.
You mean to tell me you don’t like 2am showers? I rolled in Stinky Poo! (late at night when Mommy did NOT want to have to get in shower!)
This month’s centrefold Our 1 year old Black Lab Trooper likes to take anything that is posted on the fridge, our new 2015 Calendar was the latest casualty, apparently he was hoping for an appearance on the 2016 calendar.
My baby Lola being her normal silly self ☺️
Loki enjoying a warm winter day
Life is Better with a Dog: Yay, a new shirt!
People pay good money for well-ventilated sport socks! My name is Gigi. I like to sneak in my family’s bedrooms and steal only their dirty socks and underwear and eat holes right through them!
This is Angus. He is my 6 month old English Mastiff puppy. He currently weighs over 100 pounds but will eventually double in size.
Sprout the Brussels Griffon X Miniature Schnauzer in her signature bow tie.
Rub a dub dub, two dogs need a tub! After a visit to the beach Missy had a sore stomach….
Ammee, almost 13 year old Golden Retriever
Every. Single. Time. Every time I go to work with Dad, I poop under the boss’ desk
Not afraid of the Mother of dragons Came home from food shopping, and we find the eyes of my fiancée’s dragon slippers on the floor and the dog on the couch not making eye contact with us.
My handsome Bam Bam on his way to the lake.
Morgan enjoying a sunbeam! 12 week old basenji puppy.
this is my little fella ‘Booney’. He is a 13 year old bangkaew-chowchow mix.
This is a shot of 21 RT puppies from two litters.
Chewhuahua This is Lupe our so-cute-you-can-ignore-her-evil chihuahua mix. Her caption reads “Sometimes I absentmindedly chew on the coffee table.
This is Ashby ~ he came from a pound in TN so we’re not too sure of his breed mix; we think he’s part corgi and part border collie